Problems with dragonshire soloQ:
People don't rotate as much as they should and cannot communicate well when the team is trying to get DK (take both shrines and space on mid) or just preventing it (just hold any shrine or space on mid). So you have people split on top and bot, both trying way too hard to get shrine and it becomes an endless fighting and ganking, often with team members split.
Depending on the hero i got i focus on one of these plans (early-mid game). I will rotate constantly and try to get picks on overextended people or i will be a strong lane presence to be a fortress on one shrine.
For the first plan Kerrigan and Zeratul really shine, for the second, Zagara and Leoric (there are others for each plan, just mentioning some examples).
Does Mischa count as a hero or a summon? Simply wondering because of Nova's 20 talent Fast Reload. Also I don't feel like the Triple Tap interrupt cooldown is consistent. I've had it locked on Jaina and been interrupted by Improved Ice Block, one time it set it to 5 seconds but other times it has set it to full cooldown. Is it based on if any shot was fired from Triple Tap or not?
Once a single shot from Triple Tap is fired the ability goes on full cooldown, even if the next shots are cancelled. Mischa counts as a hero for as far as I know and she counts for 0.25 hero deaths when killed.
So I am ranked 31 currently, I have around 400 games played, I'm not a great player by any means and I'm not saying I deserve a better rank as I still make a lot of mistakes in game BUT there is something about hero league at my level that I find infuriating and that is some people's choice of heroes during draft. I rarely pre-pick, I try to fill-in the roles missing, as a result I'm often playing warriors or supports, but I don't mind too much since I prefer to give my team the better chance to win rather than playing my favorite hero.
My question is simple: Around what rank people stop making utterly stupid and selfish heroes pick during the draft? When your team has picked Illidan, Jaina and Sylvanas, the 5th pick (in that case me) is asking you if you wanna tank or heal since we obviously need both, you say nothing and insta-pick Nova, what the hell is wrong with these people? If they always wanna play the same hero every game, fine by me, why not quick-match? Please tell me it gets better before rank 1 :D
On October 17 2015 23:58 Freezard wrote: Does Mischa count as a hero or a summon? Simply wondering because of Nova's 20 talent Fast Reload. Also I don't feel like the Triple Tap interrupt cooldown is consistent. I've had it locked on Jaina and been interrupted by Improved Ice Block, one time it set it to 5 seconds but other times it has set it to full cooldown. Is it based on if any shot was fired from Triple Tap or not?
Misha counts as a "hero" in that it is 25% xp and 0.25 takedowns etc and counts towards stacks like Gathering Power.
On October 18 2015 03:04 fastr wrote:
My question is simple: Around what rank people stop making utterly stupid and selfish heroes pick during the draft? When your team has picked Illidan, Jaina and Sylvanas, the 5th pick (in that case me) is asking you if you wanna tank or heal since we obviously need both, you say nothing and insta-pick Nova, what the hell is wrong with these people? If they always wanna play the same hero every game, fine by me, why not quick-match? Please tell me it gets better before rank 1 :D
Having played ~50 games at rank 10-1 - no, it doesn't get better. People want to play the hero they are best at/like most, regardless of the situation. There are people who will disconnect if they don't get the draft they want. There are no support drafts or drafts where Tass/Tyrande are the only support (though Tyrande can kinda get away with this now...). There are people who see 2 assassins and a specialist and draft Thrall and Raynor because those were their prepicks. If there is a game without Leoric or Kael'thas, something horribly wrong has happened.
Just the way it is, I'm afraid. Generally speaking I'm being cynical and it does get better in that drafts are more balanced and people realise that warriors and supports are both fun and necessary in compositions. But practically everyone plays assassins from the start and as a result feels more comfortable with them.
I would say it gets a bit better but yeah there are always those guys that pick whatever they feel like even at rank 1. But at least people don't pick mediocre heroes like Nova often at higher ranks, I've only seen her once in all of my ranked games.
So another question, not really from me but from a friend. Is there any cap to attack speed and how does it stack?
On October 18 2015 04:05 Freezard wrote: But at least people don't pick mediocre heroes like Nova often at higher ranks, I've only seen her once in all of my ranked games.
Nova is not a mediocre hero at all. Don't take my word for it even though I'm level 20 Nova (but only rank 5) and I usually dominate games when I can play her on a good map. Just go check Hostlogs, filter master and see... She's 53% W/R, and she's been around 55% the last week. If she's mediocre, then Valla is mediocre, Karazhim, Morales, Johanna and a lot of others. She's more than good enough to play at rank 1. I don't know if she's viable with pros of course.
About Dragon Shire, it's by far my highest W/R map (thank you Nova) with 70% victories in HL. My advice is to take a hero with very high mobility/roam potential. Nova is a monster on this map, so is Zeratul of course. My main healer is Brightwing, again she does wonders on this map but you won't play heroes of the storm, you'll play "I look at the map the whole game those graphics sucks". I guess Falstad is very good here too but I don't play him. You can probably add illidan with the hunt but it's not the best ulti for illidan. Look at the map a lot. Be proactive with pings: they have top shrine, you're about to lose bot shrine, then ping dragon statue 2 or 3 times. Same goes if you're about to secure the second temple, again ping mid to tell them to grab it. Don't sacrifice yourself for it early game. 1st Dragon is often wasted if it comes early. You're more usefull alive. Patience is rewarded, especially with Nova/Zera. If you can push a lane while holding your temple, you're winning.
