On July 19 2012 11:02 cLutZ wrote: So, my thoughts:
1. Kassadin lvl 6 ganks too strong? 2. Malz/Eve/Twitch/Xin get long-needed retooling... are any going to be viable now? 3. Urgot nerfs were needed, but, I still don't like him. An ult still = a kill at any time so long as the Urgot is not an idiot. 4. Still don't like the support GP5 nerfs. Support meta is not going to change (it will never change without a significant retooling), only, being able to carry as a support gets even harder.
1. It's a change that doesn't really do shit. You never use your R to damage in 75%+ of scenarios and when you do use it the damage shouldn't be very different from what it used to be.
2. Malz probably won't see much difference in play; if he does get popular the changes won't be the #1 reason why. Xin got crazy buffed; I personally think he'll get nerfed a bit. Eve still has shitty base stats but the new skill set might make up for it if she can jungle effectively. I don't play Twitch.
4. I feel like they wanted to circumvent the whole everyone buy gp10 no matter what from coming back, which was starting to happen. Honestly though, I felt like the HoG nerf was really stupid and unnecessary.
Tristana Explosive Shot Fixed: Passive damage no longer activates from spell damage Fixed: Tooltip now reflects the Ability Power ratio
I just found out today that the explosions on a large amount of creeps can instagib champs...jesus that was ridiculous.
pretty sure that was unintentional. You were never supposed to be able to proc your explosive shot with anything but your autos, in my experience anyways. It was a recent patch that stealth changed that.
oh and am I the only one who's kinda disappointed that Malz's Q does all the damage in 1 strike instead of 2 now? Having it deal damage in 2 strikes meant that you could cast it through banshee's veil. If it does damage in 1 strike then it's always blocked completely by BV, but the damage is more consistent. I guess since no one really builds BV anymore it's not that big a deal but...
but they fixed malz pets man! im not sure what to think abuot the q change, ill have to try it tomorrow. malz is one of my top 3 favorite champs in the game, i cant wait!
The voidling AI fix is nice and will definitely help his total dps, but Malz's problem was never his damage. The Q change is probably a net buff since you're now guaranteed the full damage if you hit it (before it was possible to hit for only half the damage since it was split into 2 strikes). The only downside is you can no longer cast it through BV, which probably isn't much of an issue since no one but Ryze even considers getting BV in the vast majority of cases now.
1. I didn't understand the Kass changes so I asked. 4. GP5 needs to be good, or something. Supports just keep getting nerfed for their other roles, and now in support role. I dont get it. Maybe GP5 was too good for Non-supports, and that is the "reason", but it seems systematic. IDK what there is to do, because honestly I've never seen supports as problematic, even when Lulu/Soraka could mid effectively, and Alistar was a good jungler.
On July 19 2012 11:02 cLutZ wrote: So, my thoughts:
1. Kassadin lvl 6 ganks too strong? 2. Malz/Eve/Twitch/Xin get long-needed retooling... are any going to be viable now? 3. Urgot nerfs were needed, but, I still don't like him. An ult still = a kill at any time so long as the Urgot is not an idiot. 4. Still don't like the support GP5 nerfs. Support meta is not going to change (it will never change without a significant retooling), only, being able to carry as a support gets even harder.
1. It's a change that doesn't really do shit. You never use your R to damage in 75%+ of scenarios and when you do use it the damage shouldn't be very different from what it used to be.
2. Malz probably won't see much difference in play; if he does get popular the changes won't be the #1 reason why. Xin got crazy buffed; I personally think he'll get nerfed a bit. Eve still has shitty base stats but the new skill set might make up for it if she can jungle effectively. I don't play Twitch.
4. I feel like they wanted to circumvent the whole everyone buy gp10 no matter what from coming back, which was starting to happen. Honestly though, I felt like the HoG nerf was really stupid and unnecessary.
