On November 09 2012 07:04 Simberto wrote:
How about we use actual numbers instead of vague feelings?
Let's say you are a support, no kills happen in your lane.
You do a faerie, 3 wards, 3 pots start, and buy items as soon as you got the money. Lets say your initial wards last 6 minutes, and afterwards you want to have 2 wards up at all times, meaning 1 ward every 1.5 minutes. Your income is 13 base, 2 from masteries, 3 from quints, for a total of 18 gold/10s.
At 5:53, you can afford your Ruby crystal.
at 7:30, you have 175 g, and have to buy 2 wards, so back to 25. You basically have a decreased income from now on because you continously have to buy wards, 1 ward every 1.5 minutes = 8.3 gp10, so from here on on, your income is decreased to 10 gp10. So you gain exactly 1 gold per second.
Now is where the 2 builds differentiate. Let's look at finishing HoG, then building a Philo afterwards:
You finish HoG at 12:55, and now have an income of 15gp10, which allows you to
Finish your Philo at 19:48
If you would have went Philo-HoG instead, you would:
Get a regrowth at 14:20
Finish your Philo at 17:25
Finish HoG at 21:18
Thus, in this case, you get your life regeneration about 5 minutes earlier, but finish your 2 gp10s 1.5 minutes later, costing you a total of 180g due to later gp10 items. You would probably also want to fit boots somewhere in there.
Now, this is obviously a rather specific case. If you return to base with enough gold for wards + philo when you already have a ruby, it would be foolish to buy a HoG instead. But if you return to base with enough gold for a HoG + wards, but not enough for a regrowth, it would also be foolish not to buy HoG. So it greatly depends on how much money you have when you go back the next time after your Ruby.
How about we use actual numbers instead of vague feelings?
Let's say you are a support, no kills happen in your lane.
You do a faerie, 3 wards, 3 pots start, and buy items as soon as you got the money. Lets say your initial wards last 6 minutes, and afterwards you want to have 2 wards up at all times, meaning 1 ward every 1.5 minutes. Your income is 13 base, 2 from masteries, 3 from quints, for a total of 18 gold/10s.
At 5:53, you can afford your Ruby crystal.
at 7:30, you have 175 g, and have to buy 2 wards, so back to 25. You basically have a decreased income from now on because you continously have to buy wards, 1 ward every 1.5 minutes = 8.3 gp10, so from here on on, your income is decreased to 10 gp10. So you gain exactly 1 gold per second.
Now is where the 2 builds differentiate. Let's look at finishing HoG, then building a Philo afterwards:
You finish HoG at 12:55, and now have an income of 15gp10, which allows you to
Finish your Philo at 19:48
If you would have went Philo-HoG instead, you would:
Get a regrowth at 14:20
Finish your Philo at 17:25
Finish HoG at 21:18
Thus, in this case, you get your life regeneration about 5 minutes earlier, but finish your 2 gp10s 1.5 minutes later, costing you a total of 180g due to later gp10 items. You would probably also want to fit boots somewhere in there.
Now, this is obviously a rather specific case. If you return to base with enough gold for wards + philo when you already have a ruby, it would be foolish to buy a HoG instead. But if you return to base with enough gold for a HoG + wards, but not enough for a regrowth, it would also be foolish not to buy HoG. So it greatly depends on how much money you have when you go back the next time after your Ruby.
To add on to this, if you are rushing an aegis, going HoG->Aegis is indeed faster than going Philo->Aegis if you already got a ruby crystal:
After getting ruby crystal it's 350s to get HoG (using the above 10g/10s factoring in ward spend). Then it's another (1925/1.5)=1283s to Aegis, total time 1633s after the ruby crystal.
If going philo, the it's 800s to philo, then another (1450/1.5)=967s to Aegis (aegis cost reduced because you still have the ruby crystal in your inventory), total time 1767s after the ruby crystal.