On November 02 2012 17:15 Promises wrote: I want people to keep thinking Viktor's shit. That way he's mine... ALL MINE! But yeah, I seriously don't get why people dislike him. He's got great ranged poke, can defend himself rather well with Gravity field, has good teamfighting utility because of that same field, has a rather insane burst, has a good laneclear.... I don't see many downsides. The one thing that's annoying is losing the extra slot, because it means that very often in the mid to late game you simply dont have the slots for wards.
There are so many champions in the game right now that there are bound to be dozens of champions that can work really well but are under appreciated. You also have to consider that when you're playing a champion that isn't very popular your opponents are not used to facing them.
Beyond the theory craft you have to consider that at least part of the success people might have with champions like Viktor can be partially based on your opponents not having as much experience against a Viktor whereas you very likely have a lot of experience against the common fotm mid laner you're against.
I'm not saying that makes Viktor bad. I think the majority of this community emulates the pros either directly or by copying what other people on solo queue due who were inspired by pro players. Very few people are willing to try something that isn't "standard" because there are less examples for them to emulate. Most of the champions that see pro level play are either relatively easy, relatively safe, or excel at doing one thing better than everyone else (Anivia/Orianna's team fight utility would be a good example).
This is certainly true, almost every game I play Viktor the opposing mid at some points states their surprise at some ability of Vik. The thing that mostly got me wondering is that I'd think that even on paper his kit would be quite strong, the Gravity Field+ult (+lazer) is incredibly potent in teamfights, he's got good poke and good survivability. I'm not surprised that people don't play him much now; people simply seem to be very unadventurous in LoL and just follow whichever hero's are most played by the pro's, who themselves even seem to only play a bunch of heroes untill one slightly more adventurous pro shows them the viability of another champ. I'm surprised that people didn't give him a good try in the beginning. From the start on I did quite well with him (admittedly at horrific elo, but that's my skill level ^^), and there's still quite a few situations where I'm thinking someone with better overview during messy teamfights or better mechanics could get so much more out of him.
But as said, I'm happy with the way it is now, I get to play my champ a lot and most people don't know what to do against him. Plus it's always more fun winning with a champ that's seen as an underdog then winning with a FotM champ that most people feel needs nerfing ^^
I'am happy with that too, but there is a problem with that. more often than not, players who are weak in a certain role/lane will try out unusual champs (+ builds/setups) because they try to cheese/inovate their way to success. I did that alot in lol until some time ago. more experienced players know this and will criticise you for not picking something usual. then there are players who will discover a champions strengths and pick that champion with great success in teams that are chill, but when there is a meta-nazi who yells constantly at them for troll picking they lose the game.
the best place for unusual but strong picks is 5s imo. last season we played against a team of 2k players who picked nida, cassio, ali+sivir (before remake) + some jungle. we underestimated them and they just plitpushed/kited their way into victory it was a complete mess, even though sivir was a very underplayed ad carry she worked very well in that comp. they never egaged as 5 ppl ever.
but soloq is not interesting for things like this. if you want to pick an unusual champion then the champion synergy has to either just be there (you are 4th/5th pick) by default or your champion has to have tools to enforce the strategy he works in. akali is a unusual pick right now because of the gunblade nerf but you can still do the westrice build and snowball her from the midlane. singed was an unusual pick for quite some time but you could allways snowball lanes hard and force skirmishes in the jungle with your fast pushing and high utility.
On November 02 2012 21:30 XiVol wrote: Any good streams on? Alex Ich just went offline and DanDinh hasn't slept(?) and playing like crap :p
Krepo should come on soon I think. He's still in Belgium. Other than that most teams are going to be at MLG Dallas, Wingsofdeathx should be streaming too though.
LG-IM Teamchef said "With the Actual Team composition Scrims and as well in strategy parts arised not a few problems because of that we will rebuild Team1 and create a second Team to solve these problems"
Team will get a new jungler and support player. The jungler of Team 1 will become a backup member.
Livy will join the second team and LG-IM coach will decided based on perfomance who will be the A-Team.
The fuck it is hard to give an actual translation into another language which is not my mothertongue :<
On November 02 2012 21:46 XiVol wrote: That no mana Karthus unable to anything at baron!
Are SGS a big team? Never heard of them before.
#1 TW team.
SGS are the Singapore Sentinels. Why would they be the #1 TW team?
9am, I should go to bed. =\ What I meant to say was that they're a top Garena team (besides TPA) who you'd probably have seen at S2 WC seeing as they regularly beat SAJ but happened to lose the Bo3 that would have sent them there. I guess if you shorten that you get #1 TW team.
On November 02 2012 22:07 Mondieu wrote: Does anyone know why did Synda and Blitzcrank get temporarily disabled ? I'm guessing it's hook and stun or something. I really have no clue.
On November 02 2012 21:46 XiVol wrote: That no mana Karthus unable to anything at baron!
Are SGS a big team? Never heard of them before.
#1 TW team.
SGS are the Singapore Sentinels. Why would they be the #1 TW team?
Because Singapore belong to TW and TW belong to china, so everything is okay.
Seriously? I understand you're joking here but try to say less provocative things please. You were just warned this week for something along the same lines.