United States47024 Posts
Item actives that we probably won't see: - BKB, Sheep, Refresher, Abyssal Blade, Boots of Travel, Blink, Lothar's (actives too hard to balance for LoL) - Manta,Necronomicon, Helm of the Dominator (multi-unit control) - Mek, Arcanes, Tranquils, Satanic, Soul Ring (too good as sustain items) - Phase Boots, Midas (sort of weird in the context of LoL)
Item actives we sort of already have: - Shiva's (Randuin) - Linken (Banshee's Veil) - Dagon (DFG) - Euls (Zhonya, self-only) - Pipe (Locket) - Janggo (Shurelya's) - Rod of Atos/Ethereal Blade/Diffusal (Gunblade)
Item actives which are feasible to be ported to LoL in some way: - Blademail, Orchid, Force Staff, Veil, Buckler, Urn, Medallion, Armlet, Mjollnir, Mask of Madness, Halberd, Magic Wand, Ghost Scepter, Shadow Amulet
Personally, I've said for a while now the best fix for Thornmail would be to give it the remade Blademail active. Thornmail is basically based on the old, shitty Blademail that nobody bought anyway.
On November 08 2012 05:37 Mondeezy wrote: Holy crap, finally made gold. Dropped to 1406 yesterday and didn't think I'd make it back up, but perseverance paid off! Now I have to help my friend get it in 3s @_@, does anyone have any tips or OP champ choices for the new map? I haven't played it. When in doubt, Jayce. (Singed and mundo are also god)
Generally, you want either bruisers, or champs that are really damn good against bruisers, like teemo or shizzle (teemo also comes with wards, which is good)
On November 08 2012 05:36 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 05:34 Eiii wrote: force staff is unfun bro, don't you know? CC is unfun. Remove everyone but Yi and Ez from the game plzty.
now *there's* a game I want to play!
On November 08 2012 05:37 Mondeezy wrote: Holy crap, finally made gold. Dropped to 1406 yesterday and didn't think I'd make it back up, but perseverance paid off! Now I have to help my friend get it in 3s @_@, does anyone have any tips or OP champ choices for the new map? I haven't played it.
Singed and Darius are really good, they should be must-picks if they're not banned. Teemo, Rengar, Jayce, Jax, Lee Sin, Cho'Gath, Nunu, and Shyvana are also great
Edit: Riven, Yorick, Mundo, Wukong, Malphite are also solid.
I'm sure riot will follow guitar's suggestion and introduce an item you spam activate to get gold out of. Like a pinata. Adds so much gameplay.
On November 08 2012 04:54 Scip wrote: Guys, I can't log into EUW server, can anyone confirm that they are bugged? It says that an unknown error has occured. Wait a minute. So the game that lasted around 75 minutes with a dumb Taric, a Graves that made me think he trolled but was dead serious (running bot because he needs farm when they're running to nash, we juste win a teamfight 2-0 and he runs to push top instead of taking naked inhib mid, or when we're 5 in front of the inhib he runs bot to push it) and we barely won by the skin of our teeth... will just have never existed and I won't get any Elo nor anything for it? Or should it still go through? Stats didn't load at the end of the game, and when I click my profile it just says "error - null". The "Recently played" list doesn't include that one game too. Well maybe it's just stuff having problems to access the data, rather than the data not having been registered.
... Yeah that's what I tell me. It's just after the two previous games where I had dumb as fuck people that made those games you absolutely cannot win, I'm embittered in advance at the thought of how embittered I'll be once it turns out the damn game didn't go through.
