Do you bitch slap and burn a child for accidently tripping and knocking over your priceless vase well you shouldn't so then why do you people are like out to do justice that will do well on it's own what you want the man to spend life in prison over this wth is your problem he's not getting off scott free unless the guy had like a uzi in his belt buckle and the bart police are just withholding that information for the hell of it. Why do you want a crucify a man when there are clearly far worse people doing far worse things this man will be punished and more or less his life ruined.
Police are always fucked in America just because people think its still 1960 everywhere and every time a black man get arrested it's Rodney king all over again. People out cry for change but frankly i never see people appreciates it instead they protest and bitch and ruin peoples life's for what a patch a small fix fuck sakes a police officer a like 10 veteran on the force had to resign due to stupid public pressure on supposed "racial profiling" because on a off handed comment about saying tall black male suspect when in reality she just meant that be on the look out for anyone suspicious fitting the vague description that they currently only have. But no people have to turn a small thing and crucify the person I could walk outside and the first person i see and punch them right in the face and get off with a 600+ fine right now.
On January 07 2009 23:01 HeavenS wrote: What the fuck?? Bro, seriously who gives a shit if it was an accident????
On January 07 2009 21:40 Salv wrote:
On January 07 2009 21:39 AttackZerg wrote: That was disgusting. I have alot of police officers and such in my family and I can tell you 100% they are not trained to hold a weapon on somebody who is handcuffed and has a knee in the back of there neck from a fellow officer. They don't do this because it puts the other officer at risk.
This ruined my night.
This isn't nearly as uncommon as any of you think.
He wasn't handcuffed.
omg that changes everything!!! except im being sarcastic and it really doesn't change shit.
On January 07 2009 21:35 Element)LoGiC wrote:
On January 07 2009 21:21 BlackJack wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:57 Element)LoGiC wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:44 frankbg wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:13 Element)LoGiC wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:07 IzzyCraft wrote: Wow seriously some of the comments people make in this thread about police bashing is just off the cuff. Frankly at least in most parts of California police officers are to be trusted atlest now... and are unless your a gangbanger or some random shit like that most people have confidence in the police it's a necessary part of governing body that people are put into line when they are out of line.
Can we please keep the cops die fuck cops i hope that guy gets shot bull shit out of this forum. Really all you are doing is breeding hate maybe i should hope you accidently knock over a large object a kill a little boy so then that boys family can wish someone accidently causes your death. For serious just stop that bull shit troll ball busting crap and stop posting when you're high and paranoid.
I can't understand what you're saying.
Oh, about the guns drawn thing. If you had a gun, and there was a huge and fairly close group of people around you, you're saying you would risk a few of them running at you without a gun in your hands, and then taking it from you and shooting you? Really? If there was a group of people yelling obscenities and telling me to die, I'd probably have my gun out too? Have you people forgotten what people are like?
Are you f******* kidding me? People telling you to die? Have you watched the video? He was shot by a cold blooded assassin. The guy was cooperating, he had my age, had a kid, was drunk and got into a fight, is that enough to deserve to be shot in the back while you wait to be handcuffed?
Yes, fuck the police. When you give people the authority to arrest, beat and shoot other people, you're bound to see excess. Now the smart asses in here who will try to use this quote and say "Oh, so we don't have police anymore? What would we do then?". I'm not saying I have a solution or anything, I'm just pointing out that with our current system, shit like this is bound to happen. What's worse is cops follow orders without any judgement and become part of the machine which is slowly killing free speach in the western world. Yes, fuck the police.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. See teamliquid, I told you, now do you understand? This is what some people actually think. So, if you guys were surrounded by this guy, would you have your pistols readied?
Seriously, just stop posting until you watch the 2nd video cause you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
I don't know what to say to this. Are you really saying it wasn't an accident? What is your qualm with me? I mean, we have to get the facts straight. Did that look intentional to you? Should we hate that guy because he's ruining free speach in the western world? I watched the second video, and it looked like he was pulling out the gun to get him to cooperate. It looked like while the police officer was propping himself up to stand straight, a shot came out. It looked to me like an accident. I guess that's just a clueless suggestion. doesn't matter that it was an "accident". Here let me give u some other examples of when "it was an accident" doesn't matter either: 1) I just bought a brand new .45 and I'm showing it off to my ex girlfriend, showing her the barrel up close so she could check out the cool grooves of the gun, when suddenly the gun discharges and i "accidentally" shoot her in the face. Now what? The court is gonna let me go easy because i claim it was an accident? The RESULT is the same, she's dead and its my fault. And as far as the law is concerned im fucked.
