United States47024 Posts
On November 09 2012 23:14 57 Corvette wrote: Is roaming a solid part of the midlaners responsibilities now? I have trouble roaming and knowing when to gank other lanes. How do I learn how to roam/gank properly as a midlaner? It's not about midlaners in general, but rather the role of individual champions. Roaming around too much as Anivia is going to be awkward, whereas it'd be a waste to just stay mid and farm/suppress the enemy laner as TF.
You have to learn the specific strengths/weaknesses of each of those laners.
Salce been spilling the beans on Viktor I've seen him play 3 games as him since yesterday and he's carried hard
for AP mids. Flat ar or hp/lvl Yellow?
On November 10 2012 05:01 nosliw wrote: for AP mids. Flat ar or hp/lvl Yellow? Hp/lvl
Depends on the champ and the matchup. Taking armor means you won't get right clicked to death (anivia vs heimerdinger), HP/lvl if you need survivability and your base HP growth is shit (cassiopeia) and flat mana regen if it allows you to waveclear or sustain in lane (some Ahri matchups).
I like flat armor seals on ap mids because how good it is vs autoattack harassing champs and helps vs jungle ganks and lowers incoming minion damage
I go mana regen/5 on most of my mids personally. but hp or armor depends on matchups and whether or not you can auto harrass them well but hp/lvl seems to be the more popular one
Been first timing mids lately and has been working out really well. Malph mid seems really strong especially at level 6. dat flash instant ulti kinda stuff wrecks in ganks. (only issue i'm having is people taking blue when they don't need it... lee taking 2nd blue and mf taking 4th and 5th... :l) but otherwise the games went a lot better than i'd expect lux mid is pretty good too (especially in laning) nidalee is pretty good until late game comes since it's solo queue people don't know how to poke, but she still has a crazy heal/attack speed buff that keeps her really good i think. and last of all, darius mid seems to work really well because people don't get armor and he just craps all over people who aren't ready for it. and then i get mobility boots and just play it like talon and laugh a lot.
Like xes said you have 3 options: armor, hp/lv, and mp5. If you consistently play mid you should have all 3 rune pages, with flat MR and AP/lv blues and flat AP and MS quints to cover all your bases.
If you are doing blind pick I would go with armor yellow and flat MR blue. They are the safest options and will help in any lane.
EDIT: armor even more so now that lee sin jungles and mids are everywhere...
On November 10 2012 05:01 nosliw wrote: for AP mids. Flat ar or hp/lvl Yellow?
most common ones in my experience are flat mp5 yellows, hp/lvl on manaless, and apparently on cassio you also go hp/lvl. Armor vs talon/panth/whatever other ad mid or if you're playing a melee like kat/graggy/diana
Why does like every streamer have the "Red Stripe"?
I am green stripe, and never get honorable opponent :-/
On November 10 2012 05:16 cLutZ wrote: Why does like every streamer have the "Red Stripe"?
I am green stripe, and never get honorable opponent :-/
Because that's how you Celebrate Life's Hoorays. Hooray Beer!
On November 10 2012 01:31 Zdrastochye wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2012 01:24 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:03 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 01:02 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:00 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 00:57 Alaric wrote: AD reds and quints, armor yellows, flat MR blues, you're set. Disagreed. MR per Level is far more effective since AP fighters won't be an issue early (as they are usually quite weak early and not in your lane anyway) and MR per level gives more benefit later when they are actually dangerous. Flat AD and Flat Armor is boss though. yeah which is great because supports and ads never have any magic damage right? Not enough to make flat MR worth it compared to scaling MR, no. so you're saying if you're against a kill lane which is usually mostly magic damgae burst you'd rather risk snowballing the lane so you have 13 more mr later? It's harder to pin your MR as a reason you lost to a kill lane. You probably just played poorly.
It's even harder to pin mr down as a reason why you got killed by a burst ap. The difference is in teamfights if you get caught by a burst ap there were things you could do to avoid it and unless he's underfed he can probably one combo you 13 mr or not, but in lane you HAVE to get creeps meaning to do well in lane you have to risk getting bursted and 200 gold worth of mr is worth more early game since its a higher % of your gold and defensive stats than 200 gold later.
flat armor or ap/level imo mana regen is fairly worthless since they buffed everyones natural mana regen like 2 years ago
On November 10 2012 05:17 Sandster wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2012 05:16 cLutZ wrote: Why does like every streamer have the "Red Stripe"?
I am green stripe, and never get honorable opponent :-/ Because that's how you Celebrate Life's Hoorays. Hooray Beer!