On July 19 2012 11:10 Vaporized wrote:
On July 19 2012 10:42 Ryuu314 wrote:
On July 19 2012 10:40 GARO wrote:
Tristana Explosive Shot Fixed: Passive damage no longer activates from spell damage Fixed: Tooltip now reflects the Ability Power ratio
I just found out today that the explosions on a large amount of creeps can instagib champs...jesus that was ridiculous.
pretty sure that was unintentional. You were never supposed to be able to proc your explosive shot with anything but your autos, in my experience anyways. It was a recent patch that stealth changed that.
oh and am I the only one who's kinda disappointed that Malz's Q does all the damage in 1 strike instead of 2 now? Having it deal damage in 2 strikes meant that you could cast it through banshee's veil. If it does damage in 1 strike then it's always blocked completely by BV, but the damage is more consistent. I guess since no one really builds BV anymore it's not that big a deal but...
but they fixed malz pets man! im not sure what to think abuot the q change, ill have to try it tomorrow. malz is one of my top 3 favorite champs in the game, i cant wait!
The voidling AI fix is nice and will definitely help his total dps, but Malz's problem was never his damage. The Q change is probably a net buff since you're now guaranteed the full damage if you hit it (before it was possible to hit for only half the damage since it was split into 2 strikes). The only downside is you can no longer cast it through BV, which probably isn't much of an issue since no one but Ryze even considers getting BV in the vast majority of cases now.
1. I didn't understand the Kass changes so I asked. 4. GP5 needs to be good, or something. Supports just keep getting nerfed for their other roles, and now in support role. I dont get it. Maybe GP5 was too good for Non-supports, and that is the "reason", but it seems systematic. IDK what there is to do, because honestly I've never seen supports as problematic, even when Lulu/Soraka could mid effectively, and Alistar was a good jungler.
I know its been known Philo was too good for its cost(or so i've read) so I can see why they nerfed it, dunno about HoG though
Just played a game as taric with teemo bot lane vs Blitz Ez.
We destroyed them, why isn't teemo run botlane more often? Between exhaust from a support and blind from teemo it's like the other AD carry doesn't exist when the 2v2's happen.
On July 19 2012 14:09 WirelessWaffle wrote: Just played a game as taric with teemo bot lane vs Blitz Ez.
We destroyed them, why isn't teemo run botlane more often? Between exhaust from a support and blind from teemo it's like the other AD carry doesn't exist when the 2v2's happen.
On July 19 2012 14:09 WirelessWaffle wrote: Just played a game as taric with teemo bot lane vs Blitz Ez.
We destroyed them, why isn't teemo run botlane more often? Between exhaust from a support and blind from teemo it's like the other AD carry doesn't exist when the 2v2's happen.
Teemo is short range, generally very squishy unless he builds bruiser teemo (wits, frozen mallet etc) and later on, generally cannot possibly blind the enemy AD carry without getting blown up. The hybrid damage and utility that teemo brings doesn't scale as well as someone building pure damage into lategame.
On July 19 2012 11:02 cLutZ wrote: So, my thoughts:
1. Kassadin lvl 6 ganks too strong? 2. Malz/Eve/Twitch/Xin get long-needed retooling... are any going to be viable now? 3. Urgot nerfs were needed, but, I still don't like him. An ult still = a kill at any time so long as the Urgot is not an idiot. 4. Still don't like the support GP5 nerfs. Support meta is not going to change (it will never change without a significant retooling), only, being able to carry as a support gets even harder.
1. It's a change that doesn't really do shit. You never use your R to damage in 75%+ of scenarios and when you do use it the damage shouldn't be very different from what it used to be.
2. Malz probably won't see much difference in play; if he does get popular the changes won't be the #1 reason why. Xin got crazy buffed; I personally think he'll get nerfed a bit. Eve still has shitty base stats but the new skill set might make up for it if she can jungle effectively. I don't play Twitch.
4. I feel like they wanted to circumvent the whole everyone buy gp10 no matter what from coming back, which was starting to happen. Honestly though, I felt like the HoG nerf was really stupid and unnecessary.