Dragon Shire: I often go about it the Zagara way: If everyone in your team is running around like a headless chicken, i just try to hold a shrine while pushing my lane to the core. You should still watch the minimap very closely because his has mostly 3 consequences: 1. Your team will have a lead 2. The enemy team is coming to gank you for sure, and very often! 3. A big teamfight will breakout somewhere
Solution: 1. Hopefully you can utlilize your lead to a bigger lead and win (when you are ahead, get more ahead - Artosis) 2. You need to know when to retreat. You are not helping when you are constantly dead. let your minions do some work 3. Run to the teamfight immediately. Even better, predict when it's gonna happen and be there ahead of time. You will get a lot of insults your way if you keep pushing. also you prolly lose the game
I had some games with not a single dragon taken and a lot with first dragon at 16+ minute mark
How do you message someone from the other team after a game? I haven't seen any option to do this. I didn't know it was possible until a salty Kael'thas messaged me yesterday.
On October 20 2015 00:32 DifuntO wrote: How do you message someone from the other team after a game? I haven't seen any option to do this. I didn't know it was possible until a salty Kael'thas messaged me yesterday. You can do it from the score screen I believe, clicking on the options drop down next to their name.
On October 20 2015 00:32 DifuntO wrote: How do you message someone from the other team after a game? I haven't seen any option to do this. I didn't know it was possible until a salty Kael'thas messaged me yesterday.
I think you can look at their profile, and from there choose to whisper them.
Nova's One in the Chamber talent: does this work for her clones after you gain Holo Decoy?
You can just just type /w nickname in the chat to whisper someone.
On October 20 2015 02:31 Freezard wrote: You can just just type /w nickname in the chat to whisper someone.
Yeah, I tested it and it worked. You can't do it on the score screen or by checking their profile.
On October 20 2015 00:48 Volandum wrote: Nova's One in the Chamber talent: does this work for her clones after you gain Holo Decoy?
I think you mean Lethal Decoy? As far as I know the talent for Nova herself will trigger on the use of any ability. Whether her clones do the same, I think you can probably try this out on the test map with the dummy and check the numbers. Keep in mind though that it's only 40% more damage on 25% of a regular auto-attack. (that isn't augmented with Armor Piercing Shells)
Yeah, I meant Lethal Decoy.
One In the Chamber is actually +80% compared with Anti-Armor's +150% and Follow Through's +40%.
Lethal Decoy with no bonuses does 473 damage, 502 with crippling shot, 510 with ambush snipe, 516 with taser and crippling shot and 539 with Ambush Snipe and Crippling Shot. Now I won't take any of those talents. Lethal Decoy with just Anti-Armor shells does 588 damage, very impressive. Lethal Decoy with just One in the Chamber does 565 damage. So both apply, and AAS is the better option for Lethal Decoy because you get the full 5 seconds of dps out of it.
An Ambush Snipe + AAS + Crippling shot does 668 damage at level 20, and Ambush Snipe + AAS + Double Fake does up to 1250 damage, most of it front-loaded, and all without decloaking. Sometimes the second clone from Double Fake misses its Snipe though.
What is best?
war paint - f.a. - follow through
shot of fury - f.a. - ferocious healing
ok, let me fix the question, which one is better?
On October 20 2015 07:46 Volandum wrote: An Ambush Snipe + AAS + Crippling shot does 668 damage at level 20, and Ambush Snipe + AAS + Double Fake does up to 1250 damage, most of it front-loaded, and all without decloaking. Sometimes the second clone from Double Fake misses its Snipe though.
That's very interesting maths for sure! I always go with crippling shot + bolt because it's the way I play her but at higher levels people go for double fake + rewind. It's just so much damage, and with 5 Novas melting your face, you don't really want to try and figure out who's the real one. If you play it well you holodecoy + (cloaked) snipe + W + Q, then rewind + snipe (you may have time to still have the ambush snipe bonus) + decoy + Q + W in any order. I don't think it's possible to get the ambush snipe bonus though. It can really hurt even if it's riskier. You're Nova, you chose when you engage so you know beforehand if you will kill him or not.
Crippling shot helps versus bosses or high HP heroes, it's really a good talent but I should stop going for it on maps with no bosses and not double tank opponents.
United States4883 Posts
On October 21 2015 13:35 Superbanana wrote: What is best?
war paint - f.a. - follow through
shot of fury - f.a. - ferocious healing
Neither. I go War Paint -> FA-> Ferocious Healing,
Oh, I have a question! Does Echo of Heaven stack with Circle of Life on Kharazim? In other words, if I hit all 4 members of my team for 140% heal, does the echo heal for 70% the base amount or 50% the base heal?
On October 21 2015 13:35 Superbanana wrote: What is best?
war paint - f.a. - follow through
shot of fury - f.a. - ferocious healing
ok, let me fix the question, which one is better? As John said, neither. It depends on the map and enemy team. On level 4 F.A. is obviously the best choice, but on level 1 War Paint, Block and Shot of Fury are all viable depending on situation. On level 7 I take Ferocious Healing most of the time, but from time to time I use Poisoned Spear against Illidan, Zeratul etc. I am not a fan of Follow Through but I haven't played enough with it yet, I am pretty sure that it is good just didn't test it as much as I could.