On November 06 2011 23:59 Linwelin wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2011 23:54 IMStyle wrote: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Although it seems harsh... This would make others think twice before actually downloading child porn again. They might not have violated any children directly, but indirectly they have, by supporting the child porn community.
Enjoying child porn is far from a fetish...it is sick and most likely a mental disorder. If given the opportunity, these people will actually commit the crime of molesting or raping a child, that time just Havnt arrive for him yet. Then why does downloading music/movies hurt the movie/music industry?
Because the argument is just self serving biased bullshit. People apply it when it when it confirms their standpoint. If childporn was legal I'm sure the producers of that shit would claim people sharing their stuff for free is hurting their industry. In this hypothetical situation proponents against CP would applaud people downloading it for free.
The only way I can see that downloading this stuff for free would be harmful (to society, not the cp industry) is that it can enforce the thought that the acts depicted are normal/acceptable
And some how the rapers/child abusers are happy with their life doing more raping =/
Them sir got their priorities way backwards.
This is pretty crazy, most murderers don't get such a severe sentence and rapists get considerably less. Surely violent crimes should be more severely punished than downloading some sick child porn?
On November 07 2011 00:05 bonifaceviii wrote: People who rape children hardly ever get life sentences, much less dudes who just look at it. Who did this guy piss off?
Edit: yes, yes, child porn is bad but damn that dude had an enemy somewhere...
Child rapists never get life sentences, they usually get 2 years for their first offense and with good behavior they can get out in 1 year.
On November 07 2011 00:19 hp.Shell wrote: The sentence is too harsh and it appears they are trying to make an example of this guy. He should get maybe half the time child molesters get.
Edit: also there's really no way to prove he downloaded the pictures himself or looked at them for that matter, unless he had them set as his desktop or something. Like Jonoman92 said, someone could be setting him up. Especially suspicious of this situation because of the length of the sentence.
Edit2: I'm passwording my computer that only I have access to and only I use. Just so some scumbag can't set me up with anything like this ever. Not that it will ever happen but it's better to be safe and save the REST OF MY LIFETIME by passwording my computer.
Well someone could set up anyone for any crime, not just this one. And there is never really any way to prove that someone did commit a crime, just comes down to "reasonable doubt" or whatever.
Btw if anyone wanted to set you up passwording your computer isnt gonna stop them.
Why is society so intolerant to the idea that some individuals may be sexually attracted to children?
Does any body ever stop to ask these people why they feel these sexual attractions? Personally I'd be fascinated to know what makes them tick. I have a hypothesis that many of them strongly correlate feelings of emotional closeness/love with sexual acts. Thus, when they want to be loving to a child (which is a normal human instinct) they unintentionally associate this with thoughts of sex involving the child. Maybe they don't wish to actually have sex with the child, but only to sexually pleasure the child? Who knows, I'm sure every paedophile is different and some may not have any logical grounding to why they feel their sexual attraction.
As far as I can see, the only thing wrong with a sexual attraction to children is the fact that any sexual act involving a child is inherently wrong, as a child is too immature to give informed consent to such acts.
Modern society has attempted to condition us to be tolerant of homosexuals, but historically they were shunned and stigmatised in a similar fashion to paedophiles of today. I personally have never been able to rationalise why homosexuals feel sexual attraction to members of their own sex, and I'll admit, the thought of homosexuals does intrinsically make me feel uneasy. However I'm a mature adult; I can accept the explanation from homosexuals justifying their behavior, even if I cannot rationalise it: "I was born this way, I just am the way I am, and you should accept and not judge me based on a sexual attraction that I have no ability to control". This seems quite similar to what a paedophile may say about their attraction to children. In my mind, you either simultaneously accept paedophilic attraction and homosexual attraction, or you dismiss both.
