man the game runs way smoother since the update.
On August 25 2011 09:11 UniversalSnip wrote: man the game runs way smoother since the update. ^ I've been having such better FPS this patch.
Why are people so dumb in this game. Somehow I end up laning with Renekton in top lane (which is in itself stupid, since I was Ashe but that was not my choice)- then he kept overextending wandering way too close to Nasus when his health was low (they had a jungling Udyr)... so I'd have to endanger myself trying to keep him alive with my frost arrows. Then when Nasus's slow is obscene he keeps doing it some more, and Nasus's q whacks off half my health in one hit, he's like "NICE SUPPORT" when I can't get anywhere near Nasus or he just withers me and I die even with flash and exhaust up because Udyr shows up and gives me a bear claw in the face. Pays no heed to the threat Nasus/Udyr pose when we team fight (chiefly, annihilating whoever Nasus withers if we're out of position), and then it just spirals out of control even though we had a large kill//creep kill advantage.
Sigh. :/
HotshotGG feeding with Talon on his stream. Admittedly, Dan Dinh playing Jungle LS is constantly ganking him and LS conveniently counters his ult.
Just played my first match as Tristana (asked about it earlier).
Holy crap she's fun :D I go pew pew.
Much better than TF. I do waaaay more damage and have better escape. I miss Lux's snares/slows.
Just random thought from watching people over the other side of the pond playing Talon, perhaps it might be legit to build gunblade? AP is wasted stat, but spell vamp still applies to his abilities, so that may give him some of the sustain he lacks.
I've been seeing if Talon can jungle
Sadly he can't really, but I did manage to find some sort of route to 6 with him almost finishing a wriggles. If I could cut out 2-3 potions from the route I'd be able to get one and then he'd have such an easy time.
On August 25 2011 06:47 Niton wrote: Prediction: Next patch, the nerfs to heals will be half reverted and Riot will post something like this:
"Unfortunately, in our PTR testing, we didn't properly catch the scope of the changes and their effect on game play. We will be monitoring these changes further to see if the new changes create a more balanced gameplay experience." Healing was retarded, if you didn't burst someone down they would just get healed to full, meaning you never poked and just spent 20 minutes farming. No more gay soraka or taric who do nothing but heal every 10 seconds (amazing gameplay!).
new aesthetics....I don't like change =(
Ok I dont know whats going at Riot office but this is what I imagine.
"Errr we cant replays to work..the spectator UI doesnt work either.. what do we do?"
"Add an unnessary kill message to further clutter the screen" "Also remake the scoreboard to make it look awful"
"Implement MOAR types of pings!!!, MOAR SPAM!"
"Alright boss"
Should be an interesting MLG, I guess its going to be played on this patch minus Talon.
The kill messages are going to be good for dominion. They're unnecessary for SR tho, I hope they add an option to disable them by map or just straight take them out there.
Oh god gave up first blood to soraka alistar. Soraka can harass so hard now.
So I'm still new, but why do people say certain heroes should go top or bottom? Is it because of access to the red and blue buffs?
Enjoy using Alistar and Kayle in support roles so I'm debating which is better. Though I suppose it just depends on what you want, tanking/stuns or dps because prepatch Alistar is definitely better.
Does anybody have any idea what the different possible icons on the kill callouts mean?
On August 25 2011 09:31 BlackMagister wrote: So I'm still new, but why do people say certain heroes should go top or bottom? Is it because of access to the red and blue buffs?
Enjoy using Alistar and Kayle in support roles so I'm debating which is better. Though I suppose it just depends on what you want, tanking/stuns or dps because prepatch Alistar is definitely better. It has to do with how well they can handle being alone. The typical convention atm is that mages go mid, and top is solod by someone tanky with a bit of sustain or who can just bully other people out of lane. You can use a mage or ranged carry top, but the problem then becomes that the tanky person can probably zone them fairly well (with exceptions of course).
On August 25 2011 09:31 BlackMagister wrote: So I'm still new, but why do people say certain heroes should go top or bottom? Is it because of access to the red and blue buffs?
You go 2 bot (Support + carry) because you want dragon control and for you to have to dragon control without gimping yourself you need a support champ in bot lane that buys the wards and is not item/farm dependant to help their team.
The rest of the lanes are whatever, but you want carries or tanky dps in the solo lanes (mid/top) because they benefit the most from the solo xp and the solo farm.
any word on when elo would reset?