[Patch Riven] General Discussion - Page 117
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United States17233 Posts
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United States1723 Posts
Does that mean we're getting a free xin skin? | ||
United States17233 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
unichan was just temp banned for 90 days by Manifesto7. That account was created on 2011-03-07 14:55:24 and had 807 posts. Reason: "but u have never been as high on the ladder as an african american man" Lynching joke! Yay! LOL. Can someone explain to mani that she was making fun of the fact that Whatsupchan (a TL LoL player that some people think is black) being top 25 on the LoL ladder yesterday? | ||
United States13684 Posts
Im sorry, but there really should be a policy where only those mods who actually frequent the subforum issue bans/warnings. | ||
United States1508 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
Is the general idea to try and abuse their cooldowns? I'm assuming so but I'd like to improve at this. Someone paint me a picture using say.... teemo, solo top. With sion I'm thinking maybe I just have to take the stun and shield burst, and then just movequick and get in as many hits as a i can before his cooldowns refresh. Irelia I'm less sure about, partly because i don't really know much about her skills. Thanks in advance | ||
Canada5878 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
On September 24 2011 12:37 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Actually it's just you. Sounds like the problem of an angsty teenager. I recognize it's just me. But I met a lot of people just like me. Because there are a lot of teenagers playing games. On September 24 2011 12:39 Chrispy wrote: In the end though you won't have your name on the wall. History will forget 0123456789 while the mighty Locodoco, Chrispysc, Yiruru and Locicero will live on forever! History will remember me for my achievements outside LoL. pssh cant get plat yet going to get into Harvard. Doesn't matter. But school really easy, I try real hard. All day every day except one day off a week all day study. I'm real srs bsns. On September 24 2011 12:42 nyxnyxnyx wrote: its admirable how you can put down games just like that, numbers but for some people, games are indeed enjoyable. i would never play LoL if it was too stressful for me, since i constantly remind myself of the fact that it's a game and that if it's not fun, i should stop playing. i find time to go out, and given a choice between a night out with friends and games, i always choose the former. your post kinda assumes a binary approach to games/socializing. like there's no grey area between the two where a healthy balance can be found. yes, you cant ever get as good as you'd like to be if you don't devote 100% of your time to games, but there will be exceptions, always. people playing all types of games have various degrees of 'talent', some people just pick it up way faster and require less effort to get to a certain level of skill. for those people, it's possible for them to be comfortable with their skill and still have a good life outside of games. ps: i'm in uni right now too (NUS). pps: as in university I have this problem where if I'm not going to devote my time to something, I'm not going to do it. I'm not a gray area person, I don't like half assing things, except apparently LoL. There's no wasting time playing games WHEN YOU'RE GOING TO HARVARD!!! hey man, i understand that you kind of woke up from a bad dream and might have realized that your life is in a bad state and be all hyperactive to do something about that, i have seen that all before after all. But you should realize that you dont speak universal truth, gaming might be life destroying for you at the moment, but there are a lot of people who have a perfectly awesome life that includes playing onlinegames. and to accelerate your path to enlightment and save you some time: life is probably not about having sex and drinking alcohol while you sorround yourself with as many people as you can. thats even more stressful than playing solo queue after a while. I'm not a crazy party guy. I don't drink. I just enjoy genuinely being around people and having fun, an experience I could not get when I was into games. I never thought that my life was in a bad state, maybe something along the lines of I was stuck in a state where I was half assing my life being mediocre at something, and being a not so nice, maybe bitter person being so caught up in games. I strive towards success. I want to always better my life or anything that I do, and get more success, not be stuck in a state of content being mediocre. On September 24 2011 13:07 Tooplark wrote: Numbers just too srs to kick it back and chill with the parties. Sometimes the LoL gods are kind and smile upon thee, and sometimes they are wroth. But the chill dudes have faith, and persevere. For they know that as they forgive feeders, so they shall be forgiven for feeding. Yeah, I can't do that. I was really anti-social playing LoL. It was like play games to play games, I don't play games to socialize. On September 24 2011 13:08 Craton wrote: I lol'd at that rant One day you'll realize you can actually play games with friends (they aren't mutally exclusive) When you are obsessed or addicted playing games, getting out is pretty hard. It's hard to make that decision to stop playing. Lucky for me, I just said one day I'm going to stop playing games period. Then I stopped playing games, and I was fine. No urge to play again. But people who are addicted who play again, it's going to be hard for them to come back out a second time if they have a backup when things get tough. numbers summed up everything that is wrong with this society it should not be mandatory to go out and get shitfaced every friday and saturday (and even thursdays and wednesdays now due to thirsty thursday and bar wednesday.) Everything in moderation my friend, dont fool yourself into thinking gaming detracted anything more from your life then friends or women do. They all require time, money, and effort and have their ups and downs. tldr media in the last couple decades has destroyed our culture I like being around people and genuinely having a good time. I don't like drinking and I don't like thinking I'm a loser for not going out. I spend most of my time studying in the library. I'm a nerd who got better at socializing with people in real life. I was just being immature yelling around tits and stuff. GOING TO HARVARD!!!! I'll post in like a year whether or not I got in. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
speaking of asians: trying to do laundry and this asian girl goes up to a drier that is clearly running and opens it and then is somehow surprised when clothes explode all over the floor OH-TO-TO-TO!! CLotheS In DrieR??? then picks them up off the floor shoves them back in and doesnt restart the machine. god dam. and lol just saw what unichan responded to, 2 ez 2 troll guitar | ||
United States16280 Posts
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Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On September 24 2011 13:37 HeroHenry wrote: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/xin-zhao-wants-you-join-winged-hussars Does that mean we're getting a free xin skin? This skin was given to all Polish people, who tested the polish beta of League of Legends and I really doubt it's gonna appear in shop available for everyone. | ||
9871 Posts
On September 24 2011 13:43 HazMat wrote: LOL. Can someone explain to mani that she was making fun of the fact that Whatsupchan (a TL LoL player that some people think is black) being top 25 on the LoL ladder yesterday? haha... too good. esp since uni baited me into getting banned for a liquid channels related joke earlier this year. now you know how cold the world outside TL is uni... now you know. | ||
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Any thoughts of the new incoming champion? ;-) | ||
United States13684 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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New Zealand3180 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
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United States8474 Posts
Also, you can be an adonis and do well in school and play games(and be decent at them) all at once. Look at a dude like Tyler(he's a famous example, not trying to nut ride, I'd love to use myself but I don't have years of people following me to cement it as awesome proof), student athlete at duke, pro gamer, gorgeous wife(so I've heard). I was thinking about making a kinda trolly post about this but you actually seem somewhat torn up about it. | ||
United States1817 Posts
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