A similar case.
The poor guy was attacked by 2 (!!!!!) chimps! He got his nose bitten off, most of his face missing, a foot torn off (omg...) and his balls ripped out!!!!
WTF is wrong with chimps mutilating peoples (and animals) genitals!!!!!!???? Evil!
Everyone has a witty input today huh?
God this story has been on the news so much and I'm sick of it. I didn't want to hear about it even the first time. Don't keep fucking undomesticated, dangerous animals as pets. Not that hard.... stupid bitch... it's not your baby. That is unless you're cool with having a baby that kills people.
On February 21 2009 14:35 LeeK wrote: Everyone has a witty input today huh? yup, where's yours?
I guess it's her fault for being ignorant and taking one in the first place. She could have easily get a cat/dog.
On February 21 2009 16:08 Grobyc wrote:yup, where's yours? lol.. mayne im hungry.. HIGH THREAD
United States24579 Posts
This was just on the 11 oclock news for me. They talked about how the chimp was on Xanax, and apparently the family of the victim is sueing for 50 million dollars or something like that.
I guess it's pretty big news since I mentioned it to my mom and she said "oh I heard about that on the radio today"
Why the fuck would anyone put an animal on Xanax?
The chimp probably wasn't on Xanax when it attacked. Maybe it was suffering from withdrawal symptoms?
Oooooooooh shieeeet.
Sueing the lady who was the owner of the chimp then, yes?
Jesus christ, why the fuck do people feel the need to sue for such excessive amounts? Whether you get 5 or 50 million dollars in the case you can still retire rich...
You know, this is a sad story and I feel bad for the lady, but I really hate when after people have something bad happen, they sit down and say "ok, who can we sue that will give us a bunch of money?"
its not just this case but that is the mindset of way too many Americans.
EDIT: also what are the makers of Xanax supposed to put on their boxes?
"Warning: Do not give to old chimpanzees. Brutal attacks may occur"
On May 14 2009 14:49 Grobyc wrote:
Sueing the lady who was the owner of the chimp then, yes?
Micronesia should supply more details, but I imagine that they are not suing the owner of the chimp. There is no way that old lady could come up with any amount of money worth suing. In general people don't sue the person responsible, but rather the person or organization that has money. My guess is that they are suing the makers of Xanax for not warning about chimp attacks.
United States24579 Posts
On May 14 2009 14:30 nitram wrote: The chimp probably wasn't on Xanax when it attacked. Maybe it was suffering from withdrawal symptoms? They said it was found in the system.
On May 14 2009 14:49 Grobyc wrote: Oooooooooh shieeeet.
Sueing the lady who was the owner of the chimp then, yes?
Jesus christ, why the fuck do people feel the need to sue for such excessive amounts? Whether you get 5 or 50 million dollars in the case you can still retire rich... I think suing is often done not according to the ability of the target to pay, but to the severity of the 'fault.' They'll get whatever they get, I guess.
On May 14 2009 14:50 Savio wrote: You know, this is a sad story and I feel bad for the lady, but I really hate when after people have something bad happen, they sit down and say "ok, who can we sue that will give us a bunch of money?"
its not just this case but that is the mindset of way too many Americans.
EDIT: also what are the makers of Xanax supposed to put on their boxes?
"Warning: Do not give to old chimpanzees. Brutal attacks may occur"
This isn't really the same as a minor victim trying to use their hardship to sue whoever has the deepest pockets. The family blames the chimp's owner and wants to do something about it... and criminal charges have not been filed.
On May 14 2009 14:55 Savio wrote:Show nested quote +On May 14 2009 14:49 Grobyc wrote:
Sueing the lady who was the owner of the chimp then, yes?
Micronesia should supply more details, but I imagine that they are not suing the owner of the chimp. There is no way that old lady could come up with any amount of money worth suing. In general people don't sue the person responsible, but rather the person or organization that has money. My guess is that they are suing the makers of Xanax for not warning about chimp attacks. I'll post an article. Read the bold.
Conn. chimp that mauled woman had Xanax in system
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – A chimpanzee that mauled a Connecticut woman had the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in its system, according to toxicology tests, but investigators haven't determined whether the drug played a role in the attack, a prosecutor said Wednesday.
Authorities are still weighing whether to file criminal charges against the chimpanzee's owner, Sandra Herold, said Stamford State's Attorney David Cohen.
The 200-pound chimp, named Travis, attacked Stamford resident Charla Nash on Feb. 16. She lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids in the attack. Doctors at Ohio's Cleveland Clinic say she is blind and faces two years of surgical procedures.
