On July 06 2011 02:55 spinesheath wrote: 1619 elo in arranged 5s after 10 games. The last game I still got +37, so if I had not lost that 1 game, I could be around 1690 now.
Interesting video by Colbycheeze. Pretty much an accurate description on how games can go after a dominating laning phase. People just don't know how to team fight or how lane/objectives/map control work so they try to rush to win and gets destroyed in the process.
Also shows how solo pushing can be devastating to your team, because they don't know how to NOT get caught or start a fight and then blame the guy pushing.
Just like in the first one, it is HIS fault that he assumes that his teammates are 2400 elo. He plays suboptimally. He blames others...
This colbycheeze person is so irritating.
Wait, you can't relate to people who blame their allies for their losses?
I can't relate to people posting videos of themselves making mistakes and blaming others and having slogan as "people often make mistakes but blame others".
On July 06 2011 03:03 Shikyo wrote: I can't relate to people posting videos of themselves making mistakes and blaming others and having slogan as "people often make mistakes but blame others".
Come on, it's a really convenient way to prove his point.
Interesting video by Colbycheeze. Pretty much an accurate description on how games can go after a dominating laning phase. People just don't know how to team fight or how lane/objectives/map control work so they try to rush to win and gets destroyed in the process.
Also shows how solo pushing can be devastating to your team, because they don't know how to NOT get caught or start a fight and then blame the guy pushing.
Interesting? It's like whenever he loses a game where they were ahead he posts a rage video where he blames his team.
Just like in the first one, it is HIS fault that he assumes that his teammates are 2400 elo. He plays suboptimally. He blames others...
This colbycheeze person is so irritating.
That first dive and the teamfight in general was completely horrendously played by him. He should have just attacked squishies that came into his range(outside of tower range) while poking them with Parrrrrley, instead he suicides.
In fact, THAT is the most important thing. When you're far ahead, when you're fed, it's incredibly important to NEVER die. If you die once, it's very likely your clueless team is going to kill themselves. Even if you need to play extremely safe and you won't get many kills afterwards, it's extremely important to just not die. He played completely against this rule.
In the second clip, Colbycheeze should not be going to lizard. He should be either pressuring and pushing top or mid, or preferably heading to the dragon and towards the rest of his team(So that they don't do anything dumb when you're not around, important).
What's even worse is that he farmed the mid instead of immediately heading towards his team. ...
I could go on, but it's hilarious that colbycheeze says "People often make mistakes, but the problem is that they don't learn from their mistakes, but blame others for the mistakes they make", then proceeds to blame others when he himself is playing terribly.
He doesnt initiate these horrible team fights, he gets baited into them by his teammates who originally made the bad call, it just looks worse because he's not confident with that call going into the teamfight in the first place.
For me the main problem wasn't how colby played but how he communicated, had he just said "im getting red, wait for me until you engage" or "im gonna clear top, care". It might have saved him the game.
His teammates just have tunnel vision, they just see an enemy and go mental, they dont look at the minimap, they dont look at the lane situation or if drag is up or where their teammates are, they just go in and hope for the best. Thats just bad play.
If there's a wave top and your top is headed up to clear it, dont engage in a fucking team fight you're not 110% confident you're gonna win 4v5. Its just being impatient and dumb. Its way smarter to hold your lead by pushing all lanes, grabbing objectives (blue,red,drag) and engaging in a team fight near them or simply just gank somewhere where you know you have the advantage.
Really his teammates are fucking donkeys, that annie is constantly out of position and irelia is engaging at the worst possible moments.
I dont see any problem with him blaming his team, because they were the main reason that game was lost. They try to push bot tower 4v5 when baron/dragon/red/blue is all up vs an alistar/rammus. Even if GP was there at the start of the fight (he was doing red) they still would have gotten crushed near enemy tower. Then irelia randomly engages 4v5 at mid inhib turret while annie is dead. My head hurts..
On July 06 2011 02:55 spinesheath wrote: 1619 elo in arranged 5s after 10 games. The last game I still got +37, so if I had not lost that 1 game, I could be around 1690 now.
