>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 05:53:11 -0800
>From: Paul Watson <paulwatson@earthlink.net>
>To: Paul Watson <paul@seashepherd.org>
>Subject: Sea Shepherd - Preparations for Departure for Antarctica -
> Message from Captain Paul Watson
>Project Leviathan
>Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
>Preparations for Departure
>To all Sea Shepherd Crew and loyal supporters.
>I just want to encourage all of you to be positive, strong and
>supportive as we struggle to move two ships, a helicopter and two
>different crews into position to tackle the greatest whale killing
>monsters on this planet.
>Success is taking each obstacle and dealing with it and moving on to
>the next one. Success is never surrendering and always keeping an
>eye on the target, never wavering, never flinching, never being
>discouraged or distracted.
>We have international bureaucrats and politicians working against
>us, from South Africa to Canada, from Australia to Japan, from
>Antigua to Norway. We have other supposendly allied organizations
>undermining us. We even have the Japanese Yakuza supporting the
>whalers. We have technical problems to overcome, not to mention we
>are 1.1 million dollars in debt and that we have barely enough funds
>to cover the fuel for this most ambitious, most dangerous and most
>expensive expedition we have ever undertaken.
>But am I stressed out? No. I know we will do the very best we can
>with the resources we have to defend and protect as many whales as
>we possibly can from the horrendous thundering hellpoons of the
>damned imperial Japanese pirate whaling fleet.
>We have the time to do this campaign right. The hurdles are awesome
>and we don't have the money that Greenpeace, IFAW and others have.
>But we have something better, and that is a steadfast determination
>to stop thsse whale killers. We have a band of sixty men and women
>from over a dozen nations united in determination to make a
>difference and driven by an iron will to save lives.
>We don't have expensive direct mail programs or paid television
>advertising to solicit funds for support. But we do have a 12 year
>old Australian boy who walked the beach with a can and delivered
>over $250 last sunday. If only we had a thousand more like him.
>We have hurdles to overcome with moving both ships into position but
>WE WILL get both these ships down to the Southern Ocean and this
>year and WE WILL confront those lethal obscene exploding harpoons
>and electric lances.
>If need be we will return to New Zealand to refuel. We will not fail
>this year because we have invested to much money, gone heavily into
>debt and invested to much energy to fail. Most importantly we cannot
>and must not fail because our clients are depending on us.
>Our clients are the defenseless Piked, Fin and Humpback whales these
>vicious whale molesting thugs are stalking and killing.
>We don't sail into the path of lethal harpoons and giant steel ships
>through kidney jarring hellish seas and the gut wrenching storms of
>the Roaring Forties, the Furious Fifties and the Sea Sickening
>Sixties because we want to hang some silly little protest banners
>before laughing sadistic whale serial killers. We don't go down to
>the Southern Oceans to be polite, to be proper and to be politically
>We go down there as Samurai. The word means To Serve and we serve
>the cause of the whales and their right to life and freedom from
>lethal molestation. We serve in the spirit of Miyamoto Musashi,
>Japan's greatest hero and philosopher who truly understood what the
>word meant, unlike these greed merchants who now run the nation of
>Japan like some brutal feudalistic corporation devoid of compassion
>and respect for nature.
>The only hope these whales have is us. They won't be saved by the
>passive chit chat of posturing politicians. They won't be saved by
>the snuff flick producing ocean posers. They won't be saved by all
>those direct-mail-species-of-the-month-club-feel-good-organizations
>with their petitions and admonishments to us that we are extremists
>because we seek to stop such wholesale cruelty and slaughter.
>In my heart there burns an emotional extremism ideed, and it boils
>like quaking magma with a fiery indignant wrath at the senseless
>cruel stupidity of humanity. For three decades I have harnessed this
>wrath and tamed it to allow me to intervene effectively without
>lashing out violently and personally at those who inflict the most
>horrific of deaths upon gentle sentient beings.
>But real extremism is the hot blood that flows in scarlet steaming
>streams into the frigid Antarctic waters. It is the heart breaking
>screams of harpooned whales as they cry out and struggle to live
>while their organs are shattered with the slashing hellish shrapnel
>of the exposive harpoon heads. It is the perversely diabolical sight
>of whales convulsing in agony at the tip of electric lances, and it
>is the smirking sneer of human conceit on the faces of the hardened
>killers who actually take pride in their monstrous bloody depravity.
>We are the only defense for these armless large brained Buddha
>beings, and we will overcome any and all obstacles from bureaucrats
>to heavy seas and foul weather to the ruthless attitude of the
>Japanese killers in our quest to protect them.
>We must give this campaign everything we have and we must sail with
>an audacious attitude into harm's way to deliver the message that no
>longer will the world tolerate the wholesale destruction of the
>great whales. We want the whale wars to be ended and whaling
>abolished and the industry relugated to the the foul dust bin of
>history with other evil embarassments of human enterprises like
>slavery, death camps and the inquisition.
>We must send the message that the murderous extermination of the
>whales will not be tolerated in the 21st Century and that the forces
>of ruthless greed and merciless profiteering can be defeated by the
>forces of passionate compassion.
>So let's tackle the obstacles, count down the miles and deliver
>ourselves from the opposite ends of this magnificent planet towards
>a point of confrontation where we will deliver a dramatic deserving
>showdown that will echo down the gilded corridors of the elitist
>Emperor's palace to pour onto the neon embalzoned strip of the
>Ginza. Lets make them sit up and notice!
>We will spend the holidays at sea on this great quest and we will
>herald in the New Year dwarfed by the magnificent tabletop icebergs
>off the Antarctic coast. We will scour the ice edge and outward with
>two ships and an aerial search, looking for the fleet of blubber
>stripping pirates whose ships literally drip with the hottest of
>blood and whose decks are sicky slick with the shattered brains and
>foul intestinal gore of the most intelligent, gentle and socially
>complex creatures on this planet.
>In December we will sail into history and into harm's way on a
>journey of mercy and intervention in an effort to remove the violent
>human stain that so befouls the Southern Oceans with the murderous
>massacre of the harmless Leviathans
>I beseech you for your support because your encouragagement for this
>campaign gives us the means and the motivation to send so many
>volunteers on a marathon quest to defend the lives of non-human
>species. This is a leap in the human evolution for the exercise of
>selfless acts of kindness.
>For the whales, the Oceans and the future.
>Captain Paul Watson
>Founder and President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (1977-
>Co-Founder - The Greenpeace Foundation (1972)
>Co-Founder - Greenpeace International (1979)
>Director of the Sierra Club USA (2003-2006)
>Director - The Farley Mowat Institute
>Director -
>Tel: 360-370-5650
>Fax: 360-370-5651
>Address: P.O. Box 2616
>Friday Harbor, Wa 98250 USA
>"Sail forth - steer for the deep waters only,
>Reckless O soul, exploring, I with thee and thou with me,
>For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go,
>And we will risk the ship, ourselves and all."
> - Walt Whitman