On August 18 2012 03:34 XenOmega wrote: From what I understand, OGN will give points toward a bigger tournament right? (That will feature teams from NA, EU and Asia). So now, OGN is supposed to be kind of a qualifier for Korea for that big tournament? If yes, why are there NA + EU teams competing in it?
EDIT : It would appear only Korean teams can earn points... But my question still remains : Why are European + American or chinese teams allowed to participate, since they can't earn the points? I mean, they could prevent other teams from Korea to have a shot in getting the points to qualify. Theorically, we could have a NA only tournament, that feature 11 foreign team + 1 NA team... how do you distribute Circuit points? (not sure if my idea is expressed correctly)
Because maybe the NA/EU are just ignored and instead of the top 2 getting points its just the 2 highest placed Korean teams.
As for why is it allowed? Well consider SC2. Why do NA competitions try to bring Koreans. Because there well known by the community. Thats why CLG is there in korea now. There following even in korea is big.
On August 18 2012 03:34 XenOmega wrote: From what I understand, OGN will give points toward a bigger tournament right? (That will feature teams from NA, EU and Asia). So now, OGN is supposed to be kind of a qualifier for Korea for that big tournament? If yes, why are there NA + EU teams competing in it?
EDIT : It would appear only Korean teams can earn points... But my question still remains : Why are European + American or chinese teams allowed to participate, since they can't earn the points? I mean, they could prevent other teams from Korea to have a shot in getting the points to qualify. Theorically, we could have a NA only tournament, that feature 11 foreign team + 1 NA team... how do you distribute Circuit points? (not sure if my idea is expressed correctly) Because it's not a direct qualifier, just one way to accumulate points towards the actual qualifier. Their circuit ranking is still accurate, I linked you all the information about it in my previous post.
On August 18 2012 03:34 XenOmega wrote: From what I understand, OGN will give points toward a bigger tournament right? (That will feature teams from NA, EU and Asia). So now, OGN is supposed to be kind of a qualifier for Korea for that big tournament? If yes, why are there NA + EU teams competing in it?
EDIT : It would appear only Korean teams can earn points... But my question still remains : Why are European + American or chinese teams allowed to participate, since they can't earn the points? I mean, they could prevent other teams from Korea to have a shot in getting the points to qualify. Theorically, we could have a NA only tournament, that feature 11 foreign team + 1 NA team... how do you distribute Circuit points? (not sure if my idea is expressed correctly) You can't ignore the prize money part. If CLG can participate every EU circuit point tourneys while participating OGN league, and make good results like they are making right now... why not? It's extra prize money + promotion for the team.
On August 18 2012 03:34 XenOmega wrote: From what I understand, OGN will give points toward a bigger tournament right? (That will feature teams from NA, EU and Asia). So now, OGN is supposed to be kind of a qualifier for Korea for that big tournament? If yes, why are there NA + EU teams competing in it?
EDIT : It would appear only Korean teams can earn points... But my question still remains : Why are European + American or chinese teams allowed to participate, since they can't earn the points? I mean, they could prevent other teams from Korea to have a shot in getting the points to qualify. Theorically, we could have a NA only tournament, that feature 11 foreign team + 1 NA team... how do you distribute Circuit points? (not sure if my idea is expressed correctly) heyyyy lets explain this atm:
American and Eu teams are allowed to compete in the OGN because it is suppsoed to be open for all foreigners. the rules for korean circuit points still apply: best korean team gets the most circuit points, 2nd best gets the next amount etc. etc. Having the big foreign teams competing is also a good way for OGN to get viewers, as everyone in Korea has heard of CLG, CLG.eu, Dignitas etc but might not have heard about najin sword before this tourny, it is really good publicity.
All foreigns teams are allowed to participate in the OGN, but actually going there and taking the time the tournament takes (which could easily take a few months) is a time that some teams simply dont want to put into it. (e.g. TSM and M5). We could see an all Foreign tourney, but since OGN only invites a maximum of 4 foreign teams (this time it was CLG.eu, Navi, Dignitas and xxx last team unknown but declined the offer) this means that all the others actually have to fly down for the preliminaries. which again is a time consuming that they could use to practice somewhere else or play another tournament for local circuit points.
And while the Korean team with the most circuit points get an automatic seed to LA (which atm I am not sure whether is Frost or Blaze) the 2-5th teams are dunking it out in a tournament that will be held from the 21st of September (so in little over a month). and the winner of this will get a seed to the season 2 finals in LA. atm (while I would assume that either blaze or frost, depending on which of them doesnt get the auto seed, wins this) there are a lot of teams who could take this mini tourny. Najin Sword has proved to be really strong, so has Xenic Storm (always #2 huehue), and ofc the public favorite in LG-IM. so all in all any of these 5 teams could make it to LA.
Regardless season 2 finals are going to be insane!
(note to all of those wanting to watch season 2 finals: Season 2 finals will take place over the course of two weekends. 6-7th october will be the play offs or prelims or group stage or w/e you wanne call it, then 13th might be semi-finals or only the Grand Finals (still working this out, asked a riot employee today but she wasnt sure as she isnt really in the esports department and only works on the korean server). So if you plan to go, please be aware of these different times so that you can go to the one you want to go to! ofc I will be there for both weekends, and for the first time in the US, and I am planning to arrange some sort of meetup so if you are interested let me know through PM)
The whole circuit points system has been quite confusing but in the end it served its purpose imo. Season 3 will be totally different system, at least for NA and EU.
PS: Damn you going to US just for the s2 finals ? I'm so jealous!
For those who missed Rapidstar's highly entertaining Lux/Diana play, some highlights:
+ Show Spoiler +
Would love some Loci commentary on G3 =p
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
How many teams are playing in the Korean Championships on the 21st?
