Girl at bar: What the fuck is that? *points to kerrigen tatoo* Me: Its an infested kerrigen. Girl at bar: She looks fucking ugle. Me: want to have sex? Girl at bar: Yes please.
props to you for getting what you wanted. it's not even that bad concept wise, people might take you for some junky because of it instead of a gamer. although i'd agree that it's crooked ;x
i'd never get a starcraft related tattoo though, just cuz i don't see much potential art wise and the game itself doesn't have that much meaning to me compared to my current tattoo and the ones i plan to get.
Ok responding to everyone, its not crooked its just on the side of my shoulder and its a wierd shot. im 18 years old. i will most definatly regret it. and we all know that starcraft players get the most pussy. and yes im telling everyone who doesnt know what starcraft is, that it is regarding heroine.
But yea im sure people think its stupid, but ive played the game ever since it came out, ive played it over half of my life really. It will be some good memories when i look down on it or some angry memories because starcraft is a mean fucking game... but yea im a gamer and i have to represent terran somehow (yes there are better ways of representing like a T-shirt but I mean i want half the people to look at it and calll me stupid and the other half starcraft players to look at it and be like FUCK yea)