Hero League 101 - Page 5
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United States2084 Posts
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United States4883 Posts
On September 12 2015 17:23 LongShot27 wrote: So none of these are actually basics....and none of is actually useful for new players, good try though HERO LEAGUE 101 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF HIGHER LEVEL HEROES PLAY Good try though. | ||
United States2084 Posts
On September 13 2015 01:42 SC2John wrote: HERO LEAGUE 101 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF HIGHER LEVEL HEROES PLAY Good try though. Sure aren't any fundamentals in there | ||
United States17988 Posts
On September 13 2015 02:01 LongShot27 wrote: Sure aren't any fundamentals in there You're missing the key part of the phrase: the fundamental of higher level play. I wrote this guide for people who are already aware of the basics of HotS play. The stated purpose and targeted audience are right in the intro. We have a newbie guide for those who are not ready for what this guide offers. Also, version 2 of this guide is coming shortly. I've brought it current to the meta and added a new section titled "The Art of the Carry." | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On September 12 2015 17:23 LongShot27 wrote: So none of these are actually basics....and none of is actually useful for new players, good try though I can explain basics real quick to you QWER, use your mouse and click things that move on your screen. When the green bar above your head disappears, you die. Stay out of red and purple circles. | ||
United States693 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On September 21 2015 02:45 Attakijing wrote: Are the lost vikings still overpowered as said in the OP? No. | ||
France633 Posts
It's still very powerful in the right hands. In HL before ranks 10, or maybe to 15, people just can't play against them. On Garden map or Cursed hollow they get so much exp it's almost unplayable (again, considering your team won't hunt them enough). In HL I never lost when a teammate had them, and never won against them. BTW great guide, I didn't get much from it reading it yesterday (I'm rank 8 now) but it's an awesome read. And even at that level people still do most of the mistakes you listed. Also, I would had: don't be a hero / don't over compensate things. It's the same as don't defend with 2 heroes vs 4 on a fort as you'll lose it and you'll get 2 deaths. But it's not the HOW that matters, it's the WHY. "You were all dead so I had to defend this." I main Nova so I know what it is to not help a dying mate chased by 3 angry opponents because it'd be 2 deaths for us instead of just 1. It's not because you're near a mate who's about to die that you have to suicide for him. Everyone wants to be the hero, the team's champion. But nothing else matters than the team. And in the end it's Nova who's the team champion, period. | ||
7815 Posts
And for those wondering, your reward for getting to Rank 1 is the privilege of being forced by Blizzard’s matchmaker to carry Rank 40s in game after game after game. Enjoy. Not rank 1, but high enough to still say that this happens in all ranks. I just don't understand. | ||
United States17988 Posts
On September 21 2015 23:24 ShoCkeyy wrote: This is probably the best line: And for those wondering, your reward for getting to Rank 1 is the privilege of being forced by Blizzard’s matchmaker to carry Rank 40s in game after game after game. Enjoy. Not rank 1, but high enough to still say that this happens in all ranks. I just don't understand. This actually has gotten better since changes to matchmaking were made. I rarely see anyone on my team below rank 10 anymore, and usually they're at rank 1 or close to it. I actually took the line out of the new version of the hero league guide (coming soon). That said, there is still a huge range of player skill at rank 1. Some rank 1 players routinely make the kinds of catastrophic errors listed in the guide. The only thing that getting to rank 1 seems to mean is that you might not be terrible. | ||
Russian Federation50 Posts
On September 22 2015 00:16 xDaunt wrote: This actually has gotten better since changes to matchmaking were made. I rarely see anyone on my team below rank 10 anymore, and usually they're at rank 1 or close to it. I actually took the line out of the new version of the hero league guide (coming soon). That said, there is still a huge range of player skill at rank 1. Some rank 1 players routinely make the kinds of catastrophic errors listed in the guide. The only thing that getting to rank 1 seems to mean is that you might not be terrible. I think its because they made bonus points much more generous after the update, so players that would previously be stuck in lower ranks can now rank up more easily. So its quite possible that the matchmaking wasn't changed, you're still playing against the same range of players, its just that their rank that changed. I also have a question. How many solo players can actually hold rank 1 without ever getting demoted? From what I can tell, if you stay around 50% winrate (which is where it should be if matchmaking is working correctly), then you can still eventually get demoted after a loss streak, so only players that are consistently matched against weaker opponents should be able to stay there forever - which should only happen to the very top of the ladder. Or am I missing something here? I'm aware that regaining rank 1 takes like 1-2 games due to bonus points, though. | ||
Mexico2170 Posts
Back in May, TeamLiquid released Hero League 101 by xDaunt. Thanks to its in-depth analysis and high-level advice it rapidly became our most famous guide. While the topic it covers is pretty general, we decided to take a second look to it and make it even better. The guide has now been updated and a new section has been added: "The Art of the Carry" There is the common misconception that a single player is unable to Carry a game in Heroes of the Storm, but time and time again pros and personalities have made it to rank 1 playing solo, so there must be more. Join us as we unravel the secrets of Carrying in Heroes of the Storm and the way it works, which is different from other MOBAs. We hope you enjoy it, it is pretty long but it's worth every second. The guide covers every topic you can think about in Hero League. From Drafting and Counter Picking, to timings, decision making and map awareness. Don't forget to share it with the rest of your friends if you like it! | ||
France132 Posts
Another note: I'm a huge vikings fan, and I usually split them from start (see korean matches if you think Vortix is right not to split from level 1), and there is something you must realize against them: most viking players will split them according to their shortcut button: Olaf (1) top, Baelog (2) mid and Erik (3) bot. Just put a good burst on bot to kill Erik and you'll be painfull to deal with as TLV. Sonya is very hard to handle as example, as she will burst Erik down or destroy towers very easily. | ||
Germany10114 Posts
