About WoT being like LotR I will agree only insofar as the first book reads almost exactly like The Fellowship of the Ring. Really, the similarities are uncanny. The Hobbits The Farmboys from the Shire Two Rivers set out on an adventure because a Wizard Aes Sedai told them to, being chased by Nazgul Myrddraal and barely making it to the ferry.
Pretty much continues like that through Moria Shadar Logoth and beyond.
The rest of the series is great, though. Unique as far as I can tell. I like what Brandon Sanderson has brought to the series in terms of pacing. In the few books before he started on it everything was plodding along slowly then The Gathering Storm hits and BLAM shit gets real.
Gathering Storm was so good I can't wait for Tower of midnight o.o Currently rereading the series before the release @Above you forgot the encouter with Ents Ogier ;o
On October 05 2010 08:03 Kale187 wrote: About WoT being like LotR I will agree only insofar as the first book reads almost exactly like The Fellowship of the Ring. Really, the similarities are uncanny. The Hobbits The Farmboys from the Shire Two Rivers set out on an adventure because a Wizard Aes Sedai told them to, being chased by Nazgul Myrddraal and barely making it to the ferry.
Pretty much continues like that through Moria Shadar Logoth and beyond.
The rest of the series is great, though. Unique as far as I can tell. I like what Brandon Sanderson has brought to the series in terms of pacing. In the few books before he started on it everything was plodding along slowly then The Gathering Storm hits and BLAM shit gets real.
Except most the characters in WoT were actually acceptable =|. Fuk Hobbits.
One thing interesting about Wheel of Time is that a LARGE chunk of the first 8 books are not Rand. A large chunk of those are not Perrin/Mat.
Excert from TVTropes
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is the absolute king of this trope. Wheel of Time encyclopaedia has a list of 1880 characters. The original main group introduced in the first book has not been in one location since the fourth book, out of eleven so far with three to go. Only the main character Rand manages to appear in every book, and he is nearly absent from a couple. From there the biggest male characters Rand, Mat, and Perrin have each acquired love interests (three at once in Rand's case), personal armies, and their own Cast Herds of supporting characters. In Rand's case this includes dozens of characters from numerous factions. The two biggest female characters (Egwene and Elayne) have done the same thing. The Big Bad has a dozen mini-boss characters with the Forsaken, as well as numerous Darkfriends. And almost every faction adds dozens of identifiable characters to the mix, sometimes with distinct subfactions within that which might as well be separate groups. And all these characters intermingle in an absolutely dizzying array of interactions.
On October 05 2010 13:13 mierin wrote: AMAZING series, I really hope BS can bring it like he did last novel. What I would pay for to see RJ's unmodified notes...
I would do more than I would to get a Klondike Bar. That's for sure.
He will, trust me. If you ever read Mistborn there wouldn't be a doubt in your mind that he would.
On April 09 2003 08:28 Manifesto7 wrote: Rahvin, after you read the first three books of the dark tower (and believe me you will read the whole series) realize that we as fans waited 4 YEARS for book 4. When you see the cliff hanger at the end of book 3, you will realize why this was such a cruel thing. Please enjoy, the dark tower is one series that just gets better and better. In addition, many of Stephen Kings other book tie into the dark tower, such as Hearts in Atlantis, the Talisman, Black House, and many of the short stories. It is amazing how a writer can, over a period of 20 years, bring all his books and tie them into a single series. Although popular media cast off Stephen King as junk horror pop in the 80's, his writting is at a level which is rarely matched in fiction these days. Mani~
Dark Tower in a Wheel of Time thread? I love these forums.
Two of my favorite series...the new WoT is dropping reallllly soon isn't it?
On October 05 2010 22:23 FishFuzz99 wrote: I never managed to finish the series. I would get to book 6-7, the lose interest. I've done it like 3 times.
Also, I think the guy that's finishing it up is a professor at my university so I could possibly get people signed copies.
I'd be more impressed if you could RJ's autograph!
Guess I'll have to reread the whole thing for the third time now then :D WoT has a special place in my heart, and was my all time favorite for years until I stumbled into A Song of Ice and Fire.
but i dunno if im going to be there, every time i see that book cover i cringe.
Book covers have always been a sort of joke to the WoT community.
EDIT: To whoever compared this to LOTR...that may be a little bit valid for the first little part of EotW, but after that...this blows LOTR away. Read on, my friend.
On October 05 2010 08:03 Kale187 wrote: About WoT being like LotR I will agree only insofar as the first book reads almost exactly like The Fellowship of the Ring. Really, the similarities are uncanny. The Hobbits The Farmboys from the Shire Two Rivers set out on an adventure because a Wizard Aes Sedai told them to, being chased by Nazgul Myrddraal and barely making it to the ferry.
Pretty much continues like that through Moria Shadar Logoth and beyond.
The rest of the series is great, though. Unique as far as I can tell. I like what Brandon Sanderson has brought to the series in terms of pacing. In the few books before he started on it everything was plodding along slowly then The Gathering Storm hits and BLAM shit gets real.
Wheel of Time is a great series, but Sword of Truth is the better in my opinion. Jordan has an uncanny storytelling ability for sure, but he also tends to explain things in far too much detail than is required for the situation at times. Writing about which angle the sun is shining on the dust motes floating around in the air, for example, when he should be focusing more on character thoughts/dialogue/interaction. I'm not complaining at all, I understand it is his style and for the most part I greatly appreciate this attention to the smallest details, but he has a tendency to overdo it in situations where precious sentences should be used to attend to more pressing situations.
On the flipside, Goodkind sometimes rambles for pages about philosophical ideas, moral and ethical thin ice, etc., often repeating himself and just re-wording it differently. For pages. I understand it can be necessary for some scenes but it's difficult to discern when it is and isn't and sometimes results in loss of interest/boredom for me. His strongest points are drawing the reader into a incredible bond with the characters (at least what I found); he is extremely good at portraying real emotions, decision-making, and logic in his characters that are absent in other writers for the most part. Near the second half of the series he does drag it out, but I think he still manages to finish it off nicely. I've also read his new book called the rule of nines (I believe?), which isn't a bad read especially for followers of the SoT series.
On October 05 2010 08:03 Kale187 wrote: About WoT being like LotR I will agree only insofar as the first book reads almost exactly like The Fellowship of the Ring. Really, the similarities are uncanny. The Hobbits The Farmboys from the Shire Two Rivers set out on an adventure because a Wizard Aes Sedai told them to, being chased by Nazgul Myrddraal and barely making it to the ferry.
Pretty much continues like that through Moria Shadar Logoth and beyond.
The rest of the series is great, though. Unique as far as I can tell. I like what Brandon Sanderson has brought to the series in terms of pacing. In the few books before he started on it everything was plodding along slowly then The Gathering Storm hits and BLAM shit gets real.
I have to agree series was moving super duper slow. And now he comes along and just sped everything up. Really excited about this next one although I have a feeling its going to be a super cliffhanger for the last lol