On October 06 2010 07:29 [GiTM]-Ace wrote:Show nested quote +On October 05 2010 08:03 Kale187 wrote: About WoT being like LotR I will agree only insofar as the first book reads almost exactly like The Fellowship of the Ring. Really, the similarities are uncanny. The Hobbits The Farmboys from the Shire Two Rivers set out on an adventure because a Wizard Aes Sedai told them to, being chased by Nazgul Myrddraal and barely making it to the ferry.
Pretty much continues like that through Moria Shadar Logoth and beyond.
The rest of the series is great, though. Unique as far as I can tell. I like what Brandon Sanderson has brought to the series in terms of pacing. In the few books before he started on it everything was plodding along slowly then The Gathering Storm hits and BLAM shit gets real. I have to agree series was moving super duper slow. And now he comes along and just sped everything up. Really excited about this next one although I have a feeling its going to be a super cliffhanger for the last lol
It seemed like Robert Jordan was lost in the world of his own creating and couldn't figure out how to strike a balance between telling the reader about all the super cool stuff in that world and actually moving the story along. A part of me wishes he could have kept making books forever, even if nothing really happened.
To the people singing the praises of Terry Goodkind, I say "eeehhhhhhhhhhh...". The Sword of Truth series was a really fun story, but not the best writing. To the poster right above me, yeah, that's sort of the best part of epic fantasy. Good worldbuilding is what separates good fantasy writers from sword-and-sorcery novelists. To all of TL, if you're at all interested in fantasy, and have a decent attention span, read the Wheel of Time! It's an amazing world to visit for 10,000 pages or so. Yes, it gets a bit bogged down in the middle and turns many people off, but stick it out, skim parts about the characters you don't care about if you want. It'll be worth it.
By the way I actually think the Wheel of Time computer game is pretty fun. The idea of making WoT into an FPS is so unexpected but strangely consistent with the actual setting lol.
I'm re-reading the series again, though I still need to go get the newest book sometime....
i read them, love them, and would recomend them to anyone!!
brandon sanderson coming in and finishing them is great especially considering how great a writter he is.
I also agree with people who are saying that Jordan was building his world way more then pushing the story + Show Spoiler + a fact of this is perrins story line... spends 4 books chasing his wife
HOWEVER that is still totally awesome because well... it is so go get those books people!! and i would recomend picking up mistborn trilogy if you are enjoying fantasy and such.... very well writen and not 14 books long
I liked the first few books but the series just seems too long-winded now to be worth bothering with. Here's an example of how a writer can build a world and tell a fairly detailed and moving fantasy story in one volume!
I highly recommend this book for fantasy fans. Guy Gavriel Kay has probably the best portrayal of female characters of any fantasy author I've read as well.
His other series the Fionavar Tapestry is pretty good too from what I remember.
I'm working on book 4 right now
tomatriedes - you need to read Sabriel, Lyrael, and Abhorsen (3 books by Garth Nix) - completely unique and a female is the main character... it's awesome
book 14's coming out. hell yeah!
Guy Gavriel Kay is an amazing writer. Lions of Al-Rassan was the shit.
For Sci-Fi, Peter F Hamilton is awesome!
The first book (The Eye of the World) is amazing, you won't regret reading it. The sequels however are not as good and progressively gets worse as the series progresses.
haha I opened this thread out of random checking of everything, didn't notice the date or "old post" image next to the op until i saw
On April 09 2003 00:57 badteeth wrote: not yet, waiting for pdf on kazaa.
i lol'd at kazaa
I've only read up to book 4, and based on what people are saying about the rest of the series, I really don't want to read them lol. Can someone what has read the entire series give a summary of what happened after book four (no description of embroidered clothing please lol)?
On October 06 2010 14:15 Benthum wrote: The first book (The Eye of the World) is amazing, you won't regret reading it. The sequels however are not as good and progressively gets worse as the series progresses.