I usually keep Olaf and Baelog together and have Eric help out and scout. Usually you gain nothing from splitting them more. Especially if you face something like Zagara, who will kill your concentration with constant bullying. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On May 18 2015 20:40 Markwerf wrote: Edit: One thing I disagree about is the emphasis on not focussing the tank. This is often stated but I don't think it's neccesarily true, if you need to go deeper to reach the backline it's often not even worth the risk even if you could. Besides tanks in this game are not that much tankier than other heroes, and most importantly most do not have things that makes damaging them much less efficient. Sure tanks have a much higher hp to damage ratio and are thus less ideal to target but most don't have anything that let them take reduced damage or heal more efficiently (amplified healing and hardened skin are the big exceptions but until lvl 20 you rarely see those effects). Some tanks aren't bad to target, diablo in this patch for example and many comps even run semi-tanks / bruisers now like tyrael and anub'arak which can be quite fine to focus. The thing mostly is, if you go slightly deeper to reach their backline, that backline will typically be able to reach you. And their tank will often get in the middle of your backline instead of at the edge as a result, this is often not that ideal. Also holding the trigger on abilities can be good but many abilities in this game are on a very short cooldown and it's often just better to fire it off then to wait for a good oppurtunity to hit their backline. Sadly this hasn't been commented on by anyone of higher skill than me and I'd love to have more insight on that. In LoL the AD carries usually had a lot of life steal that allowed them to sustain themselves against the meager damage coming from tanks and the main worry were enemy bruisers, but in Heroes you usually don't have that and a lot of the tanks actually do quite a bit of damage if you don't dodge them constantly and it's not unusual to run into 2-tank compositions in solo queue. That means if I try to reach the backline I'm usually getting punched by the tanks while also being in range of the enemy damage dealers while also getting hit by the tanks CC, which usually results in me dying a quick death. If I focus the tanks first, especially as a tank-killer like Valla or Raynor with Giant Killer, then I can dispose of them fairly quickly and then deal with the enemy backline in a more even match. I can see the point for burst damage dealers or mages in general that are completely cooldown based. Those can dodge in and out of range, get their burst off and then pull back to not get hit, though even then a tank like Arthas can disrupt the whole "get out of range after blowing the cooldowns" thing and get you locked in a position where you get blown up by the combined firepower of all 5 opponents. However, for auto-attack heroes, I simply don't see staying in range of the enemy damage as a viable strategy as long as you are getting pummeled by tanks. That means I always stay behind all my allies and simply kill whatever is in range instead of moving in range of whatever I might want to kill first. Essentially, I'm more successful in rolling up the enemy team from the front instead of the back. Of course this ignores the situations where I can flank a bit without getting in range of the whole enemy team, though those situations are only available in few of the team fights. So what is the best way to approach it, especially in regards to the different enemy bruisers and tanks? | ||
United States7689 Posts
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France633 Posts
On October 01 2015 01:04 [Phantom] wrote: Hero League 101: The fundamentals of high level heroes play has been updated to v2! Back in May, TeamLiquid released Hero League 101 by xDaunt. Thanks to its in-depth analysis and high-level advice it rapidly became our most famous guide. While the topic it covers is pretty general, we decided to take a second look to it and make it even better. The guide has now been updated and a new section has been added: "The Art of the Carry" There is the common misconception that a single player is unable to Carry a game in Heroes of the Storm, but time and time again pros and personalities have made it to rank 1 playing solo, so there must be more. Join us as we unravel the secrets of Carrying in Heroes of the Storm and the way it works, which is different from other MOBAs. We hope you enjoy it, it is pretty long but it's worth every second. The guide covers every topic you can think about in Hero League. From Drafting and Counter Picking, to timings, decision making and map awareness. Don't forget to share it with the rest of your friends if you like it! Hi, thanks for sharing. It's very interesting. I wish it had more examples about the carry section. I mean, as a Nova main I win a lot (I'm low rank, around 8-12 at the moment) because roaming allows me to have a great map awareness and to assist my friends. I think it's part of the carry. But with other heroes, I never seem to be able to leave my lane or to roam. Is it about anticipation ? Like, "I'm gonna leave my lane now because a fight/gank MIGHT occur at this place, at the worst I can go back to my lane with just a little exp lost" ? Like today I played one pretty good Nazeebo, lots of people caught in the zombie lasso, lots of damage (more than our Kael Thas) but we lost mostly because everyone love to hit johanna so much instead of the other guys. The 2 following games I was Nova and we won by a large margin. What could Nazeebo/Zagara do to carry his team ? | ||
United States17988 Posts
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Canada6683 Posts
I still need to work on a lot of things but consistent decision making will win you games in the long run. | ||
France633 Posts
On October 03 2015 09:00 xDaunt wrote: Proper roaming is all about anticipation. You need to know where the over extensions are likely to occur, where they can be punished, and what the enemy heroes are likely doing at the same time. You can roam with any hero. However, the heroes with cc need to initiate. Ok thanks a lot for clarifying that. It means I have 2 things to improve right now (except reflexes and game experience which you never finish improving): - being able to leave my lane even when I'm not Nova / BW to do "carry actions". - being able to counterpick, which means I need to master a lot more other heroes. I've really mained Nova to the point I cannot play any other hero well enough in comparison. Maybe there's a "must-have" list of heroes to play HL competitivetly below rank 10 ? I never liked Uther or Lili for example but in today's meta they feel like the best supports. I also feel sorry for the people who, like me, master mostly old warriors like ETC / Diablo / Stitches (they'll be resurected by next patch though). Or maybe there's a good "counterpickers" list ? Like always have a Muradin, an Uther a Tyrael or a Tyrande ? | ||
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