Cayman Islands24199 Posts
it is difficult to separate the interpretation of media material from the merits of the conflict itself. suppose one side of the conflict is deemed virtuous or justified, their side of the story will receive proportionate sympathy and is less susceptible to the charge of propaganda. without a sufficient understanding of the underlying conflict, there is not much to talk about in the media. we know that either the israelis are telling a good story, or not, but to actually decide on one of the two, we have to first verify whether their story is right and just. and that is not possible without debating the conflict itself.
The only thing they are gonna get from youtube is a bunch of 12 year old comments
From a media perspective, I believe that the main purpose of this is to desensitize people into into believing that war is no big deal. Just like the tv show 24 desensitizes people into believing torture is no big deal.
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
the main impact of embedded reporters and stuff like this is not to desensitize but to make people feel that they have gotten an intimate and accurate story, because after all, the reporters are right on the battlefield so they couldn't possibly miss anything!