On February 21 2009 03:37 ilj.psa wrote: i wonder if i could kill one of those with fuckers a headlock
I was actually wondering the same thing since I've been training in jiu jistu and wrestling for a while now buti after some thought I realized this would be impossible. A chimp would most likely bite the fuck out of my forearm or bicep if I tried to get it in a rear naked choke. Maybe all of the adrenaline would make it possible but I'm really not confident that I'd be able to do much of anything.
Brock Lesnar vs Travis...gogo.
You wouldn't even be able to hold the lock, the chimp being X% stronger would just pull your arm off like what?
Just to add guys, I don't think the chimp just grabbed the woman's face and easily pulled off her jaw or hands or whatever. There are tendons and muscles and all this shit connecting it together, its like trying to pull a rubber band in half when it's attached to a roll of quarters. He probably bit and gnawed and pulled at it. It wasn't just one jerk. Even if he put his feet on her body or whatever to tether her down while he pulled i'm sure with his vicious attack he gnawed at her at didn't use as much force as you all think.
Another good reason to have a gun. If your chimp goes wild on someone you can shoot it and not have to wait until the cops get there to save the woman. That attack would have ended a lot faster if it had happened at my house.
On February 21 2009 10:09 Savio wrote: Another good reason to have a gun. If your chimp goes wild on someone you can shoot it and not have to wait until the cops get there to save the woman. That attack would have ended a lot faster if it had happened at my house.
people will nevel stop trying to acquire exotic animals. But, what if a law is passed that every chimp must be equipped with a tranqualising collar or wrist band? Once the chimp starts freaking out the owner is able to administer the tranqualiser without getting in harms way. Good idea?
Not to derail, but fuck that channel that CNN2 became. All that they report is bullshit like this (not to say dying is bullshit, but how about the national policy thing going on.?) whoever thought that it was a good idea to make an entire channel dedicated to gossip news was a jerkoff
I don't understand, how do you rip someone face's out without killing her? It's not like the face is a separate body part you can just pull off, it's part of the head.
Maybe they're trying to mean he ripped off just some of the skin from the face?
On February 21 2009 11:12 VIB wrote: I don't understand, how do you rip someone face's out without killing her? It's not like the face is a separate body part you can just pull off, it's part of the head.
Maybe they're trying to mean he ripped off just some of the skin from the face?
Jaw/nose/ears/eyes are not vital organs, as long as you contain blood loss.
Wow thats ridiculous. People are so stupid sometimes. Having a wild animal as a pet is idiotic in itself but to give it drugs designed for HUMAN USAGE?!
On February 21 2009 10:41 MaZza[KIS] wrote: I just thought of this right now...
people will nevel stop trying to acquire exotic animals. But, what if a law is passed that every chimp must be equipped with a tranqualising collar or wrist band? Once the chimp starts freaking out the owner is able to administer the tranqualiser without getting in harms way. Good idea?
You wouldn't always have time to do it though. What if your just sitting down and it fucking pounces on you. There's no way you are going to be able to pull something out of your pocket and press a button or whatever.
its easy to break a coin when you have the appropiate technique, and he didn't "bend it" with his eye socket he was pressing onto the bone beneath it. Funny that he doesn't want to shake hands because of fear of breaking them , yet he has sex with those womans all day.
On February 20 2009 16:53 CharlieMurphy wrote: Here is a 46 second transcript I just wrote for you all to understand what I mean. Just read this, without thinking of the audio. Doesn't the guy sound like a fucking moron?
OP:Stamford 911, wereres ur emergency?
Woman: name, address, (chimp screaming in backrgound)... OP: what's the problem? (chimp screaming louder in backrgound) Woman: send the police. (chimp screaming even louder in backrgound) OP: What's the problem there?! (chimp screaming ) Woman: the, the, the chimp killed my friend! OP: What's the problem with your friend? (chimp screaming ) Woman: help, please! (chimp screaming ) OP: what's the problem with yer friend!? I NEED TO KNOW! (chimp screaming ) Woman: send the police out! With a gun! with a gun! Hurry up! OP: Who hasssss a gun? Woman: Please hurry up, he's killing my girlfriend! OP: What es te problem? Woman: He's killing my friend! OP: WHO'S KILLIN YOUR FRIEND? WOMAN: MY CHIMP, MY CHIMPANZEE OP: Oh, your chimpansee es killin ur friend? WOMAN: He ripped her apart, hurry up! (op in background radioing message finally) OP: There is someone on the way.
now go back and listen again.
PS- Every fuckin school kid knows what a damned monkey sounds like.
Yeah I couldn't believe how inept that fucking operator was. The screaming monkey noises in the background are easily recognized by anyone 5+ years old. They were loud and repeated, backdropping the woman's desperate, but coherent, explanation of the situation.
I would have asked for a native English speaker right away.
Oh and he waited like a whole minute before, "oh btw, someone is on the way". MORAN
You say that in hindsight. The screams could just as easily be coming from a woman, and considering its not everyday that somebody gets mauled by a chimpanzee it's not that easy to put 2 and 2 together.
pet animals should be extinguished no fucking pets, just plants i had a dog for 14 years i will still sign for it esp smart fucking creatures like chimps. Who the fuck gets a pet chimp anyways?