In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
I'm poor and broke, but I'm still not going to vote for somebody for "free stuff" I'm going to vote for the person that isn't going to completely destroy our economy so my kids aren't going to have to pay 10$ for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.
So you're going to vote for a third party candidate? Because neither of the main candidates has a comprehensive plan to avoid economic fall-out post-Eurozone, which is the only thing I can think of that could lead to hyperinflation bar natural disasters (heck, even if you're an Austrian economics dude Romney isn't touching the fed). Neither of them even seems willing to mention it.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Took you seriously until Herman Cain. He unintentionally quoted Pokemon and had no idea what he was talking about at any point during his run. The fact that he was "leading" at one point points to the hilarity of this last primary season.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Let's go through this together.
You say 'fuck obama' because now we won't have funding for schools and research.
Romney's plan cuts funding for schools and research.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
One person says - we're all in this together. One person says - winner take all.
That's so bias and inaccurate. Both parties teach/preach unity.
Dems: We want everybody, unless your a redneck or a southerner Reps: We want everybody unless your gay/lez/anti-religion
No one says winner takes on all the GOP side. No one says we are in this alone on the GOP side
You write 'one person says - vote for me and I will give you "free stuff" ' and then have the gall to complain about bias. Amazing.
Lol I love how he takes the Fox news and tries to make it legimate by saying "I don't support Fox News".
I don't know if he's being sarcastic, but if he doesn't I have a feeling that Fox news is all he watch.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Challenge to Conservatives: How do you believe Romney is going to fix the economy?
Humor me. I'm one of those guys that still doesn't understand how Romney's plan balances the budget. If anything, I think he will drive America into a deep recession.
EZ. His plan is incomplete - the normal for a presidential candidate. Once elected he'll iron out the details. He knows how the economy works, he did a fine job in his business career and a fine job as governor. I see no reason why that wouldn't continue as President.
On the other hand Obama has no real plan - just reintroduce bills that have already been voted down.
Obama's said he'd endorse Simpson-Bowles. But, oh wait, Ryan rejected it. He has plans, he just can't get them through because of Republicans.
Obama in 2008 a Liberal/Dem Congress 2008-2010 Liberal/Dem majoirty in BOTH houses
After America saw what his 'Change we can believe in' was all about we fired all his supporters in the Senate and House and now Gop owns 1 of 2 houses of Congress.
Fact Obama+1/2 Congress > 1 GOP house
His own party stopped his insanity and reckless spending.
10,000 page law that no one even read.....
PS: I do not support Fox News
You have no idea how American government works LOL. I'm not patient enough to teach you. From henceforth I dub thee NonCorporeal #2 and shall ignore what you say.
Good plan.
Hope mods do something soon before he ruins this thread forever with "his truth".
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Challenge to Conservatives: How do you believe Romney is going to fix the economy?
Humor me. I'm one of those guys that still doesn't understand how Romney's plan balances the budget. If anything, I think he will drive America into a deep recession.
EZ. His plan is incomplete - the normal for a presidential candidate. Once elected he'll iron out the details. He knows how the economy works, he did a fine job in his business career and a fine job as governor. I see no reason why that wouldn't continue as President.
On the other hand Obama has no real plan - just reintroduce bills that have already been voted down.
Obama's said he'd endorse Simpson-Bowles. But, oh wait, Ryan rejected it. He has plans, he just can't get them through because of Republicans.
Obama in 2008 a Liberal/Dem Congress 2008-2010 Liberal/Dem majoirty in BOTH houses
After America saw what his 'Change we can believe in' was all about we fired all his supporters in the Senate and House and now Gop owns 1 of 2 houses of Congress.
Fact Obama+1/2 Congress > 1 GOP house
His own party stopped his insanity and reckless spending.
You have no idea how American government works LOL. I'm not patient enough to teach you. From henceforth I dub thee NonCorporeal #2 and shall ignore what you say.
Childish. Run from the truth if you like. My words speak on, and dont' need your ackknowledgement.
But your right, I obviously don't know how the government works. I never took a civics class, political science, government 101, nor am I a soldier who has actually fought to defend our constitution- our governments founding document.
You don't like the truth 2008-2010 Obama could do almost anything he wanted. 2010-2012 he can still force things through as well as abuse executive orders.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Let's go through this together.
You say 'fuck obama' because now we won't have funding for schools and research.
Romney's plan cuts funding for schools and research.
Obama's does not.
You need to think this out more.
Counterargument: Obama's reckless increase in government debt and unfunded liabilities will, over the long run, eat into school and research budgets. Romney's cuts by comparison are smaller and more sustainable. Difficulty funding pensions is already having such an effect on state budgets, why not the Federal budget too?
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
One person says - we're all in this together. One person says - winner take all.
