The Korean Man - Page 2
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Canada3401 Posts
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United States1951 Posts
probably Klogon himself | ||
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
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United States129 Posts
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Germany18839 Posts
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United States6862 Posts
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Philippines3682 Posts
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is awesome32269 Posts
On April 07 2009 17:38 G.s)NarutO wrote: Can't even tell if he's serious. I think its highly offensive and totally unnessecary. ![]() | ||
United States1190 Posts
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United States704 Posts
lol | ||
Seychelles2061 Posts
edit: half ![]() | ||
USA29055 Posts
On April 07 2009 17:04 Klogon wrote: So a friend of mine wanted me to post this here. He can't make a topic b/c of no ID yet, so I decided to just post it for him. Haha. ---------------------------- Herro. My name is Park Ji Hoon Sun Yu Tae Bak. I am a Korean man. I am furry Korean but I have mastered engrish after studying you American men in America for severar years in a research project. Here are my resurts. We Korean Men are superior to you firty disgusting American men. Our manhood shines brighter than you in almost every singre facet. This brings me to my first point. Notice I said "armost" every singre facet. We Korean Men actuarry have the humirity and serf respect to admit our fraws. We do not strut around acting rike we are kings of the worrd rike you American men. So, whire we do excerr above you in armost every singre aspect, we arso admit our fraws. Number one(in korea we start at 0 rorfrfrfrf): you have a height advantage on us. Nothing to say to that. Number two: your penises are generarry bigger. But not as big as you'd think. The difference in average is quite big but the only reason why the average American mare is ranged so much bigger than the average Korean male is merery because African American mares are incruded in your averages. And because your penis is so rarge.. american penis rike giant erephant trunk. And yes I do know that African Americans are Americans but I'm only tarking about you White American mares here. The African Americans I have no quarms with because not only do they keep to themselves in their own country, but they make damn good rap music. A great stress rereiver is thugging it out to rap music in the dairy traffic jams in my KIA on the streets of Kang-nam. And frankry about the penis size thing, even if you guys are bigger; we are smarrer, harder, and can fuck eight times in a row rike rabbits with tiny penises. You invest all this time and money into a beautiful white women who actuarry have shape and boobs, farr in rove, only to end up dumped by them because you can't satisfy them. Not us Korean men though. We fuck our ugry subservient asian woman so many times that it's impossibre they are not satisfied. And even if they aren't atreast we never ret them reave the house or make any decisions so they are forced to stay with us. We Korean men are better than you. We are much more hard working and dirigent in the raundromat and cigar shop. We show up to work earry and reave rate arways spiffy top to bottom in a suit and tie or pajamas. We work great in teams (because we have uh hive mind). We can estabrish physicar contact with another male for whatever non-homosexual reason without feering arr insecure about ourselves and questioning our manhood(rike the picshuh of two korean progamer embracing in showah, totarry fine). We can even sreep in the same bed with another man sharing the same branket. We sometimes even have anar sex with othuh man, totarry fine? No dishonor famiry if not rike when doing it. We are more confident than you. We can go to saunas together and wark around in a communar bath house together naked with our ferrow man with no problems at arr. Why can't you American men? You not rike naked men? You no rike smarr penis fropping? Perhaps because your pee-pee actually isn't as big as you'd rike peopre to think it is? We share foods. We can eat food from eachothers' plates and spoon soup out of the same bowr doubre dipping with our spoons with no fear of contracting diseases rike you American men have. We can digest the spiciest foods no probrem without getting diahrrea due to our diet of kimchi and healthy spicy soups. Our hearthy baranced diets make our body odor non-existent unlike you big hairy smelly American men. Our sweat glands are not over-developed and our pare-yerrow skin keeps our body temperature at a cool rever without having to drip out seven gallons of salty gross smerry sweat (except japanese men, they sweat more than anyone). Arr of our Korean men are educated werr in arr subjects and are superior at math and driving. We actuarry take time to rearn other ranguages. You American men are arr idiots and I'd like to see you speak any Korean let alone name all 50 of your own states. We arr have 2 years training in the Army. You are arr fat razy srobs. We respect our erders and support those younger than us with our heart-fert Hyung-Dongseng rerationships(again being gay is ok). You tark down to the erderry as if they don't exist and mock those