2) I just bought a brand new 2009 VW GTI (sexy as fuck) and i'm crusing along with the windows down looking like a pimp. The i look down really quick because i dropped a cd i was just about to load when BAM i strike a kid coming out from school. Fuck guess what? It was an accident but it doesn't matter shit because the kid's dead and i didn't follow "procedure" which would have been to reduce my speed in a school zone and prevent that shit from happening. So as far as the law is concerned, im fucked more ways than one.
So in reality it's still the police department's fault for not training the officer on what proper procedure was in that kind of situation, or it was the officer's fault for not following proper procedure that he was taught. Accident or not. Handcuffed or not. It was fucking murder, just like it would have been if it was any of us doing the act. Period. Let it go.
Who cares if it's accident? Umm the courts because manlaughter and murder are 2 differnt birds and one gives you much long time in jail then another.
How do you know he doesn't have proper training you just assume everything why don't they reduce the entire police academy for years and years why don't they underpay policemen even more For calming down a fight pulling a gun is proper procedure to show force is considered necessary it's why procedure for a hostage situation is to pull extra policemen from different areas to show force. The thing about controlling a populous to actually obey the law is that you have to make them either respect or fear you and the thing is usually the ones to break the law don't respect you.
On January 07 2009 21:24 IzzyCraft wrote: What gunpowder did for war, the printing press has done for the mind
On January 07 2009 20:56 IzzyCraft wrote: It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls
On January 07 2009 21:12 IzzyCraft wrote: When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.
There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
You can stop quoting Civilization IV now.
Why it's a good game also I'm quoting the people more then I'm quoting the game =p Wonder how mad are you to actually peace it together via because i doubt you play.
Frankly you and I agree he should and will be punished but you act like he wont be punished at all this is more or less top of the list of the worse things that can happen to you as a police officer his life is more or less perma changed and after he gets out a jail along with w.e amount of things will happen is that he wont be able to retain a police officer status anymore hell have to find another profession etc.
Seriously the severity of this shit that some of you post act like every life is precious and i'll become outrage at everything that happens.
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world
And frankly becoming this outraged and irrational to punishment is more destructive then productive in a society like cali's. I can snap my fingers ever 3 secs and a child just died of TB i can tap my feet every 3 mins and a person was just abused by their life partner just because something has happened doesn't warrant outcry. Maybe i should call everyone that smokes weed in America a criminal a poison upon society who blandly disobey the law for the seek of pleasure encouraging shady characters to continue to thrive in our beloved country, and it's not a big jump things will be handled and all this extra controversy over something like this is nothing but emotional bull shit why don't we change the things that can serve the greater good instead of changing nothing and just bitching about it.
Yes, every life is precious. If you think elsewise, you're being an hypocrit. What if it was your brother? "Yeah who cares, a kid dies every 3 secs anyways"
Also, I do play Civ, I've been a huge fan of the series since the late 90's. Randomly spewing lines from it doesn't really make you look smarter though. I wonder if you wrote them in the order you get the techs aswell, are you playing it as you type?
On January 07 2009 23:30 IzzyCraft wrote: Do you bitch slap and burn a child for accidently tripping and knocking over your priceless vase well you shouldn't so then why do you people are like out to do justice that will do well on it's own what you want the man to spend life in prison over this wth is your problem he's not getting off scott free unless the guy had like a uzi in his belt buckle and the bart police are just withholding that information for the hell of it. Why do you want a crucify a man when there are clearly far worse people doing far worse things this man will be punished and more or less his life ruined.
Police are always fucked in America just because people think its still 1960 everywhere and every time a black man get arrested it's Rodney king all over again. People out cry for change but frankly i never see people appreciates it instead they protest and bitch and ruin peoples life's for what a patch a small fix fuck sakes a police officer a like 10 veteran on the force had to resign due to stupid public pressure on supposed "racial profiling" because on a off handed comment about saying tall black male suspect when in reality she just meant that be on the look out for anyone suspicious fitting the vague description that they currently only have. But no people have to turn a small thing and crucify the person I could walk outside and the first person i see and punch them right in the face and get off with a 600+ fine right now.