On July 19 2012 11:10 Vaporized wrote:
On July 19 2012 10:42 Ryuu314 wrote:
On July 19 2012 10:40 GARO wrote:
Tristana Explosive Shot Fixed: Passive damage no longer activates from spell damage Fixed: Tooltip now reflects the Ability Power ratio
I just found out today that the explosions on a large amount of creeps can instagib champs...jesus that was ridiculous.
pretty sure that was unintentional. You were never supposed to be able to proc your explosive shot with anything but your autos, in my experience anyways. It was a recent patch that stealth changed that.
oh and am I the only one who's kinda disappointed that Malz's Q does all the damage in 1 strike instead of 2 now? Having it deal damage in 2 strikes meant that you could cast it through banshee's veil. If it does damage in 1 strike then it's always blocked completely by BV, but the damage is more consistent. I guess since no one really builds BV anymore it's not that big a deal but...
but they fixed malz pets man! im not sure what to think abuot the q change, ill have to try it tomorrow. malz is one of my top 3 favorite champs in the game, i cant wait!
The voidling AI fix is nice and will definitely help his total dps, but Malz's problem was never his damage. The Q change is probably a net buff since you're now guaranteed the full damage if you hit it (before it was possible to hit for only half the damage since it was split into 2 strikes). The only downside is you can no longer cast it through BV, which probably isn't much of an issue since no one but Ryze even considers getting BV in the vast majority of cases now.
1. I didn't understand the Kass changes so I asked. 4. GP5 needs to be good, or something. Supports just keep getting nerfed for their other roles, and now in support role. I dont get it. Maybe GP5 was too good for Non-supports, and that is the "reason", but it seems systematic. IDK what there is to do, because honestly I've never seen supports as problematic, even when Lulu/Soraka could mid effectively, and Alistar was a good jungler.
My guess is Riot doesn't like the idea of carries picking up gp10 cause it's too passive or something. idk. The philo nerf isn't too bad because philo stone was always a very cost-effective item even without the gold generation passive. HoG nerf on the other hand, seems really dumb. I can't think of a good justification for it other than Riot maybe not liking gp10 on anything that's not a support or jungler.
On July 19 2012 14:09 WirelessWaffle wrote: Just played a game as taric with teemo bot lane vs Blitz Ez.
We destroyed them, why isn't teemo run botlane more often? Between exhaust from a support and blind from teemo it's like the other AD carry doesn't exist when the 2v2's happen.
On July 19 2012 14:09 WirelessWaffle wrote: Just played a game as taric with teemo bot lane vs Blitz Ez.
We destroyed them, why isn't teemo run botlane more often? Between exhaust from a support and blind from teemo it's like the other AD carry doesn't exist when the 2v2's happen.
Teemo is short range, generally very squishy unless he builds bruiser teemo (wits, frozen mallet etc) and later on, generally cannot possibly blind the enemy AD carry without getting blown up. The hybrid damage and utility that teemo brings doesn't scale as well as someone building pure damage into lategame.
True but when the other AD has jungler level farm and team fights over objectives start breaking out the other team either has to forfeit the objectives or try to fight with a sub par AD. Also ganking a teemo lane with a support warding every now and then is impossible short of nocturne/global.
Lots of champions don't scale well into late game, bot lane teemo being one of them, but when the other AD is behind to the point of being zoned ezpz against an ungankable lane it's a tad absurd. Also i'd only run teemo against aggressive bot lanes with no sustain like blitz/leona.
After level 6 we could do 80% of ez's health in one stun and just let his turret eat his CS while we took drag or messed up their blue. And we weren't ahead in kills at that point.
Most people don't want to run a comp that absolutely HAS to crush during laning phase or else fade into irrelevancy. If the jungler camps bot lane from levels 1-6, Teemo isn't going to shut down the other team's AD hard enough to legitimize himself. Once Trist/Graves/Corki have IE and PD, Teemo isn't going to bring anything to a teamfight remotely close to the damage those champions can pump out.
The newest champion for this patch is Zyra, Rise of the Thorns.
Wait, was Zyra coming out with this patch? It seemed she was delayed?
League of Legends v1.0.0.143 Zyra, Rise of the Thorns Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Zyra will be released at a future date. Also, he said that the new champion is zyra o.o
ahh, whoops. Guess I read that thinking she was going to be out tonight. My bad. Hopefully next tuesday she's out, until then, can't wait to test out eve, twitch & xin!