Nash's family has sued Herold for $50 million. The suit alleges, among other things, that she had given Travis medication that further upset the animal.
"I think it provides tremendous support for the plaintiff's case," said Paul Slager, a catastrophic injury attorney in Stamford. "I think it's understood by everyone that Xanax is medication intended to be used by people, not animals. I suspect that experts will agree it's difficult to predict how an animal like a chimpanzee would respond to taking a medication like Xanax."
Herold has made conflicting public statements about whether she gave Travis Xanax the day of the attack. Police have said Herold told them that she gave the animal Xanax that had not been prescribed for him to calm him because he was agitated.
Herold's attorney, Robert Golger, declined to comment Wednesday, saying he hadn't seen the toxicology results, which were first reported by The Hour of Norwalk. A telephone message left for an attorney for Nash's family wasn't immediately returned.
Herold's attorneys have said there was no way to predict Travis would attack Nash.
On the day of the attack, Herold called Nash to her home to help lure the animal back into her house. Herold has speculated that the chimp was trying to protect her and attacked Nash because she had changed her hairstyle, was driving a different car and was holding a stuffed toy in front of her face to get Travis' attention.
The attack lasted about 12 minutes, and ended when police fatally shot Travis as he attempted to open a police cruiser's door.
Herold owned the 14-year-old chimp nearly all its life, dressed the animal and fed it human foods. When he was younger, Travis starred in TV commercials for Old Navy and Coca-Cola, made an appearance on the "Maury Povich Show" and took part in a television pilot.
Police Capt. Richard Conklin said a necropsy determined the chimpanzee died from multiple gun shot wounds. It also showed two substantial knife wounds to the back, confirming the owner's account that she stabbed her beloved pet with a butcher knife in an effort to rescue her friend, he said.
The report also concluded the chimpanzee was obese, weighing over 200 pounds, Conklin said. He said police will meet with experts in the coming weeks to try to determine if the level of Xanax found would affect the chimpanzee's behavior.
"It doesn't look like a large amount," of Xanax, Conklin said.
Humans who are aggressive or unstable can get worse under the influence of Xanax, said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chief of psychiatry at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
"They just have more frequent and severe outbursts," Coccaro said. He said he did not know how Xanax might affect a chimpanzee.
April Truitt, who runs the Primate Rescue Center in Kentucky, said she's heard of private primate owners giving valium to their animals.
"It's been well known in primate circles that giving valium to monkeys and apes, particularly if their adrenaline is up, can have a very different effect and not be sedating," Truitt said.
Truitt said she did not know of any cases involving an owner giving Xanax to a chimpanzee.
"It's never occurred to us to try," Truitt said. "What an awful postscript to this whole thing."
Wow pretty fucked up.
As pets, they can be extremely difficult. They typically act aggressively toward their owners when they reach adulthood Why the hell does someone have them as a pet then? is it legal at the place this happened? It's not legal in Finland and I think that's a damn good thing.
It is not legal in Europe anymore to have monkeys as pets. I'd go even further and forbid the circuses to have animals but that's another topic.
And yes, having a chimp as a pet is asking for trouble. They are smart, they are very strong and they are very easily irritated and don't give a fuck about you or anything else for that matter.
I've watched a clip where a bunch of chimps attacked a panther that had killed a baby chimp and was eating it. Needless to say the monkeys literally ripped the panther to shreds. And they attacked with stones and sticks. It looked surreal like I was watching the first people defending their offspring.
ps: chimps ARE bad for you! Don't mess with them!
Hong Kong20321 Posts
wow i didnt see this thread earlier. i lisned to the 911 call that was fucked up man
and i felt kinda frustrated at the operator too lol
this happend a while ago, but they just recently confirmed xanex was in fact in the chimp's system. That's why this is in the news again now.. I think this new information will make it much easier for the family of the victim to sue the owner... makes the owner that much more responsible since she gave the chimp xanex.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
im thinking: what makes chimps 5 times as strong as humans?
is it because they are running around on their hands and feet all day long so they get the natural exercise or is it that they just grow strong naturally?
GOD designed them that way (double pun)
Chimps don't have genes that stunt the development of muscles. Some people have only one muscle supression gene and are very atletic naturally. There is one Russian girl who has no muscle-supression genes at all and she is freakishly strong. Much stronger than the average adult male twice her weight.
Humans have these muscle supression genes to conserve energy. Thats why humans could survive without food for longer times. Our oversized brain consumes 20-25% of our calories so the rest of our body is kind of economy-clas and build for endurance not strength. We rely on weapons, tools and misiles for the last couple of 100.000 years.
I am sorry I don't know the names of the genes and growth-hormones involved.