That's so bias and inaccurate. Both parties teach/preach unity.
Dems: We want everybody, unless your a redneck or a southerner Reps: We want everybody unless your gay/lez/anti-religion
No one says winner takes on all the GOP side. No one says we are in this alone on the GOP side
You write 'one person says - vote for me and I will give you "free stuff" ' and then have the gall to complain about bias. Amazing.
Lol I love how he takes the Fox news and tries to make it legimate by saying "I don't support Fox News".
I don't know if he's being sarcastic, but if he doesn't I have a feeling that Fox news is all he watch.
At least he's right about not wanting to cut education. Could be handy for him.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
I'm poor and broke, but I'm still not going to vote for somebody for "free stuff" I'm going to vote for the person that isn't going to completely destroy our economy so my kids aren't going to have to pay 10$ for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.
So you're going to vote for a third party candidate? Because neither of the main candidates has a comprehensive plan to avoid economic fall-out post-Eurozone, which is the only thing I can think of that could lead to hyperinflation bar natural disasters (heck, even if you're an Austrian economics dude Romney isn't touching the fed). Neither of them even seems willing to mention it.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Took you seriously until Herman Cain. He unintentionally quoted Pokemon and had no idea what he was talking about at any point during his run. The fact that he was "leading" at one point points to the hilarity of this last primary season.
Rather him quote Pokemon than Obama talk about reality TV and make appearences on TV sitcoms
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
I'm poor and broke, but I'm still not going to vote for somebody for "free stuff" I'm going to vote for the person that isn't going to completely destroy our economy so my kids aren't going to have to pay 10$ for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.
So you're going to vote for a third party candidate? Because neither of the main candidates has a comprehensive plan to avoid economic fall-out post-Eurozone, which is the only thing I can think of that could lead to hyperinflation bar natural disasters (heck, even if you're an Austrian economics dude Romney isn't touching the fed). Neither of them even seems willing to mention it.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Took you seriously until Herman Cain. He unintentionally quoted Pokemon and had no idea what he was talking about at any point during his run. The fact that he was "leading" at one point points to the hilarity of this last primary season.
Rather him quote Pokemon than Obama talk about reality TV and make appearences on TV sitcoms
The key is unintentionally. The man was at best out purely for advertisement and at worst a buffoon. There was no compelling reason to vote for him over having no president at all, to be honest.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Let's go through this together.
You say 'fuck obama' because now we won't have funding for schools and research.
Romney's plan cuts funding for schools and research.
Obama's does not.
You need to think this out more.
Counterargument: Obama's reckless increase in government debt and unfunded liabilities will, over the long run, eat into school and research budgets. Romney's cuts by comparison are smaller and more sustainable. Difficulty funding pensions is already having such an effect on state budgets, why not the Federal budget too?
Counterargument: This just brings us back full circle to the Bush debacle, the tax debate, and Republican obstructionism.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
One person says - we're all in this together. One person says - winner take all.
That's so bias and inaccurate. Both parties teach/preach unity.
Dems: We want everybody, unless your a redneck or a southerner Reps: We want everybody unless your gay/lez/anti-religion
No one says winner takes on all the GOP side. No one says we are in this alone on the GOP side
You write 'one person says - vote for me and I will give you "free stuff" ' and then have the gall to complain about bias. Amazing.
Obama money:
PS: Agian please excuse the Fox News link- it was simply the 1st video posted based off my google search.
1. Ooooooo a video highlighting a few people's ignorance. I'm sure that means that everyone who votes for Obama is just as ignorant. Hey, check out this video of ignorant southern rednecks:
This must mean all Republicans are ignorant and racist, right?
2. That's a Glenn Beck video you posted - too god damned crazy for fox news even. Think about that, even bullshit mountain kicked that guy.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Let's go through this together.
You say 'fuck obama' because now we won't have funding for schools and research.
Romney's plan cuts funding for schools and research.
Obama's does not.
You need to think this out more.
Counterargument: Obama's reckless increase in government debt and unfunded liabilities will, over the long run, eat into school and research budgets. Romney's cuts by comparison are smaller and more sustainable. Difficulty funding pensions is already having such an effect on state budgets, why not the Federal budget too?
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
I'm poor and broke, but I'm still not going to vote for somebody for "free stuff" I'm going to vote for the person that isn't going to completely destroy our economy so my kids aren't going to have to pay 10$ for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.
So you're going to vote for a third party candidate? Because neither of the main candidates has a comprehensive plan to avoid economic fall-out post-Eurozone, which is the only thing I can think of that could lead to hyperinflation bar natural disasters (heck, even if you're an Austrian economics dude Romney isn't touching the fed). Neither of them even seems willing to mention it.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Took you seriously until Herman Cain. He unintentionally quoted Pokemon and had no idea what he was talking about at any point during his run. The fact that he was "leading" at one point points to the hilarity of this last primary season.