I approve of the matchmaking changes, no longer have to deal with my ~2k normal elo messing the game up when I play with normals, nor will my smurf get matched up with nothinghere/sunmilk/cow captain when it was level 8 again.
On July 19 2012 11:02 cLutZ wrote: So, my thoughts:
1. Kassadin lvl 6 ganks too strong? 2. Malz/Eve/Twitch/Xin get long-needed retooling... are any going to be viable now? 3. Urgot nerfs were needed, but, I still don't like him. An ult still = a kill at any time so long as the Urgot is not an idiot. 4. Still don't like the support GP5 nerfs. Support meta is not going to change (it will never change without a significant retooling), only, being able to carry as a support gets even harder.
1. It's a change that doesn't really do shit. You never use your R to damage in 75%+ of scenarios and when you do use it the damage shouldn't be very different from what it used to be.
2. Malz probably won't see much difference in play; if he does get popular the changes won't be the #1 reason why. Xin got crazy buffed; I personally think he'll get nerfed a bit. Eve still has shitty base stats but the new skill set might make up for it if she can jungle effectively. I don't play Twitch.
4. I feel like they wanted to circumvent the whole everyone buy gp10 no matter what from coming back, which was starting to happen. Honestly though, I felt like the HoG nerf was really stupid and unnecessary.
On July 19 2012 11:10 Vaporized wrote:
On July 19 2012 10:42 Ryuu314 wrote:
On July 19 2012 10:40 GARO wrote:
Tristana Explosive Shot Fixed: Passive damage no longer activates from spell damage Fixed: Tooltip now reflects the Ability Power ratio
I just found out today that the explosions on a large amount of creeps can instagib champs...jesus that was ridiculous.
pretty sure that was unintentional. You were never supposed to be able to proc your explosive shot with anything but your autos, in my experience anyways. It was a recent patch that stealth changed that.
oh and am I the only one who's kinda disappointed that Malz's Q does all the damage in 1 strike instead of 2 now? Having it deal damage in 2 strikes meant that you could cast it through banshee's veil. If it does damage in 1 strike then it's always blocked completely by BV, but the damage is more consistent. I guess since no one really builds BV anymore it's not that big a deal but...
but they fixed malz pets man! im not sure what to think abuot the q change, ill have to try it tomorrow. malz is one of my top 3 favorite champs in the game, i cant wait!
The voidling AI fix is nice and will definitely help his total dps, but Malz's problem was never his damage. The Q change is probably a net buff since you're now guaranteed the full damage if you hit it (before it was possible to hit for only half the damage since it was split into 2 strikes). The only downside is you can no longer cast it through BV, which probably isn't much of an issue since no one but Ryze even considers getting BV in the vast majority of cases now.
what are his other problems? im curious as ive been playing him again since the changes were announced and ive been doing really good with him. he just seems real snowballish to me, moreso then a lot of other ap's. a good early game with a kill or two and you can just dominate, but if you die to ganks a few times you really drop off. most champs are snowballey like that, but the difference on malz is like night and day.
i guess qss is one downside to malz. but if you are forcing the enemy carries to get qss youve already affected the game in a positive way, and his other skills do good damage too.
Malz essentially only has 3 skills past laning phase. Any competent team will get QSS on their carries if they're against a Malz. Not only that, but he fell out of popularity because champions that had good matchups against him became more popular.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Malz became popular again. He has really powerful aoe damage and good lane control with Q+E. His Q is an insane 3 second aoe silence if you're good at hitting it. Using his R becomes harder to do as people grab QSS, but it can still be useful if you hold on to it until the right moment.
You're very much undervaluing the ultimate I think. Sure, he can't use it to one-shot carries: after they each spend 1900 gold to protect themselves. But everyone that doesn't build QSS is at risk: it basically becomes impossible to dive Malzahar's AD carry if he's nearby.
On July 19 2012 13:59 cLutZ wrote: 1. I didn't understand the Kass changes so I asked.
I read somewhere that the Kassadin changes are aimed at Dominion (some super MP stacking Kassadin build was too stronk), and they tried to change him in a way that won't impact Summoner's Rift that much.