United States6657 Posts
So, when's the next semi? The OP has a time, but not a date.
Thanks live2win for the vods !
United States1865 Posts
Thanks, really appreciate it.
What's funny about this series is that Diana is banned from EU regionals, MLG, and NA regionals.
On August 19 2012 01:25 nojitosunrise wrote: What's funny about this series is that Diana is banned from EU regionals, MLG, and NA regionals. Why is it funny? O_o Most major tourneys usually disable the newest champion due to possible bugs/balance issues.
On August 19 2012 01:34 Ryuu314 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2012 01:25 nojitosunrise wrote: What's funny about this series is that Diana is banned from EU regionals, MLG, and NA regionals. Why is it funny? O_o Most major tourneys usually disable the newest champion due to possible bugs/balance issues.
But Diana was allowed for the OGN tournament (She played a pivotal role in the series between Blaze and Frost)
On August 19 2012 01:51 nojitosunrise wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2012 01:34 Ryuu314 wrote:On August 19 2012 01:25 nojitosunrise wrote: What's funny about this series is that Diana is banned from EU regionals, MLG, and NA regionals. Why is it funny? O_o Most major tourneys usually disable the newest champion due to possible bugs/balance issues. But Diana was allowed for the OGN tournament (She played a pivotal role in the series between Blaze and Frost) I suppose. But wasn't the Rengar patch already released by the time Blaze and Frost played their match? Rengar's still disabled, but the actual patch has already come out. New champs are usually only disabled for one, sometimes two patches in tourneys. Enabling a champ in tourneys after one patch isn't unheard of.
Korea (South)11232 Posts
The last time Blaze met Frost was at the spring championship Final. Blaze dominated this serie with a clear 3:0 victory over its team member. Since then a lot of time had passed and now they meet again on the fierce battleground of the summer championship. Blaze went into the match as the favorit and Frost needed to prove that they are not the B-Team from Azubu to top it off the winner gets a seed to the season 2 championship sponsored and hosted by Riot Games. For both teams were a lot on stake.
Game1: The games were played on the Diana patch for the first time and Diana was picked from Frost. Rapidstar got fast 4 kills and carried the game hard for Azubu Frost. 4/5 Game2: Which lead to the Believe that the next game we will see a Diana ban but instead Blaze picked Diana and Frost took Zyra as a Support. But in the End Blaze had the upper hand and equalized the score. 3,5/5 Game3: Had another unique pick. Rapidstar decided to select Lux as his champion of choice. Meowkai gave an early First Blood and Rapidstar executed this flawless to win the lane and set Meowkai even further behind. Lux CD on her Ultimate is really low and therefore was able to farm Azubu Blaze wraith camp with it. I really recommend the game! Rapidstar makes some really beautiful plays with his stun and ult. Highly recommended 5/5 Game4: Was a standard game no unusual picks from both sides but still close till the very end. In the end Blaze managed to tie the score again and we got our first Blind Pick game in this season. 4/5 Game5: The first Blind Pick in this season! Everybody thought that we will see at least 1 mirror matchup but to our surprise there was none. Instead each team picked the Heroes, who were banned in the other games. Frost decided to go with a team composition which focused on AoE. Dianna jumped in, pulled the enemy team together and then Alistar and Malphite engaged with WQ combo and Malphite with his ultimate. Graves and Nocturne blocked the view from team Blaze with their skills. Frost team composition was terrifying and they worked together like a clockwork, perfects engagements! 4,5/5
Team Frost won the first semi-final and advances to the Final of the summer championship and gets the chance to secure a seed in the Riot Games Season 2! On Friday 24.08.2012 19:30 KST the second semi-final will take place between CLG.EU and Najin e-mFire. ---------------
Hope you guys enjoyed it. There may be some mistakes because since I came to Korea my English got really bad. TT Writing was never one of my talents.
Info about the korean Season 2 World Championship
Points are taken before the first semi-final happened 1 Azubu Blaze 500 THE CHAMPIONS SUMMER 4강 진출 (진행중) 2 Azubu Frost 300 THE CHAMPIONS SUMMER 4강 진출 (진행중) 3 Xenics Storm 200 THE CHAMPIONS SUMMER 8강 탈락 4 LG-IM 125 THE CHAMPIONS SUMMER 16강 탈락 4 CJ ENTUS 125 THE CHAMPIONS SUMMER 16강 탈락 6 Najin Sword 100 THE CHAMPIONS SUMMER 4강 진출 (진행중)
Azubu Summer Winner 400 2nd 200 3rd 150 4th 100
LG-IM and CJ Entus need to battle against each other(9/12) to determine the 5th spot, because Najin will get at least 150 points which leaves them at 250.**
This leaves now several options.
1. CLG.EU beats Najin => Azubu Frost gets a seed** 2. Azubu Frost wins => They get a seed 3. Najin advances and beat Azubu Frost => Blaze gets the seed => Najin and Frost have a fight to determine 2nd place in the point system
9/12(Wed) 19:30 4th place vs 5th place Best of 5 9/14(Fri) 19:30 Playoff Finals 3rd vs winner of 4/5th place match Best of 5 9/19(Wed) 19:30 Final 2nd vs winner of playoff finals Best of 5 9/21(Fri) 19:30 *Final 2nd vs winner of playoff finals Best of 5 *only if Najin gets 3rd or higher in the tournament. 9/12 will be elimination match LG-IM vs. CJ Entus ** under the assumption that even if CLG wins the whole thing Azubu gets the 400 points because their are the number 1 korean team.
Wait, so the semi are played today?