On November 08 2012 00:39 Sandster wrote: Warwick is amazing in low levels. Every ult is a free kill, and you never die in the jungle. WW is just a good champ that no one plays. People underestimate how tanky as fuck you get while still doing respectable damage, and at any low to mid ELO, where no one varies their build to get QSS or knows how to peel off of a carry, your ult is, like you said, a death sentence in both ganks and teamfights.
Is toyz's name "I will only play [something]" ?
edit: oh zyra
On November 08 2012 00:15 AsnSensation wrote:well i guess it's good because Q's cooldown scales with levels while W does not but I think maybe his burst suffers abit especially since he's going grail first and doesnt have any "real" ap until he finishes it but I guess it's good since it's the best orianna player in the world atm we are talking about ^^ and his grail is usually finished by 1minutes anyway bc of his insane farming skills wtf + Show Spoiler + he farms and maintains lane control as his MO, making q-max optimal for his own playstyle
So I'm low Elo, and recently began playing a ton of Singed. How do I convince my team to ignore my lane no matter how many times I die, and how farming in between the towers is how you be a great Singed? I get these guys who report me for feeding cause I'm 0-3, even though its 15 minutes and I'm sitting on over 100 creeps while distracting the enemy top laner and jungler to the point where they aren't even getting gold or experience because I'm stealing jungle and they're trying to kill me while the minions he should be farming are just dying to the tower.
Edit: I get teammates who think "oh shoot I have to save him" when I'm actually fine.
On November 08 2012 00:14 TheKefka wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2012 23:27 BlackPaladin wrote:Just because someone says something doesn't make it true.  EVERYBODY LIES "The problem with the internet is that people just make stuff up" -- Albert Einstein
That Einstein guy was quite ahead of his time.
On November 08 2012 01:10 Sabin010 wrote: So I'm low Elo, and recently began playing a ton of Singed. How do I convince my team to ignore my lane no matter how many times I die, and how farming in between the towers is how you be a great Singed? I get these guys who report me for feeding cause I'm 0-3, even though its 15 minutes and I'm sitting on over 100 creeps while distracting the enemy top laner and jungler to the point where they aren't even getting gold or experience because I'm stealing jungle and they're trying to kill me while the minions he should be farming are just dying to the tower.
Edit: I get teammates who think "oh shoot I have to save him" when I'm actually fine. You don't. I have people that've been playing with me for months and even though they know my playstyle (unless I'm tryharding I just love to do silly stuff, steal buffs and generally take a lot of risks with good survivable champs like Udyr/Mundo/Blitz) they still think I'm simply bad (I am, but those stuff are calculated and not blind) and need help when I'm fleeing perfectly fine and they force a bad teamfight to "save" me.
Playing a game where our teamcomp is Amumu-Morg-Leona-GP-Ez. I thought the aoe ult teamcomp had fallen out of favour.
The problem is most people never try to push their limits so they don't realise what you can get away with. So when they see someone that has tested those boundaries push them too the edge they think you merely overextended so need some kind of help instead of realizing you within the limits. That's kind of why I believe in pubs you should be as aggressive as possible to see what you can and can't do. Then when you playing normally you know the limits so you can punish play a lot better.
On November 08 2012 00:44 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 00:39 Sandster wrote: Warwick is amazing in low levels. Every ult is a free kill, and you never die in the jungle. WW is just a good champ that no one plays. People underestimate how tanky as fuck you get while still doing respectable damage, and at any low to mid ELO, where no one varies their build to get QSS or knows how to peel off of a carry, your ult is, like you said, a death sentence in both ganks and teamfights.
WW is amazing I agree (most played champ in ranked for me), but he clears so slowly. He's the only champ I still have a AS/arp rune page for and I haven't played him in months.
Problem is Skarner is basically better in almost every way, and countered the same way. The big difference is that WW's ult is mainly used for defensive purposes later in the game while Skarner's is to initiate. WW is AMAZING against champs that like to dive your team though, but is pretty bad when these same champs paired with, say, Orianna.
On November 08 2012 01:22 Numy wrote: The problem is most people never try to push their limits so they don't realise what you can get away with. So when they see someone that has tested those boundaries push them too the edge they think you merely overextended so need some kind of help instead of realizing you within the limits. That's kind of why I believe in pubs you should be as aggressive as possible to see what you can and can't do. Then when you playing normally you know the limits so you can punish play a lot better.
Well said. Pushing the limits beyond the breaking point is the only way to find out where you need to draw the line.
I have seen a lot of support Zilean recently. Is that the new thing or am I special?
Support Zilean has always been around. He ooms after like 4 bombs in lane, so just pot through them and laugh when he becomes nothing but an ult-bot for the rest of the game.
Would be funny to run full pot opening as an AD vs Zilean.
On November 08 2012 01:38 Sandster wrote: Support Zilean has always been around. He ooms after like 4 bombs in lane, so just pot through them and laugh when he becomes nothing but an ult-bot for the rest of the game.
Would be funny to run full pot opening as an AD vs Zilean. I tried that once. I felt so naked without the boots on my feet. But I didn't die early, so I guess it was worth it.
On November 08 2012 01:38 Sandster wrote: Support Zilean has always been around. He ooms after like 4 bombs in lane, so just pot through them and laugh when he becomes nothing but an ult-bot for the rest of the game.
Would be funny to run full pot opening as an AD vs Zilean.
What I do vs Zilean supports is use the bomb on my head to damage as many creeps as possible, then call my jungler or mid for a gank when he's oom and pushed to the tower.
It's kind of like playing vs support Nidalee - it's gimmicky for the first few levels, especially if they get ahead in lane, but you can sacrifice some cs and let the lane push knowing that she's utterly useless past the 15 min mark.
On November 08 2012 00:44 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 00:39 Sandster wrote: Warwick is amazing in low levels. Every ult is a free kill, and you never die in the jungle. WW is just a good champ that no one plays. People underestimate how tanky as fuck you get while still doing respectable damage, and at any low to mid ELO, where no one varies their build to get QSS or knows how to peel off of a carry, your ult is, like you said, a death sentence in both ganks and teamfights.
But Skarner is just a flat out better WW
Spoilers guyz; Akali is a former student of Zed who defected to the kinkou. I have proof! >:D
I want to find out who has the most ranked games played for each hero, i.e. GamersLegends for warwick, Azingy for amumu, OfSerenity for heimerdinger. Is there any website or function that can do this?
On November 08 2012 02:14 foxmeep wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 00:44 Requizen wrote:On November 08 2012 00:39 Sandster wrote: Warwick is amazing in low levels. Every ult is a free kill, and you never die in the jungle. WW is just a good champ that no one plays. People underestimate how tanky as fuck you get while still doing respectable damage, and at any low to mid ELO, where no one varies their build to get QSS or knows how to peel off of a carry, your ult is, like you said, a death sentence in both ganks and teamfights. But Skarner is just a flat out better WW 
Doesn't WW's steroid make him better in late game? Skarner falls off once his key targets get QSS.