On December 24 2013 00:33 Zeon0 wrote: If a minion with enrage is revived by Redemption (Secret: When one of your minions dies, return it to life with 1 Health.), is it enraged?
Yes, I'm pretty sure I've seen that. Battlecries work also, nice early move with loot hoarder.
PS. is there any deck that aims at stalling out the game until the opponent dies of not being able to draw cards? That would be awesome.
Battlecries dont work, you mean deathrattles. And yes its nice on Loot Hoarder, I like it on Harvest Golem, you get the normal 2/1 Damaged Golem and you get a 2/1 Harvest Golem, which will spawn another 2/1. So you get 4/2 out of the 1mana secret.
On December 24 2013 00:35 JoeTheHoe wrote: btw what do you get out of arena? do you get dust or gold based on how many wins you achieved before losing the third time? and also what is the skill level increasment? do the opponents get better with each win or is it random?
Yes,Yes, Yes.
Divine shield also works with Redemption. Works really great with Scarlet Crusader since almost nothing trades well with her in the early game anyways.
On December 24 2013 00:35 JoeTheHoe wrote: btw what do you get out of arena? do you get dust or gold based on how many wins you achieved before losing the third time? and also what is the skill level increasment? do the opponents get better with each win or is it random?
So just unlock that warrior, do one match vs AI or something like that.
lol I didn't know you can unlock characters like that :D I thought you have to win ranked against the class to get it and I kept losing against warriors.
For Arena, you always get 1 pack + stuff based on your wins in that run. If you only get a few wins, that "stuff" is something like 20 gold, 15 dust, not a lot. If you get to 12 wins that "stuff" can be another pack, or ~400g, or something along those lines.
As far as i know, the matchmaking in Arena matches you up against people with the same amount of wins. Which means that later matches get progressively harder.
The main skill in Arena is just being able to build a good deck. Don't get too much expensive stuff, don't get stuff that is combo based. Just pick a lot of all around good cards with a focus on early game and "op" cards. Stuff like Truesilver Champion, Flamestrike, Fire Elemental, Yeti, Aldor Peacekeeper and lots of 2 cost minions, avoid shitty stuff like murlocs, dalaran mage or Mogashin. Try to get some draw. Don't focus on taunt unless it is attached to a good creature like Senjin or Defender of Argus. Don't overvalue silence. Removal spells are really good. Practically always take AoE over anything else.
I have been playing practically only arena so far, and it is working out. One 10+ run can give you enough gold to do 3-4 3-5 runs. And all the time you accumulate packs for free.
Just played a game with a work in progress paladin deck and I hit a priest. I got first turn, couldn't do anything, he then coined and played lightwell. second turn i only have 3's and up, so I just used my power to grab a 1/1 footman, then on his second turn he played divine spirit.
The rest of the game was just him playing minions and we never getting any board control whatsoever, because he could heal 3/5 a turn. He just used spells to keep the board clear for the next few turns until he could start getting 5-6hp+ cards down which i could never kill.
As a paladin, other then maybe drawing equality + a charge minion or something, what kind of cards/combos can you use as removal in the first few turns to counter a play like this?
Silence would absolutely destroy that. You basically kill 2 cards with only the silence part of the minion alone here. Especially if he has the even more evil version of that play that adds an Inner fire to the lightwell.
Also, having 2 cost minions is very good. Not having anything useful on 2 can very easily lose you the game because of the tempo it costs you. If you had a 3/2 up at that point, he has to spend a lot of time just keeping that lightwell alive. And if you trade in a way that kills a creature, which you generally should, the lightwell doesn't do anything either.
You can also abuse the fact that the lightwell randomly heals if you got a source of 1 dmg up by hitting his face with that, which might mean that the lightwell doesn't heal itself, allowing you to kill it.
On December 24 2013 05:20 Darkren wrote: ARGGG were is open beta
check the other TL hearthstone threads. I think nowadays its pretty easy to get your hand on a beta key. Also I think to remember that I read on the blizzard hearthstone homepage, that anybody who registers now will get access until the 7th of january. maybe check the blizzard hearthstone homepage again to be sure.
Why is millhouse manastorm considered weak? As a two-drop, worst case, he trades tempo for value, soaking up removal while giving your opponent board control. Best case, he's the highest value two-drop in the game! And if you draw him during top-decking, he's still a great card - your opponent isn't going to be starved for mana anyway, and you've got another 4/4 on the board.
I haven't got him yet, but I think I'll want him in a bunch of my decks when I do.
I'm not trying to say he's as good as sylvanis or anything, he's way to unreliable for that. But especially in late game decks he's great. Even if you opponent assassinates/fireballs/hexes him for 0 mana, they still lose the card. And most of the other removal that takes care of him has other drawbacks that will happen anyway (naturalize, soulfire, lava burst).
On December 24 2013 08:56 jrkirby wrote: Why is millhouse manastorm considered weak? As a two-drop, worst case, he trades tempo for value, soaking up removal while giving your opponent board control. Best case, he's the highest value two-drop in the game! And if you draw him during top-decking, he's still a great card - your opponent isn't going to be starved for mana anyway, and you've got another 4/4 on the board.
I haven't got him yet, but I think I'll want him in a bunch of my decks when I do.
I'm not trying to say he's as good as sylvanis or anything, he's way to unreliable for that. But especially in late game decks he's great. Even if you opponent assassinates/fireballs/hexes him for 0 mana, they still lose the card. And most of the other removal that takes care of him has other drawbacks that will happen anyway (naturalize, soulfire, lava burst).
does anyone know in what order does 'at the end/start of your turn' effects are applied? for example if I have Baron Geddon and Hogger on the board, will Hogger go first and then Geddon will kill the gnoll or will Geddon go first and I get to keep the gnoll? does it depend on their placing on the board? or maybe the play order?
Can you remove silence with another silence? For example if my Flametongue Totem is silenced, can I silence it again to remove the silence and get my ability back, or does that not work?
On December 24 2013 18:02 tomnov wrote: does anyone know in what order does 'at the end/start of your turn' effects are applied? for example if I have Baron Geddon and Hogger on the board, will Hogger go first and then Geddon will kill the gnoll or will Geddon go first and I get to keep the gnoll? does it depend on their placing on the board? or maybe the play order?
Most other effects resolve in the order that the cards were played, so my guess is this would be the same but I can't confirm for sure.
OK, maybe I'm asking totally stupid noob questions, but nevertheless... I read the basic guides and feel I can understand the mechanics fairly well, but I've got some questions about the in-game "economy".
1) How long does it actually take to build a top-tier deck? I'm just wondering, because I've been playing the game for about 2 weeks and sometimes I get matched against people with 2-3 legendaries in their decks... is everyone playing for a long time or is it just luck with the packs?
2) How much money should I actually spend as a new player? I haven't bought any packs, just a few arenas (where I always get, at the very least, 3-4 wins). I'm floating more than 1000 gold... what to do?