Its an off-topic thread after all.. I thought it'd be interesting news as its the sequal to the original game of which LoL is based on in the first place.
I don't know why you're so touchy about it, I welcome competition and hopefully it'll make LoL a better game than what it is now. Competition is always healthy.
On July 06 2011 17:17 HazMat wrote: You are nothing but glass, waiting to get smashed. (Look at Chrispy's match history for explanation.)
0/3 0/4 0/5 King carry.-
lol i just realized he went negative in every game.
That's the point haha.
? Looked like typical support taric carrying. Few kills, some assists, moderate deaths since taric is a big damage soak sometimes. Taric is a real beast but he doesn't have imba movement speed+ranged spells that auto give you assists like janna.
Keep in mind that 'casual' principles behind LoL are the real reason why LoL has so much more players than other MOBA games. It's not like porting DotA to another brand new engine is an autowin, but Valve definitely knows more about making games, so we'll see.
On July 06 2011 21:01 BluzMan wrote: Keep in mind that 'casual' principles behind LoL are the real reason why LoL has so much more players than other MOBA games. It's not like porting DotA to another brand new engine is an autowin, but Valve definitely knows more about making games, so we'll see.
Yeah, 90% of the people I know in LoL never played more than 20 games of DotA on Bnet in their life.
LoL just did everything right when it comes to attracting new players, dying isn't nearly as painful as in DotA, leveling system giving you a feel of accomplishment etc.
Ill be at Gamescon btw so gonna test/watch DotA 2 real fucking hard! Unless the queue is like 4h
I think some of the hardcore folks from original Dota and from HoN will eventually migrate to Dota 2 if it indeed is a better game, but I don't see myself leaving LoL and most of the people I play LoL with don't plan on leaving either.
While my opinion is that HoN is more competitive (and that Dota 2 will be similar) I just couldn't go back to the style of having 4 people whose job it is to get 1 carry farmed, then that carry goes apeshit end-game. I like the team fights in LoL a lot better.
Imho the real diffrence between Lol and Dota (for casuals) is the following:
In Lol comebacks are/seem WAY easyer.. Heroes don't seem to scale up as mad as they do in Dota. In low level/pub Dota it's common that 1-2 farmed Carries just kill the whole other Team in a matter of seconds. That does not happen in Lol (or not as often/the diffrence in farm/skill needs to be bigger). It's really easy to Snowball an early advantage into a fast Victory in Dota, it's a bit harder in LoL. I mean everyone has probably memories of that Jungle TB/Troll/Naix/Ursa/Whatever after 25 minutes suddenly coming into a Teamfight and everyone is dead in seconds because you couldn't organise a Gank on him because.. well pub... ). Or that Cent/Tidehutner/Slardar/Sven/LoA that somehow dominated his lane and now suddenly is next to unkillable even when your early was ok/good but your enemies refused to get killed... :p
That just does not happen as extrem in LoL and makes it WAY more fun on lower levels were stuff like this happens ALL THE TIME in Dota... I don't remember the last "true" random Pub in Dota that wasn't decided by the 2-3 best players in the game while the rest was just in there to feed them :D (fun times!).
This also makes comebacks more likely, i've won plenty (well, my total is 60-70) of lol games were we were behind like mad because 2-3 guys/me screwed up their lanes but then the Team began to actually stick together and won the game while being 10-20 kills behind. This is fun! The better Team still wins, but you don't instalose because someone failed a little in his lane (as long as he plays ok later ).
I like that, i don't like the removal of denies and other stuff, but this (and the lower death penalty which probably is one of the biggest reasons for this) is making the game just more "fun" for a broad audience.
Is it just me or do you guys get annoyed with the way riot just has to nerf everything? I can understand blatantly powerful stuff but most of it doesn't really need to be done. All those small or random nerfs they make really add up. It just feels like they patch things randomly just to feel like they're doing something and while doing that they're constantly changing the game.
On July 06 2011 21:45 Velr wrote: Imho the real diffrence between Lol and Dota (for casuals) is the following:
In Lol comebacks are/seem WAY easyer.. Heroes don't seem to scale up as mad as they do in Dota. In low level/pub Dota it's common that 1-2 farmed Carries just kill the whole other Team in a matter of seconds. That does not happen in Lol (or not as often/the diffrence in farm/skill needs to be bigger). It's really easy to Snowball an early advantage into a fast Victory in Dota, it's a bit harder in LoL. I mean everyone has probably memories of that Jungle TB/Troll/Naix/Ursa/Whatever after 25 minutes suddenly coming into a Teamfight and everyone is dead in seconds because you couldn't organise a Gank on him because.. well pub... ). Or that Cent/Tidehutner/Slardar/Sven/LoA that somehow dominated his lane and now suddenly is next to unkillable even when your early was ok/good but your enemies refused to get killed... :p
Personally, I was a fan of harbinger with refresher 2 shotting the entire enemy team, also, faceless killing everything during his ult.
On July 06 2011 21:45 Velr wrote: Imho the real diffrence between Lol and Dota (for casuals) is the following:
In Lol comebacks are/seem WAY easyer.. Heroes don't seem to scale up as mad as they do in Dota. In low level/pub Dota it's common that 1-2 farmed Carries just kill the whole other Team in a matter of seconds. That does not happen in Lol (or not as often/the diffrence in farm/skill needs to be bigger). It's really easy to Snowball an early advantage into a fast Victory in Dota, it's a bit harder in LoL. I mean everyone has probably memories of that Jungle TB/Troll/Naix/Ursa/Whatever after 25 minutes suddenly coming into a Teamfight and everyone is dead in seconds because you couldn't organise a Gank on him because.. well pub... ). Or that Cent/Tidehutner/Slardar/Sven/LoA that somehow dominated his lane and now suddenly is next to unkillable even when your early was ok/good but your enemies refused to get killed... :p
That just does not happen as extrem in LoL and makes it WAY more fun on lower levels were stuff like this happens ALL THE TIME in Dota... I don't remember the last "true" random Pub in Dota that wasn't decided by the 2-3 best players in the game while the rest was just in there to feed them :D (fun times!).
This also makes comebacks more likely, i've won plenty (well, my total is 60-70) of lol games were we were behind like mad because 2-3 guys/me screwed up their lanes but then the Team began to actually stick together and won the game while being 10-20 kills behind. This is fun! The better Team still wins, but you don't instalose because someone failed a little in his lane (as long as he plays ok later ).
I like that, i don't like the removal of denies and other stuff, but this (and the lower death penalty which probably is one of the biggest reasons for this) is making the game just more "fun" for a broad audience.
Its because you need a brain to win in lol. Even saint at 50 elo had games where he could have lost despite being 20-1. He just knows where and what you are supposed to do at all time.
If you dont know what to do to close out a game, comebacks happen. This is also where ELO hell comes from.
Ya I saw him play last night in a scrim. Im pretty sure that he just cant actually ever get a ranked game. Not sure about if they messed with his normal game elo.