Ah, I disagree, after reading the first book over again after reading the whole series, it almost seems to underwhelming compared to what happens as the story progresses. Most of the main characters get more and more interesting to follow, and the personalities represented seem to get fairly dynamic as the situation gets dire. There did seem to be some horrifically slow parts though in every book.
On October 06 2010 07:38 SiegeMode wrote:Wheel of Time got awful after book 5. + Show Spoiler + While I do agree that 5-10 was quite slow, the last few books were pretty damn good.
On October 06 2010 14:30 CynanMachae wrote:While I do agree that 5-10 was quite slow, the last few books were pretty damn good.
Its true, and the parts with Egwene in the last two made me forgive any shortcomings the ones in the middle may have had.
I haven't read Wheel of Time since I was 11-12 (I moved on to video games at that point), I think I stopped around book 8. I planned on re-reading everything once everything got finished, but I D:'d when Robert Jordan died. Is the series getting finished by someone else? That's pretty awesome, I think I'll re-read the whole series now that I'm 20 and see if the books seem better or worse.
I loved the WoT series. I think Brandon Sanderson is a great author as well. In fact, The Gathering Storm was one of my favorites in the series. I can't wait for the next one to come out.
I never could get into the Game of Thrones series. I'm not sure why.
I absolutely can't wait for Towers of Midnight to come out. The plot got kind of stagnant (mostly due to perrin, ugh) around 8-10 aside from a few notable events, but the last few books have really picked the pace up.
The Sword of Truth series I felt was good, but it also felt really loosely tied together, like a couple of trilogies at the beginning and the end with some fluff in the middle that really didn't add anything to the overarching plot. And, as was mentioned, there was Goodkind's tendency to restate his philosophy towards life over and over and over and... yeah. We get it. Also, his "logic" discussions and whatnot when the characters are deciding what to do *really* got on my nerves. So, I liked it overall a lot less than WoT, which, while Jordan did tend to ramble on about descriptions, kept the story more or less in one piece. Then again, WoT is easily my favorite series so far, so most don't come close.
While this thread is on the subject of other similar book series, I feel obligated to point out a few I really enjoyed: Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen - some things I liked from this series were its unique system of magic, the way gods are directly involved (and defeat-able), the badass Malazan army, random bits of humor/puns that are not immediately apparent, and the incredible action sequences. Some things that would probably turn a lot of people off, however, would be the author's language (it can be damn difficult to tell exactly what happened, sometimes, so you might need to go slowly or reread parts), and the almost Jordan-esque way Erikson writes most of the books (lots of words while not much is happening)
Glen Cook's Black Company - Similar to the Malazan series, except it would basically be focusing on the Bridgeburner (ultimate badass) company and their role in everything
David Farland's Runelords
George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire
And of course, Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy - I do love the way the man writes action sequences and the way he set the plot up in these books was extremely intricate and well done, with an amazing Oh. Shit. moment or two that are just so neat.
Brandon Sanderson has some pretty good stuff, too. Elantris was pretty freaking sweet, and I look forward to reading more from the Mistborn series. I reccomend them highly.
Edit: I've only read the first in the Mistborn Trilogy, have yet to get the others.
On October 06 2010 14:33 Generic SC wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2010 14:30 CynanMachae wrote:On October 06 2010 07:38 SiegeMode wrote:Wheel of Time got awful after book 5. + Show Spoiler + While I do agree that 5-10 was quite slow, the last few books were pretty damn good. Its true, and the parts with Egwene in the last two made me forgive any shortcomings the ones in the middle may have had. Quoted for frickin' truth!
I'm reading through all the books again in preparation for the next book in November, and at this point (midway through book 10) I'm just holding out for + Show Spoiler +Egwene to get captured by Elaida. I think she has some of the best character development of the entire series in just the last few books.
Started that series when I was really young, couldn't stand the monotony and threw it away around book 5.
Goodkind and Eddings write better fiction imo, although I really ought to reread some of these now that I'm older.