Gothic 1 (RPG; perhaps the first game to have NPC's do something while idle and thus start making games more immersive) Gothic 2 (RPG; one hell of a tough game with the add-on installed) The Witcher 1 (RPG) The Witcher 2 (RPG) Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (TBS) Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (TBS; it improved on all the areas of HoMM 3, but the combat and level up system needs a bit of Internet research to be fully understood, after that you find out what a gem this one is) Half Life 1 (FPS) Half Life 2 (FPS) World of Warcraft (MMO; when vanilla got out it was a nice unique mix of great ideas put together and a nice community, perhaps the best combination ever)
I do have to point out that you can't really choose a "best" game, it depends what you look for when playing one. Nostalgia is one hell of a way to distort reality and it can come into play greatly. All in all I find it sad how older games can still compete with new ones even when you discount what features and innovations each brought when they came out.
On November 16 2012 18:36 DaCruise wrote: Warcraft 3 is the most influencial and important game ever made. Why?
-Blizzard got this brilliant idea of adding heroes to the game. People loved that so much that they decided to use the superb game editor and make a minigame within Warcraft 3 called Dota. Today millions of people play Dota and Dota clones all thanks to Warcraft 3.
-Before Warcraft 3 TD -or tower defense games werent really a genre in itself but Warcraft 3 introduced TD´s to the masses and today there exists several tower defense games thanks to the revelation the genre got in Warcraft 3.
-Playing with other people, or multiplayer as we call it, was never easier than in Warcraft 3. Battlenet, which was introduced with Diablo 1, was at its finest back then. It was simply put, perfect, if it wasnt for all the retarded hackers but the game is not to blame for that. I doubt that anyone can find a game with a better multiplayer component than Warcraft 3.
-With Warcraft 3 Blizzard added tons of layers to the allready rich Warcraft universe and they made sure the players got introduced to every part of it via excellent story telling, fantastic cinematics and mini cut-scenes. This inspired Blizzard to make an MMO based on mainly Warcraft 3. This game was called World of Warcraft, unofficial sequel to Warcraft 3. Today World of Warcraft is the biggest and most succesful MMO ever made. Even so much that almost every other MMO game tries to copy it.
Do all of the above make Warcraft 3 the best game ever made? Maybe not but I think its easy to argue that it does.
You never got to play Starcraft / Broodwar did you?
Dota / Moba were plenty and the idea of heroes with fancy skills have been around for a long time.
Tower defense for me STOPPED being fun in Warcraft 3.
I loved the social perfection of SC/BW W3 was the first step away from actually talking to other people in order to play.
I'm not even saying that W3 isn't the best game ever (but I definitely don't think so), but if that's the case, it's not for these points.
That said, best game ever must be one of these; - Patrizier 2 (DE) / Patrician 3 (EN). - Settlers 2
Edit: both would be "Management" category.
Hey, all I did was stating facts.
Ofc I played Starcraft 1. In fact I bought it on launch. Its a great game and I´ve played many other great games as well but if I HAD to pick the single best game ever made my vote would go to Warcraft 3.
On November 16 2012 18:36 DaCruise wrote: Warcraft 3 is the most influencial and important game ever made. Why?
-Blizzard got this brilliant idea of adding heroes to the game. People loved that so much that they decided to use the superb game editor and make a minigame within Warcraft 3 called Dota. Today millions of people play Dota and Dota clones all thanks to Warcraft 3.
-Before Warcraft 3 TD -or tower defense games werent really a genre in itself but Warcraft 3 introduced TD´s to the masses and today there exists several tower defense games thanks to the revelation the genre got in Warcraft 3.
-Playing with other people, or multiplayer as we call it, was never easier than in Warcraft 3. Battlenet, which was introduced with Diablo 1, was at its finest back then. It was simply put, perfect, if it wasnt for all the retarded hackers but the game is not to blame for that. I doubt that anyone can find a game with a better multiplayer component than Warcraft 3.
-With Warcraft 3 Blizzard added tons of layers to the allready rich Warcraft universe and they made sure the players got introduced to every part of it via excellent story telling, fantastic cinematics and mini cut-scenes. This inspired Blizzard to make an MMO based on mainly Warcraft 3. This game was called World of Warcraft, unofficial sequel to Warcraft 3. Today World of Warcraft is the biggest and most succesful MMO ever made. Even so much that almost every other MMO game tries to copy it.
Do all of the above make Warcraft 3 the best game ever made? Maybe not but I think its easy to argue that it does.
You never got to play Starcraft / Broodwar did you?
Dota / Moba were plenty and the idea of heroes with fancy skills have been around for a long time.
Tower defense for me STOPPED being fun in Warcraft 3.
I loved the social perfection of SC/BW W3 was the first step away from actually talking to other people in order to play.
I'm not even saying that W3 isn't the best game ever (but I definitely don't think so), but if that's the case, it's not for these points.
That said, best game ever must be one of these; - Patrizier 2 (DE) / Patrician 3 (EN). - Settlers 2
Edit: both would be "Management" category.
Hey, all I did was stating facts.
Ofc I played Starcraft 1. In fact I bought it on launch. Its a great game and I´ve played many other great games as well but if I HAD to pick the single best game ever made my vote would go to Warcraft 3.
And seeing it's opinions that's totally legit! I just really don't get it for reasons mentioned above Hence it made me think you never touched SC.
So I see Battlfield 2 and I have no idea if anyone agrees with me but I think that you also have to add Battlefield 1942 ! Only like the most awesome game at the time ! SHOW SOME LOVE