On October 13 2008 06:50 KOFgokuon wrote: carnac listed his reasons for closing that thread, and none of them mentioned the discussion about palin vs biden's intelligence or "obama wants slavery"
Well, it was at a-games request and he said "let's try to avoid sidetracking too heavily ok?"
On October 13 2008 06:34 Jibba wrote: Questioning Palin's intelligence is perfectly valid because it's clear she does not have much knowledge of any issue nor is she inquisitive enough to gain adequate understanding of them. And you know, character does matter to some people, but it needs to be accurate. I know we've got some virtue ethics supporters here so for them private character is a justifiable discussion.
The problem is that you morons keep responding to evandi when he's clearly just looking to incite you with talking points and the rest of the mess regurgitated on Hannity's forums. Even Savio shies away from some critical questions or pieces of logic.
To be perfectly honest, we'd have much better discussions with some Ron Paul supporters who could at least make a case for limited government and non-interventionist foreign policy.
BTW, not that many people care about foreign policy anymore (even though they should) but I think the N. Korea watch list removal hurts McCain.
I think there's actually the possibility that the race is significantly closer than the poll numbers indicate - if only because people lie in them, particularly if they aren't comfortable saying that they won't vote for Obama because of the racial factor.
Evandi, now all your posts are in relation to your previous posts. What people are complaining about is your lack of content. People respect Savio's post because he brings content in a mature manner. If you want to discuss the election, talk about policies, campaign tactics, polls, something...
On October 13 2008 07:37 TeCh)PsylO wrote: Evandi, now all your posts are in relation to your previous posts. What people are complaining about is your lack of content. People respect Savio's post because he brings content in a mature manner. If you want to discuss the election, talk about policies, campaign tactics, polls, something...
I do, but I'm just defending myself.
People are attacking me here and you are not telling them that their posts lack content.
On October 13 2008 07:30 Funnytoss wrote: I think there's actually the possibility that the race is significantly closer than the poll numbers indicate - if only because people lie in them, particularly if they aren't comfortable saying that they won't vote for Obama because of the racial factor.
As far as I know polls have been fairly accurate when they are outside the margin or error. I think if Obama keeps his lead in the polls the only question about whether or not he wins will be within the integrity of our voting process.
We'll see what it looks like when McCain unveils his new tax plans on Monday. To be perfectly honest, neither candidate's economics plans are particularly enticing, especially because I don't believe either of them. McCain's stuff is unlikely to get through Congress anyways, and the federal government is going to need more revenue within the next few years. Even if you believe income tax is going down, I don't see any way for overall taxes to go down. It wouldn't be all that shocking if the FICA cap got busted open, but I think it's more likely with McCain.
Obama would be better off cutting the crap about helping Georgia & co. because it's unlikely to happen anyways and foreign policy has dropped off the map for most people. I'm willing to bet most of the people who do still care about IR think helping those countries would be a bad idea anyways. We basically just dropped a $$$ bomb on everyone and inadvertently neutralized any Russian aggression. Everyone except China, that is. They're about to kick our ass.
My biggest worry is McCain and Obama will both have no problem deficit spending. I don't want to see another 2 trillion tacked on to our tab at China's place.
On October 13 2008 05:46 aRod wrote: What lessons do you think all politicians should take from the GOP's worst blunder since george W Bush?
Pick a VP who has already been vetted by the media and stands up to the job (handling media). VP picks help you very little but can destroy you very easily.
BTW, many of you remember that a LONG time ago, I wrote that Palin was a good VP pick because it was helping McCain politically. That was a little while after the GOP convention when McCain has climbed high in the polls...
I think it is pretty clear now that I was wrong on this point. In the end, Palin was a mistake.
As to whether she is up to the job of VP or not, I'm not gonna say, but I do think she ended up hurting the campaign.
I would have preferred Romney as #2. Nobody could say he isn't smart enough or knowledgeable enough and he had already been vetted and never faltered in an interview or debate. Some people would still hate him because they disagree with him, but thats just life.
On October 13 2008 05:50 ahrara_ wrote: I think Palin played a role, but she also did a good job of firing up the conservative base. The enthusiasm rating for McCain's campaign jumped by some 20 points after her selection. Ultimately, it was the economy that did McCain in. It has less to do with his performance as a candidate than just bad luck. "The fundamentals of the economy are strong" is a line for the ages baby.