Punctuation, use it. (I'm not just trolling, I literally could not follow this wall of text as is)
On January 07 2009 23:30 IzzyCraft wrote: Do you bitch slap and burn a child for accidently tripping and knocking over your priceless vase well you shouldn't so then why do you people are like out to do justice that will do well on it's own what you want the man to spend life in prison over this wth is your problem he's not getting off scott free unless the guy had like a uzi in his belt buckle and the bart police are just withholding that information for the hell of it. Why do you want a crucify a man when there are clearly far worse people doing far worse things this man will be punished and more or less his life ruined.
Police are always fucked in America just because people think its still 1960 everywhere and every time a black man get arrested it's Rodney king all over again. People out cry for change but frankly i never see people appreciates it instead they protest and bitch and ruin peoples life's for what a patch a small fix fuck sakes a police officer a like 10 veteran on the force had to resign due to stupid public pressure on supposed "racial profiling" because on a off handed comment about saying tall black male suspect when in reality she just meant that be on the look out for anyone suspicious fitting the vague description that they currently only have. But no people have to turn a small thing and crucify the person I could walk outside and the first person i see and punch them right in the face and get off with a 600+ fine right now.
Punctuation, use it. (I'm not just trolling, I literally could not follow this wall of text as is)
On January 07 2009 23:33 frankbg wrote: I loved the "I doubt you play" line as well, gives us a good insight on your attitude. It's like if playing Civ was a "bourgeoisie" thing. LOL
Naw it's just not alot of people play civ enough to remeber the quotes so i assumed you googled the quotes until you saw a commonality esp civ 4 which games even on fastest are 3-5 hours long
Psh and poeple said I make too many one liners
In short why are there people wanting to punsh a man already being punshed do they not realise what will happen to him or they just mean and wish everyone to burn let the court decide how long he has for jail which he will get.
I find just out most and i mean most public out cry to be unheplful esp to califonia most times decisions made by public pressure are unhelpful and usually end up runing a small group of peoples lifes.
I just find people get too tied up in emotions without looking at something logically and assesting all aspects of a given event and what happens is that it's hitlar styled outcry say it once say it again hell say it until they hear it in their dreams because it's all you have to say and you're just gonna pressure poeple into obeying. Thats the short verson without examples etc.
On January 05 2009 13:05 naonao wrote: The man was on the ground with his hands behind his back, there is obviously a reason for that and he had done something warranting at least an arrest, so he must have been dangerous at one point in time meriting the officer to have his gun out. The details as to what happened before the shot was fired are omitted, leading me to believe that the "victim" might not be all that the OP describes him as.
bullshit. Tell that to black people that get harassed by cops all the time in NYC.
Like all cops are 100% by the book and won't lay your ass out given the chance. If someone can die from 41 fatal shots for pulling out his damn wallet, Rodney King get beaten up on tape, and the countless crooked cop stories in NYC I don't think any of this cannot happen.
On January 05 2009 12:02 Aca wrote: $25 Million Lawsuit Announced In BART Shooting
An Oakland attorney representing the family of a man slain by a Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer early New Year's Day said Sunday that they will file a $25 million lawsuit against BART.
Nice ! The lawyer will get 24.9 million, and the dead niggas family gets the rest.
How classy! Stupid, greedy cunts.
Guys, if a group surrounds a few officers making an arrest, guns are coming out every time. What the hell are you people bitching about. I'd rather see some idiot who was trying to overpower a cop get accidently shot in the face than have our officers rendered useless by bullshit, pacifist laws.
It's unfortunate that the guy got shot, but cops can't be completely defenseless when you've got an angry mob of drunken retards around them.
Not that I'm trying to condone the officers actions or belittle the situation in general, but a sure-fire way to make sure shit like this doesn't happen to yourself is to obey the law, and not do dumb shit like fighting on a train.