Haha. <3 <3
I'm watching the ESL asia games, iG vs LGD game 3. This is pre-nerf rengar. Xin Zhao was down 0-2 in lane, and was over 1k gold down by ~12min, but was STILL out-trading red pot rengar. I was going to pick up Xin anyway for his Zhao Yun skin but holy crap that looks strong.
Anyone know his runes/masteries that game?
Here's the link, starts ~1hour 10min in. http://www.twitch.tv/eslasia/b/338188238
On November 10 2012 05:17 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2012 01:31 Zdrastochye wrote:On November 10 2012 01:24 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:03 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 01:02 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:00 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 00:57 Alaric wrote: AD reds and quints, armor yellows, flat MR blues, you're set. Disagreed. MR per Level is far more effective since AP fighters won't be an issue early (as they are usually quite weak early and not in your lane anyway) and MR per level gives more benefit later when they are actually dangerous. Flat AD and Flat Armor is boss though. yeah which is great because supports and ads never have any magic damage right? Not enough to make flat MR worth it compared to scaling MR, no. so you're saying if you're against a kill lane which is usually mostly magic damgae burst you'd rather risk snowballing the lane so you have 13 more mr later? It's harder to pin your MR as a reason you lost to a kill lane. You probably just played poorly. It's even harder to pin mr down as a reason why you got killed by a burst ap. The difference is in teamfights if you get caught by a burst ap there were things you could do to avoid it and unless he's underfed he can probably one combo you 13 mr or not, but in lane you HAVE to get creeps meaning to do well in lane you have to risk getting bursted and 200 gold worth of mr is worth more early game since its a higher % of your gold and defensive stats than 200 gold later.
Start dodging Zenith blade.
On November 10 2012 05:47 Zdrastochye wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2012 05:17 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:31 Zdrastochye wrote:On November 10 2012 01:24 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:03 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 01:02 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:00 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 00:57 Alaric wrote: AD reds and quints, armor yellows, flat MR blues, you're set. Disagreed. MR per Level is far more effective since AP fighters won't be an issue early (as they are usually quite weak early and not in your lane anyway) and MR per level gives more benefit later when they are actually dangerous. Flat AD and Flat Armor is boss though. yeah which is great because supports and ads never have any magic damage right? Not enough to make flat MR worth it compared to scaling MR, no. so you're saying if you're against a kill lane which is usually mostly magic damgae burst you'd rather risk snowballing the lane so you have 13 more mr later? It's harder to pin your MR as a reason you lost to a kill lane. You probably just played poorly. It's even harder to pin mr down as a reason why you got killed by a burst ap. The difference is in teamfights if you get caught by a burst ap there were things you could do to avoid it and unless he's underfed he can probably one combo you 13 mr or not, but in lane you HAVE to get creeps meaning to do well in lane you have to risk getting bursted and 200 gold worth of mr is worth more early game since its a higher % of your gold and defensive stats than 200 gold later. Start dodging Zenith blade.
That's like saying just dodge every skillshot in the game and you'll never need defensive stats.
United States37500 Posts
On November 10 2012 05:49 NeoIllusions wrote: Enough [Team] threads. There's never enough
On November 10 2012 05:48 Sandster wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2012 05:47 Zdrastochye wrote:On November 10 2012 05:17 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:31 Zdrastochye wrote:On November 10 2012 01:24 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:03 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 01:02 Slayer91 wrote:On November 10 2012 01:00 Tobberoth wrote:On November 10 2012 00:57 Alaric wrote: AD reds and quints, armor yellows, flat MR blues, you're set. Disagreed. MR per Level is far more effective since AP fighters won't be an issue early (as they are usually quite weak early and not in your lane anyway) and MR per level gives more benefit later when they are actually dangerous. Flat AD and Flat Armor is boss though. yeah which is great because supports and ads never have any magic damage right? Not enough to make flat MR worth it compared to scaling MR, no. so you're saying if you're against a kill lane which is usually mostly magic damgae burst you'd rather risk snowballing the lane so you have 13 more mr later? It's harder to pin your MR as a reason you lost to a kill lane. You probably just played poorly. It's even harder to pin mr down as a reason why you got killed by a burst ap. The difference is in teamfights if you get caught by a burst ap there were things you could do to avoid it and unless he's underfed he can probably one combo you 13 mr or not, but in lane you HAVE to get creeps meaning to do well in lane you have to risk getting bursted and 200 gold worth of mr is worth more early game since its a higher % of your gold and defensive stats than 200 gold later. Start dodging Zenith blade. That's like saying just dodge every skillshot in the game and you'll never need defensive stats. What, you don't do that already? Ezreal's an easy champion because all you have to do is not get hit by QWR ever