On that subject, what can you do once behind as Mundo? I play him a lot because he can easily jungle all day long with his ult and manaless spells, level 2 gank with red, steal stuff easily, but since he relies on HP to cast his spells, and particularly his W, a lot of my "safety" relies on the fact that when I show up people run away rather than turn and fight me, where the W cost would make me go down faster. So when I'm behind, I tend to be unable to gank or even deal with invades at all because I'm suddenly super easy to kill, and W+R have almost never been enough to save me even from slows when I'm getting chased. He feels kinda like Jarvan in that regard to me, and it also makes me very reliant on the other players in the game since if they screw up/bait me into a bad fight/feed someone I'm as good as done with regards to ganking and defending my jungle. I hate being too reliant. :<
On November 08 2012 05:41 Eiii wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 05:36 Requizen wrote:On November 08 2012 05:34 Eiii wrote: force staff is unfun bro, don't you know? CC is unfun. Remove everyone but Yi and Ez from the game plzty. now *there's* a game I want to play!
The only game I want to play is 5v5 teemoverse, all teemo, all the time.
On November 08 2012 05:44 UniversalSnip wrote: I'm sure riot will follow guitar's suggestion and introduce an item you spam activate to get gold out of. Like a pinata. Adds so much gameplay.
so doublelift stream 5 ad carrys vs 5 ad carrys hight elo 2 strong
On November 08 2012 05:49 phyvo wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 05:41 Eiii wrote:On November 08 2012 05:36 Requizen wrote:On November 08 2012 05:34 Eiii wrote: force staff is unfun bro, don't you know? CC is unfun. Remove everyone but Yi and Ez from the game plzty. now *there's* a game I want to play! The only game I want to play is 5v5 teemoverse, all teemo, all the time.
Shrooms are unfun tho. I mean, think about it-- *invisible* mines that you can just unexpectedly, even *randomly* run in to that slow you to a crawl and deal massive damage? The only counter play being buying orcales is reminiscent of old eve in terms of putting one team at an inherent disadvantage.
And blind as a core ability? How is completely removing a character's ability to attack even *remotely* not anti-fun? I mean you might as well have an ability that forces opponents to disconnect for a few seconds.
idk if teemo is going to make it into season 3 unchanged, sorry.
United States47024 Posts
TBH I could see them changing the graphic for the Blind debuff, since it's actually really common that you'll see players not realize that they're blinded.
I didn't say that I wanted to play a FUN game. What do you take me for?
oh man we should resurrect ARAZ, best gamemode ever
Well clearly you don't want to play a fun game, but no one in their right mind would want to play an ANTI-fun game!!
blind is no more anti-fun than silences or stuns
There should* be an item called pinata charm which causes gold to drop around you whenever you get hit, and champs can collect the gold by moving on top of it (the gold is generated out of thin air, you don't lose any gold). It would be good against poke comps since your team would pick up most of the gold, and detrimental if you are a splitpusher (or would it? just dcn't get caught...)
It would also be good in jungle since you can go pick up the gold the ancient golem beat out of you
* by "there should" i mean "it would be kind of funny if"
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Ever since I watched Dexter, I imagine that the "Scout's Code" is actually "Code of Harry" and that Teemo is a psychopath in disguise trying to survive in the Yordle-land. It makes playing against Teemo bearable.
On November 08 2012 06:08 Tooplark wrote: oh man we should resurrect ARAZ, best gamemode ever It's all fun and games until the enemy team gets Vayne or Kog.
Actually if you look at it slows, silences and blinds are often longer than stuns because they impede you less, so the duration makes up for it. Teemo's blind is 2.5s, Soraka's silence is about the same, and Equilibrium Strike is obviously designed with the slow in mind since it lasts 2s. Considering that 2s can be enough to be killed in the late game, Teemo's blind is actually a huge CC in the late game, which scale enormously (but it lacks range, only redeeming feature). I just had a Graves with full build try to duel a Teemo. The only reason he didn't die before the blind wore off (and he still died everytime) was because I burnt shurelya+W everytime as Maokai to put my ult on top of him and make him last longer. Plus the people you try to silence/blind (AP and AD carries) generally don't have mercs, too.
Edit: what's ARAZ?
United States47024 Posts
If he's full build, why is he not QSSing the blind?
On November 08 2012 05:36 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 05:34 Eiii wrote: force staff is unfun bro, don't you know? CC is unfun. Remove everyone but Yi and Ez from the game plzty. Don't forget Morde and Nidalee.