Interesting video by Colbycheeze. Pretty much an accurate description on how games can go after a dominating laning phase. People just don't know how to team fight or how lane/objectives/map control work so they try to rush to win and gets destroyed in the process.
Also shows how solo pushing can be devastating to your team, because they don't know how to NOT get caught or start a fight and then blame the guy pushing.
Just like in the first one, it is HIS fault that he assumes that his teammates are 2400 elo. He plays suboptimally. He blames others...
This colbycheeze person is so irritating.
Wait, you can't relate to people who blame their allies for their losses?
I can't relate to people posting videos of themselves making mistakes and blaming others and having slogan as "people often make mistakes but blame others".
Well, I don't wanna comment on the play in the video, but it's a little strange to me colby should feel so free to criticize. I've played with him three times - the first was a duo queue with my friend, he fed and then told my friend he was gonna report him and it was gonna be on stream after getting called bad - so that made him memorable. Second time, he was on my team again... fed. Third time, he was on the enemy team... fed. He's honestly looked awful to me every single time I've seen him play.
On July 06 2011 03:53 Southlight wrote: Actually if he had better decision-making he coulda helped win anyways.
Easy to pin losses on others, but it won't get you anywhere. You'd be surprised how much you can do to carry bad teammates when you're really good and really put your mind to it.
Honestly, if you see your whole team in a bad position in the bottom jungle you DO NOT stop to do red because "they shouldn't be there". Not to mention THEN continuing to farm some creeps in mid as the bad team fight is closer and closer to happening.
In that case he coulda just gotten top tower + maybe even inhib tower, and if the other team isn't paying attention with his items he coulda gotten inhib maybe. Also he shoulda just bought a BF Sword to increase ASPD if he doesn't trust his teammates (as he shouldn't, as he's not in a position of combat control). Backdoor faster.
On July 06 2011 04:23 Slayer91 wrote: Honestly, if you see your whole team in a bad position in the bottom jungle you DO NOT stop to do red because "they shouldn't be there". Not to mention THEN continuing to farm some creeps in mid as the bad team fight is closer and closer to happening.
Or you can turn it around and say, if you see your teammates is doing red, DO NOT get in a team fight.
But I guess expecting 4 people to adapt to 1 guy is more difficult than having 1 guy adapting to 4.
More like in solo queue you don't expect your team to do smart things unless you're telling them smart directions. Which he wasn't doing. Obviously he's commenting the game after the fact so it's highly doubtful he even noticed things developing during the game.
But I guess backseat commentating games after you know how things happen is best.
On July 06 2011 04:23 Slayer91 wrote: Honestly, if you see your whole team in a bad position in the bottom jungle you DO NOT stop to do red because "they shouldn't be there". Not to mention THEN continuing to farm some creeps in mid as the bad team fight is closer and closer to happening.
Or you can turn it around and say, if you see your teammates is doing red, DO NOT get in a team fight.
But I guess expecting 4 people to adapt to 1 guy is more difficult than having 1 guy adapting to 4.
No, in solo queue you always do what you can to win, you really have to assume your team is going to suck
Even if you were in the best team in the world you wouldn't do red buff when your team is around bottom jungle like that. Once your team is there you can't do red justifying it by "they shouldn't be there (in your opinion)" is not a good excuse.
In my opions in these situations you have to either shout real hard in chat with capslock and shit until they realize they should b or you just adapt to them and fight even if its not going to be optimal because a non optimal fight is still better than 4v5.
On July 06 2011 05:00 Woony wrote: In my opions in these situations you have to either shout real hard in chat with capslock and shit until they realize they should b or you just adapt to them and fight even if its not going to be optimal because a non optimal fight is still better than 4v5.
Engaging in a horrible 4v5 is just as bad as a non optimal fight. Clearly you don't want to take that fight so don't take it. If you're alive at least you can attempt to backdoor or defend your tower or steal baron or something. If you're dead you can't do anything.