Yeah and NYC is not Cali esp the Bay Area NYC you go outside and at all the high rises you see a smoking group Bay Area Cali you can say nigga 100 times in public and no one takes it as offence unless you mean offence but usually by then it's 2 black poeple having i'm tuffer contest but wont do shit without his friends. Different area's vasty different culture and styles in handleing things. Rodney king was beaten in LA but all you find now is LA police having to deal with gang violence so much usually the FBI is pulled in to take down major gangs. Really why not blame the problem on the people that wont stay in the bounds of the law before we start fucking over the poeple tring to enforce the law. Ofc there are crooked cops some more then others doesn't mean every policeman you see you should give them the evil eye.
I agree, I actually respect cops. Just saying that guy shouldn't assume someone is being arrested because they did something wrong. Living in NYC has taught me THAT is definitely not always the case even when obeying the law.
On January 07 2009 23:48 IzzyCraft wrote: Really why not blame the problem on the people that wont stay in the bounds of the law before we start fucking over the poeple tring to enforce the law. Ofc there are crooked cops some more then others doesn't mean every policeman you see you should give them the evil eye.
Make a weapon that doesn't kill but only stuns and has the range rapid fire capablity and penetration of a gun oh wait that's sci-fi dam Stargate SG-1 getting my hopes so high again dang Zat'nik'tel you aren't real yet atlest
i don't understand these arguments, i highly doubt that the cop purposefully shot the guy in the back, either way he deserves jail time, aiming a gun at a restrained person (he was restrained, handcuffs or not.) with the safety off is completely unfounded. he didnt follow safety procedures and he should be punished for that. the only thing to argue about is whether he will get manslaughter or murder, but since he is a cop its almost 100% guaranteed he will get manslaughter.
ps. izzycraft no offense but if you have so much to say please use punctuation.
On January 07 2009 23:55 ShaperofDreams wrote: i don't understand these arguments, i highly doubt that the cop purposefully shot the guy in the back, either way he deserves jail time, aiming a gun at a restrained person (he was restrained, handcuffs or not.) with the safety off is completely unfounded. he didnt follow safety procedures and he should be punished for that. the only thing to argue about is whether he will get manslaughter or murder, but since he is a cop its almost 100% guaranteed he will get manslaughter.
ps. izzycraft no offense but if you have so much to say please use punctuation.
Knee on the back certainly ins't restrained. A guy isn't restrained until those cuffs are on.
@2nd video: wtf, why did he have his gun in his hand all the while he was restraining the victim with two other officers with the safety off. Thats just plain stupid, I don't believe police officers are teached to do so. It's prison time for that idiot.
Dunno about the lawsuit though - how can they sue BART for it? Somebody plz explain.
On January 07 2009 23:01 HeavenS wrote: What the fuck?? Bro, seriously who gives a shit if it was an accident????
On January 07 2009 21:40 Salv wrote:
On January 07 2009 21:39 AttackZerg wrote: That was disgusting. I have alot of police officers and such in my family and I can tell you 100% they are not trained to hold a weapon on somebody who is handcuffed and has a knee in the back of there neck from a fellow officer. They don't do this because it puts the other officer at risk.
This ruined my night.
This isn't nearly as uncommon as any of you think.
He wasn't handcuffed.
omg that changes everything!!! except im being sarcastic and it really doesn't change shit.
On January 07 2009 21:35 Element)LoGiC wrote:
On January 07 2009 21:21 BlackJack wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:57 Element)LoGiC wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:44 frankbg wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:13 Element)LoGiC wrote:
On January 07 2009 20:07 IzzyCraft wrote: Wow seriously some of the comments people make in this thread about police bashing is just off the cuff. Frankly at least in most parts of California police officers are to be trusted atlest now... and are unless your a gangbanger or some random shit like that most people have confidence in the police it's a necessary part of governing body that people are put into line when they are out of line.
Can we please keep the cops die fuck cops i hope that guy gets shot bull shit out of this forum. Really all you are doing is breeding hate maybe i should hope you accidently knock over a large object a kill a little boy so then that boys family can wish someone accidently causes your death. For serious just stop that bull shit troll ball busting crap and stop posting when you're high and paranoid.
I can't understand what you're saying.