Yes, but Palin did give people something simple and easy to understand and explain to others when asked what they don't like about McCain. People like the simple stuff. Its easier to say Palin isn't smart than to explain the differences between McCain's and Obama's health plans.
You are right about the base, but by the end, even many of the base turned against her (I'm thinking about that National Review article).
On October 13 2008 06:33 Doctorasul wrote: I wonder where Republicans would be without the propaganda machine hiding under the slogan "Fair and Balanced". Really, most non-Americans are astonished people like McCain/Palin are even considered for high office; I think part of the explanation is Fox News. Take an extremely religious population that is used to arguments from authority, a population that has almost achieved a majority in accepting creationism over evolution, and broadcast to them well-polished propaganda 24/7 for a few years, exacerbating their fear of foreigners, fear of other races, fear of other faiths, fear of socialism, instill in them the concept that being against Republican ideals is unpatriotic (until a month ago being a critic of Bush was the same as being un-American, same for pro-choice, same for atheism, etc.), and pretty soon you'll have a loyal following that has no problem believing Fox News is telling the truth while the rest of the media is lying.
Then you can make stuff up and they'll gobble it up in a second.
Republicans were in power long before FoxNews ever started. In fact, the GOP may do BETTER when they don't have a station that leans Right. Most people accepted as fact that tv stations leaned Left, but now that FoxNews is here, Republicans can't look like the outsiders against corrupt media anymore. They now look like part of it.
I also don't think that MSNBC is doing Democrats any favors by lambasting Republicans and fawning over Democrats. People react against that (at least people in the middle. Hardliners like it--both from FoxNews and MSNBC)
I would have preferred Romney as #2. Nobody could say he isn't smart enough or knowledgeable enough and he had already been vetted and never faltered in an interview or debate. Some people would still hate him because they disagree with him, but thats just life.
any reason why you think romney would be a good vp? i remember watching the republican primaries and thinking to myself that romney was completely out of his element. i hear he's a very good businessman but he didn't seem at all knowledgable about the hot button issues at the time like waterboarding. I remember one of the question at the debate was whether waterboarding would be considered torture and all that romney would say is that he'd let his advisors determine that. He pretty much fared only as good on other questions. Given enough time I think he might have been even worse than Palin.
You like Savio because Savio isn't disagreeing with you on issues you worship with religious fervor.
Savio is probably afraid of ending up like me.
I was not accepted at first. You can even see a few calls to ban me WAY back when. Its hard for conservatives to be accepted here. It takes consistent respect in your posts over a period of time, but it comes. And I don't fear becoming like you because I decide my own fate through my behavior
EDIT: Savio probably doesn't want to be called a troll and ignored.
Been there, done that. But respect comes from ignoring rude posts and staying consistently respectful and thoughtful. Also admitting when you are wrong helps.
This isn't exactly related, but I found it hilarious nonetheless. Mike Huckabee has his own television show on Fox and it's actually less partisan than most shows on Fox/MSNBC, but it's also incredibly stupid.
He's basically asking house moms and Chuck Norris what we should do about the economy. EXCELLENT CHOICE
On October 13 2008 10:10 Jibba wrote: This isn't exactly related, but I found it hilarious nonetheless. Mike Huckabee has his own television show on Fox and it's actually less partisan than most shows on Fox/MSNBC, but it's also incredibly stupid.
He's basically asking house moms and Chuck Norris what we should do about the economy. EXCELLENT CHOICE
Romney wouldn't have made a good VP pick either, the religious right(which pretty much keeps the GOP fueled) would have gone juts due to his stance on abortion. The same goes for Rudy.
Also this has to be the only campaign in history where McCain isn't actually running his ticket, it's as if he is being told what to do by GOP higher ups.
I was not accepted at first. You can even see a few calls to ban me WAY back when. Its hard for conservatives to be accepted here. It takes consistent respect in your posts over a period of time, but it comes. And I don't fear becoming like you because I decide my own fate through my behavior
EDIT: Savio probably doesn't want to be called a troll and ignored.
Been there, done that. But respect comes from ignoring rude posts and staying consistently respectful and thoughtful. Also admitting when you are wrong helps.
I still loathe your top three voting criteria, but at least you've been posting an honest opinion (I believe) instead of inflammatory talking points about terrorism or socialism.