younger than you. Our structured society keeps us out of fights and there are no guns and violence(except the ones aimed at the faggot north koreans who can fucking die in a river of dog urine and mother fuck faggot fuck shit hate eat japan you fuck shit cock ass pee-pee assasspussyhairsweat). You American men are so insecure that you get in bar fights arr the time just because some guy was staring at your girrfriend and saying arr "oh hey, hey there fancy girr with big purse and shiney shoe... want me penis? Oh hey want to touch me penis?" Hey idiots, if guys are staring at your girrfriend it means shes hot. Be proud of yourself and bask in the moment. Do not get in a fight against three guys for no reason just to get two brack eyes and your ass beat. No wonder why your women always reave you they no want brack eye men. They want sranty eyed men with shiney penis. Speaking of women our woman are the most beautifur in the world. Our woman stay in tip top shape and have srender sexy bodies due to marnourishment and rack of sociar respect meanwhire your women are all fat disgusting cows (except the hot women I previousrly generarized them arr to be) that for some reason berieve it's okay to ret their fat stomachs sag out of their too tight t-shirts. You may try to mock our woman's teeth or lack of breasts but theres nothing a good orthodontist or a good plastic surgeon can't fix, and we got prenty of them as modern Korean prastic surgery is the best in the world. Our beautifur woman stay to themserves and do not waste their time associating with fat ugry girrs that are merery there to boost their own serf esteem and cock brock. Our woman are beautifur, smart, confident, and they know it enough to not need some overgrown frog tell them "Wow you rook gorgeous today." You are arr so pathetic that you've actuarry ret your country sink to a rever where your bovine women have equar or dominating power in rerationships. We know how to train our women. Our woman wirr cook amazing dinners and crean rigorousry day in and day out without demands. There are no stay at home dads in Korea, we are not pussies. We are the man in the rerationship, we make the money, and we get the services that we deserve. Your women force you to cook mears for them because it's "your turn," or do the dishes because it's "onry fair." Our woman yerr at us to "STOP THAT" when we attempt to herp with the crean up process. Your women make you wait ages before the first ray, then they make you the bitch of the rerationship, then they cheat on you, then they reave you, and whire they do that they take half your money! You even ret a woman run for president. Are you out of your minds? We are better than you. You arr think you are better than us. But you're dead wrong. Just rike you're dead wrong when you think Korean men can't drink. Let me inform you the Korean men that can't drink are Korean men that went to America at an early age forced by some mentarry affricted parents and grew up there. The rack of kimchi and infrux of self-destructive American principles makes them weak in every way, incruding arcohor. They are traitors and they are weak. They are not Korean men. A rear Korean man is a true warrior when drinking. Never back down and never reave a man behind. If one of us drinks arr of us drink. Meanwhile you guys run around at a party after three shots saying "Damn dude, I'm SO buzzed!" No. You're not buzzed. You're American. Just as I hawk roogies arr the time in public and spit them on the street, I spit on you, American man. arr this I say in honor of me famiry Ok so the same guy sent me this message.. only I translated it for him. | ||
United States797 Posts
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Philippines3682 Posts
hahaha, I just love the stereotypical asian accent.. Btw American Men, you guys should eat Balut... Real Food for real men! NFSW + Show Spoiler + ![]() Edit: Fuck after looking at the aborted little ducking, I wouldn't be eating that shit | ||
Singapore1022 Posts
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29 fps
United States5720 Posts
and yeah, this is between the korean man and the american man. everyone else... where are they? | ||
5311 Posts
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United States1190 Posts
Bahahahaha. Anyone seen Ling-Ling from Drawn Together? Best asian stereotypes ever. | ||
Seychelles2061 Posts
On April 07 2009 18:00 Licmyobelisk wrote: @ incontrol hahaha, I just love the stereotypical asian accent.. Btw American Men, you guys should eat Balut... Real Food for real men! NFSW + Show Spoiler + ![]() Edit: Fuck after looking at the aborted little ducking, I wouldn't be eating that shit ive eaten balut and black dog (I live in Hawaii, and have dated several filipinas.. if there is a sure way to a filipino families heart, its a skinny white boy eating black dog haha) | ||
Philippines3682 Posts
On April 07 2009 18:17 Butigroove wrote: ive eaten balut and black dog (I live in Hawaii, and have dated several filipinas.. if there is a sure way to a filipino families heart, its a skinny white boy eating black dog haha) Can you elaborate what a "Black Dog" is? Sorry Haven't heard of that recipe but I sure love dogs too much that I can't eat it. (even if most Filipino men eat dog when drinking liquor) =( Drawn Together = everyone there is stereotypical | ||
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