Oh, about the guns drawn thing. If you had a gun, and there was a huge and fairly close group of people around you, you're saying you would risk a few of them running at you without a gun in your hands, and then taking it from you and shooting you? Really? If there was a group of people yelling obscenities and telling me to die, I'd probably have my gun out too? Have you people forgotten what people are like?
Are you f******* kidding me? People telling you to die? Have you watched the video? He was shot by a cold blooded assassin. The guy was cooperating, he had my age, had a kid, was drunk and got into a fight, is that enough to deserve to be shot in the back while you wait to be handcuffed?
Yes, fuck the police. When you give people the authority to arrest, beat and shoot other people, you're bound to see excess. Now the smart asses in here who will try to use this quote and say "Oh, so we don't have police anymore? What would we do then?". I'm not saying I have a solution or anything, I'm just pointing out that with our current system, shit like this is bound to happen. What's worse is cops follow orders without any judgement and become part of the machine which is slowly killing free speach in the western world. Yes, fuck the police.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. See teamliquid, I told you, now do you understand? This is what some people actually think. So, if you guys were surrounded by this guy, would you have your pistols readied?
Seriously, just stop posting until you watch the 2nd video cause you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
I don't know what to say to this. Are you really saying it wasn't an accident? What is your qualm with me? I mean, we have to get the facts straight. Did that look intentional to you? Should we hate that guy because he's ruining free speach in the western world? I watched the second video, and it looked like he was pulling out the gun to get him to cooperate. It looked like while the police officer was propping himself up to stand straight, a shot came out. It looked to me like an accident. I guess that's just a clueless suggestion. doesn't matter that it was an "accident". Here let me give u some other examples of when "it was an accident" doesn't matter either: 1) I just bought a brand new .45 and I'm showing it off to my ex girlfriend, showing her the barrel up close so she could check out the cool grooves of the gun, when suddenly the gun discharges and i "accidentally" shoot her in the face. Now what? The court is gonna let me go easy because i claim it was an accident? The RESULT is the same, she's dead and its my fault. And as far as the law is concerned im fucked.
2) I just bought a brand new 2009 VW GTI (sexy as fuck) and i'm crusing along with the windows down looking like a pimp. The i look down really quick because i dropped a cd i was just about to load when BAM i strike a kid coming out from school. Fuck guess what? It was an accident but it doesn't matter shit because the kid's dead and i didn't follow "procedure" which would have been to reduce my speed in a school zone and prevent that shit from happening. So as far as the law is concerned, im fucked more ways than one.
So in reality it's still the police department's fault for not training the officer on what proper procedure was in that kind of situation, or it was the officer's fault for not following proper procedure that he was taught. Accident or not. Handcuffed or not. It was fucking murder, just like it would have been if it was any of us doing the act. Period. Let it go.
Who cares if it's accident? Umm the courts because manlaughter and murder are 2 differnt birds and one gives you much long time in jail then another.
How do you know he doesn't have proper training you just assume everything why don't they reduce the entire police academy for years and years why don't they underpay policemen even more For calming down a fight pulling a gun is proper procedure to show force is considered necessary it's why procedure for a hostage situation is to pull extra policemen from different areas to show force. The thing about controlling a populous to actually obey the law is that you have to make them either respect or fear you and the thing is usually the ones to break the law don't respect you.
The only reason why you should pull your gun is if you intend to use it. It is not meant to be a coercive or negotiating force. If there is deadly threat to you or others, you pull your weapon and you use it. Civilian CCW licence carriers understand this, cops should too. It is one of the fundamental principles of gun safety: don't point your gun at anything you're not willing to destroy, because otherwise, you'll end up in shit situations like this one. They carry batons, tasers, pepper spray, etc. for a reason.
Just to clarify, since people seem confused on this still.. Guns were not "drawn" because of an angry mob surrounding the officers. Guns were not "drawn" at all. The only time a gun was pulled out was 5 seconds before it was used. The officer that fired the shot wasn't paying a lick of attention to the crowd. He was struggling with the suspect on the ground, then he pulled out his gun, stood up, and shot the suspect.
Here's the link to the second video since some people seem to be incapable of finding it within the thread. You'd need to be dellusional to suggest that officer pulled out his gun because he was threatened by an angry mob when 100% of his attention is focused on the suspect.