Rather him quote Pokemon than Obama talk about reality TV and make appearences on TV sitcoms
The key is unintentionally. The man was at best out purely for advertisement and at worst a buffoon. There was no compelling reason to vote for him over having no president at all, to be honest.
1) Support government transparency 2) 9-9-9 tax plan that would close loop holes for the rich, lower taxes for the rich- and attempt to be very close to revenue neutral as possible. 3) Common Sense solutions- less government 4) Traditional conservatives views. 5) He wasn't a politican, he was a business man.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Challenge to Conservatives: How do you believe Romney is going to fix the economy?
Humor me. I'm one of those guys that still doesn't understand how Romney's plan balances the budget. If anything, I think he will drive America into a deep recession.
EZ. His plan is incomplete - the normal for a presidential candidate. Once elected he'll iron out the details. He knows how the economy works, he did a fine job in his business career and a fine job as governor. I see no reason why that wouldn't continue as President.
On the other hand Obama has no real plan - just reintroduce bills that have already been voted down.
Personally, I want to hear more specifics and ideas about how someone would run the greatest country on earth. It's not enough to hand me a guy's resume.
I think Romney is excellent at managing assets and building personal wealth ... but if a president's portfolio and repsonsiblities is much bigger than that. Being able to flip a company for a profit is different from abstract problems like generating good opportunities for people, improving education and training so people are qualified for those jobs ...
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
I'm poor and broke, but I'm still not going to vote for somebody for "free stuff" I'm going to vote for the person that isn't going to completely destroy our economy so my kids aren't going to have to pay 10$ for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.
So you're going to vote for a third party candidate? Because neither of the main candidates has a comprehensive plan to avoid economic fall-out post-Eurozone, which is the only thing I can think of that could lead to hyperinflation bar natural disasters (heck, even if you're an Austrian economics dude Romney isn't touching the fed). Neither of them even seems willing to mention it.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Took you seriously until Herman Cain. He unintentionally quoted Pokemon and had no idea what he was talking about at any point during his run. The fact that he was "leading" at one point points to the hilarity of this last primary season.
Rather him quote Pokemon than Obama talk about reality TV and make appearences on TV sitcoms
The key is unintentionally. The man was at best out purely for advertisement and at worst a buffoon. There was no compelling reason to vote for him over having no president at all, to be honest.
1) Support government transparency 2) 9-9-9 tax plan that would close loop holes for the rich, lower taxes for the rich- and attempt to be very close to revenue neutral as possible. 3) Common Sense solutions- less government 4) Traditional conservatives views. 5) He wasn't a politican, he was a business man.
Ladies and gentleman, we've found ourselves a believer in the 9-9-9 tax. My goodness, I thought they didn't really exist.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
I'm poor and broke, but I'm still not going to vote for somebody for "free stuff" I'm going to vote for the person that isn't going to completely destroy our economy so my kids aren't going to have to pay 10$ for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.
So you're going to vote for a third party candidate? Because neither of the main candidates has a comprehensive plan to avoid economic fall-out post-Eurozone, which is the only thing I can think of that could lead to hyperinflation bar natural disasters (heck, even if you're an Austrian economics dude Romney isn't touching the fed). Neither of them even seems willing to mention it.
In other news, Gallup showing 47%-47% in their poll and Rasmussen showing 46% Obama and 45% Romney, with "leaners" factored in it comes to 49% Obama to 46% Romney.
It's looking closer and closer the more we get to voting day!
Obama will win.
Let's be realistic here. As fun as this whole conversion/disscussion is.
Most Americans arn't smart. Hate to say that but we arn't.
One person says- vote for me and I will Give you 'free stuff' One person says- I will do my best to fix the economy and give you the shot at getting a job.
Who wins?
Take the names and ideology away and it comes down to "What's best for me"
People don't care about People don't care if our schools, Reseach Facalities, Military are all in decline.
Romney's plan will actually cut funding for schools, "Reseach Facalities", and essentially everything else. You're right about defense though.
Hence why I don't like Romney. He sucks. It's his lucky day Obama sucks worse. Where is Ron Paul/Hermain Cain/Rand Paul/ Gary Johnson when you need him.....
Took you seriously until Herman Cain. He unintentionally quoted Pokemon and had no idea what he was talking about at any point during his run. The fact that he was "leading" at one point points to the hilarity of this last primary season.
Rather him quote Pokemon than Obama talk about reality TV and make appearences on TV sitcoms
The key is unintentionally. The man was at best out purely for advertisement and at worst a buffoon. There was no compelling reason to vote for him over having no president at all, to be honest.
I wonder if the closeness in votes in who will you vote for and who do you think will win is optimistic thinking, actually realistic, or biased perspectives.