On November 02 2012 03:25 Numy wrote: Feels like they should just stop releasing so many new heroes and rather rework some of the older ones then release new ones that they have really put in a lot to make new and fresh. I guess it's not their business model so they'd rather force new ideas than let them just come naturally.
They've talked about this, the team that works on new champions and the team that works on rebalancing old champions are two different groups of people. One of them works faster, unfortunately.
Riot itzmattu compares him to Lee, Riven, Jayce, Rengar, and Irelia, saying he's strong jungle and possibly top. Lacks defensive options but makes up for it with mobility.
I can dig it.
So another damage jungler that will probably end up overpowered top on release because they'll increase his base stats because junglers don't get as much gold. Also, I know it's not a good business plan, but seriously you could just rework talon into this and release a skin.
Yeah I am not excited at all about Zed, this information basically verifies why I am not excited. Feels like every other champion they've made recently save Syndra.
Im with the people in the thread, id like to see another ADC truthfully.
What's needed is like 3 or 4 supports. The last real support they released was Lulu, and that's quite a while ago...
Riot itzmattu compares him to Lee, Riven, Jayce, Rengar, and Irelia, saying he's strong jungle and possibly top. Lacks defensive options but makes up for it with mobility.
I can dig it.
So another damage jungler that will probably end up overpowered top on release because they'll increase his base stats because junglers don't get as much gold. Also, I know it's not a good business plan, but seriously you could just rework talon into this and release a skin.
Yeah I am not excited at all about Zed, this information basically verifies why I am not excited. Feels like every other champion they've made recently save Syndra.
Im with the people in the thread, id like to see another ADC truthfully.
What's needed is like 3 or 4 supports. The last real support they released was Lulu, and that's quite a while ago...
There's Zyra now. Even though she wasn't intended as one... but at least Riot doesn't seem to want to "undo" it like they undid AP Janna.
On November 02 2012 03:25 Numy wrote: Feels like they should just stop releasing so many new heroes and rather rework some of the older ones then release new ones that they have really put in a lot to make new and fresh. I guess it's not their business model so they'd rather force new ideas than let them just come naturally.
They've talked about this, the team that works on new champions and the team that works on rebalancing old champions are two different groups of people. One of them works faster, unfortunately.
It makes sense if you think about it.
The team that makes new champions more or less has free reign to release what they want. They need a cool concept and fun basic gameplay, but other issues can more or less be worried about after release.
The team that remakes old champions has to come up with solutions to those issues. Degenerate/anti-fun gameplay that ended up getting through on the champ's initial design have to be tackled, which is much harder than just having a cool concept and fun basic gameplay.
I wonder why riot didnt undo ap carry morg she still even listed as support by riot, and trust me i had a lvl 30 argue that morg wasnt a ap carry cause riot says she is support
On November 02 2012 02:38 onlywonderboy wrote: Did no one comment about Ferus becoming part of FearR? Or did everyone loose interest just because it wasn't a preexisting SC or Dota team haha? Gnome was right when she said no one was going to expect where they were going. Not really familiar with FeaR on the Call of Duty scene, but they must have made a pretty solid offer for them not to resign with MMe.
Any one care to give me a primer on support zyra. I play her mid a bunch and tried her out support yesterday. I felt just as powerful as your standard supports. I was unsure what to lvl though. I went e w q into r>w>e>q thinking getting the cdr from e would be best but idk.
On November 02 2012 03:25 Numy wrote: Feels like they should just stop releasing so many new heroes and rather rework some of the older ones then release new ones that they have really put in a lot to make new and fresh. I guess it's not their business model so they'd rather force new ideas than let them just come naturally.
They've talked about this, the team that works on new champions and the team that works on rebalancing old champions are two different groups of people. One of them works faster, unfortunately.
It makes sense if you think about it.
The team that makes new champions more or less has free reign to release what they want. They need a cool concept and fun basic gameplay, but other issues can more or less be worried about after release.
The team that remakes old champions has to come up with solutions to those issues. Degenerate/anti-fun gameplay that ended up getting through on the champ's initial design have to be tackled, which is much harder than just having a cool concept and fun basic gameplay.
It does make sense but then why are we seeing the same kind of idea constantly.
On November 02 2012 03:25 Numy wrote: Feels like they should just stop releasing so many new heroes and rather rework some of the older ones then release new ones that they have really put in a lot to make new and fresh. I guess it's not their business model so they'd rather force new ideas than let them just come naturally.
They've talked about this, the team that works on new champions and the team that works on rebalancing old champions are two different groups of people. One of them works faster, unfortunately.
It makes sense if you think about it.
The team that makes new champions more or less has free reign to release what they want. They need a cool concept and fun basic gameplay, but other issues can more or less be worried about after release.
The team that remakes old champions has to come up with solutions to those issues. Degenerate/anti-fun gameplay that ended up getting through on the champ's initial design have to be tackled, which is much harder than just having a cool concept and fun basic gameplay.
The remake team also isn't on a deadline. They have to get things right, whereas the new champ designers... don't. as you can see.
On November 02 2012 03:55 jadoth wrote: Any one care to give me a primer on support zyra. I play her mid a bunch and tried her out support yesterday. I felt just as powerful as your standard supports. I was unsure what to lvl though. I went e w q into r>w>e>q thinking getting the cdr from e would be best but idk.
Your plants' damage scale with level and AP, not the ranks of your abilities, so it's better to go E>W>Q or E > W = Q.
On November 02 2012 01:35 kainzero wrote: wasn't there an AF vs. TPA game in s2 championships where vayne/nunu beat ez/sona straight up in lane? or at least tied them?
iirc game 1 was a laneswitch but i don't remember game 2.
Yes. But iirc, TPA only picked vayne when they were blue side and they tried some mind games with lane switches as well.
Why was it important that they only did it on blue side? Double golems? Red?
On November 02 2012 03:55 jadoth wrote: Any one care to give me a primer on support zyra. I play her mid a bunch and tried her out support yesterday. I felt just as powerful as your standard supports. I was unsure what to lvl though. I went e w q into r>w>e>q thinking getting the cdr from e would be best but idk.
iirc you do EWQ, then R > E > W >Q. Main reason is you want to get your E maxed first to have the longer root duration. The W next to get the CDR and to be able to plant more seeds down faster, either for faux-wards or to EWW someone. Q you usually level up last just because you won't have the AP/Mana to make it worth it and thus you basically just use it as another way to pop your seeds.
On November 02 2012 03:55 jadoth wrote: Any one care to give me a primer on support zyra. I play her mid a bunch and tried her out support yesterday. I felt just as powerful as your standard supports. I was unsure what to lvl though. I went e w q into r>w>e>q thinking getting the cdr from e would be best but idk.
just max the root, catch people in it and cast 2 plants on top of them. and use the huge autoattack range.
On November 02 2012 02:38 onlywonderboy wrote: Did no one comment about Ferus becoming part of FearR? Or did everyone loose interest just because it wasn't a preexisting SC or Dota team haha? Gnome was right when she said no one was going to expect where they were going. Not really familiar with FeaR on the Call of Duty scene, but they must have made a pretty solid offer for them not to resign with MMe.
Huh? What is Ferus? What is Fear? Who is Gnome? o.o
Ferus - Formally mTw.NA and MMe.Ferus Gnome - Gnomesayin, their team manager FeaR - Their new sponsor who also sponsored COD.
Oh, so i guess noone comments about them because they weren't really any big team tbh
Aphro is pretty popular at the moment, just yesterday there was several pages speculating who their new sponsor was going to be. They have the potential to be really good IMO (NA scene anyway).
On November 02 2012 03:55 jadoth wrote: Any one care to give me a primer on support zyra. I play her mid a bunch and tried her out support yesterday. I felt just as powerful as your standard supports. I was unsure what to lvl though. I went e w q into r>w>e>q thinking getting the cdr from e would be best but idk.
iirc you do EWQ, then R > E > W >Q. Main reason is you want to get your E maxed first to have the longer root duration. The W next to get the CDR and to be able to plant more seeds down faster, either for faux-wards or to EWW someone. Q you usually level up last just because you won't have the AP/Mana to make it worth it and thus you basically just use it as another way to pop your seeds.
On November 02 2012 01:35 kainzero wrote: wasn't there an AF vs. TPA game in s2 championships where vayne/nunu beat ez/sona straight up in lane? or at least tied them?
iirc game 1 was a laneswitch but i don't remember game 2.
Yes. But iirc, TPA only picked vayne when they were blue side and they tried some mind games with lane switches as well.
Why was it important that they only did it on blue side? Double golems? Red?
Which game? There was one where it was TPA playing Lulu Vayne vs. Sona Ezreal, and one where it was Nunu Vayne vs. Leona Ezreal The Lulu Vayne game, I don't remember how lane went, but Frost eventually won.
The Nunu Vayne game, pressure from Mundo compared to Shen being a slow jungler was pretty crucial to how lanes played out. I think a combination between: Double Golems River ward spots (purple side is less safe from jungle ganks due to entry points, which means purple is taking more/bigger risks when attempting to properly punish Vayne.)
On November 02 2012 03:55 jadoth wrote: Any one care to give me a primer on support zyra. I play her mid a bunch and tried her out support yesterday. I felt just as powerful as your standard supports. I was unsure what to lvl though. I went e w q into r>w>e>q thinking getting the cdr from e would be best but idk.
iirc you do EWQ, then R > E > W >Q. Main reason is you want to get your E maxed first to have the longer root duration. The W next to get the CDR and to be able to plant more seeds down faster, either for faux-wards or to EWW someone. Q you usually level up last just because you won't have the AP/Mana to make it worth it and thus you basically just use it as another way to pop your seeds.
At least that's basically how I'd do it.
According to Mistake, you max Q second, not W.
While he is obviously on top of the pro-scene, some of his choices are really awkward, such as how he also suggests that Janna should run ArPen reds (WTF).
Maybe he has some reasons to max Q first, but I feel that CDR and faster seeds generation is more important, especially since plants damage does not scale with Q ranks.