Remember, attraction and sexual acts are distinctly different things. If you are having trouble understanding or wish to deny this simple truth, consider this situation (this should be easy as the majority readership of TL is heterosexual males): Your best friend gets married. His wife is physically attractive to you: Blonde/brunette hair, well-endowed breasts, curvacious hips, assign whatever attributes you find physically attractive to this fictional wife. Would it be normal to feel sexual attraction to this woman? Yes. Is it a crime? Of course not. Feeling attraction and acting on the attraction to escalate to a sexual act are very different things. As I'm sure most (I hope) of you would agree, attempting to have sex with your best friend's wife, regardless of how attractive she may be, is a morally corrupt thing to do. Just the same as having sex with a child.
Hopefully you can see the distinction, and stop stigmatising paedophiles to the degree where it is considered OK for one to be locked up in jail for the entirety of their life.
Furthermore, for those who say that paedophiles who view pornographic content are 'supporting the industry', I have to strongly disagree. Child pornography (I assume) is such a niche market that the producers of content are most likely consumers of the content as well. Fact is, there will always be people producing child pornographic content.
So, he gets longer punishment than Anders Breivik, interesting.
In my opinion this is way harsh, if someone rapes a child, like a real child and real rape, not getting tricked by a 17 year old hooker, they deserve a good solid 10-20 year sentence or life for all i care, because that is some messed up stuff, but for merely having pictures on his computer this seems an absurd punishment, if you must give him jail time give him a year or 2 to rethink his life. As mentioned earlier child molesters get a lighter sentence. As to all the people who say good riddance to bad rubbish I think you are not being objective about this and don't realize the implications of setting such a precedent. Edit. to previous poster: don't compare homosexuals with pedophiles, i realize you are just trying to be open minded but it comes off as really insulting to gay people there is nothing wrong with being gay, there is something wrong with being sexual attracted to children, they should not as you say be put in the same boat either accepting or shunning both of them, I am not gay but i have no problem with the idea and i don't think there is anything sick or wrong with gay people, i do however think that if someone is genuinely attracted to young children there is something wrong with them, they are sick mentally, not to say that this guy deserves what he got, but its not the same as being gay at all and its really insulting to say so. Im sorry if I seem to be bashing you but because you seem intelligent but that is not a good comparison.
On November 07 2011 00:19 hp.Shell wrote: The sentence is too harsh and it appears they are trying to make an example of this guy. He should get maybe half the time child molesters get.
Edit: also there's really no way to prove he downloaded the pictures himself or looked at them for that matter, unless he had them set as his desktop or something. Like Jonoman92 said, someone could be setting him up. Especially suspicious of this situation because of the length of the sentence.
Edit2: I'm passwording my computer that only I have access to and only I use. Just so some scumbag can't set me up with anything like this ever. Not that it will ever happen but it's better to be safe and save the REST OF MY LIFETIME by passwording my computer. Alternatively you could go live in a civilized country.
It's already been said that he would have been better off raping a child, than looking at pictures on the internet. Even people who are committing first degree murder are often getting more lenient punishments (25 to life/life with parol) than this guy (life without parol). How people can defend the sentence after knowing that, is beyond my comprehension.
Downloading pictures from 4chan/kazaa is not the same as hitting someone in the face with an axe.
I've always been perplexed by society's views towards child molesters. It's been shown time and again that people who molest children were almost certainly molested themselves when they were kids. The impulse to then molest a person is not based on a sexual urge necessarily, but as a response to wanting to feel control and power as a result of their earlier helplessness. At some point in time a child who was molested goes from "victim" to "disgusting freak" if they feel this impulse, and I feel that's a huge logical disconnect. If somebody has a problem the focus should be on helping them. Of course this behavior can in no way be tolerated and the safety of innocents should be held paramount, but attaching labels like "freak" and stating that "they deserve to be executed" isn't going to deter people. It's just going to marginalize them and lower the chances that they'll approach the support groups that they would need to prevent them from becoming offenders. Now I know some "holier-than-thou" people will scoff and continue to want to simply state that they're scum, the interest should be doing whatever it is that would prevent these crimes from occuring, not making the people who didn't commit them feel better about themselves.
On November 07 2011 00:32 Lafie wrote: So, he gets longer punishment than Anders Breivik, interesting.
Funny you mention that. Anders Breivik killed 76 people and he faces a maximum of 21 years. That's sick
This guy isn't supporting any industry. He's downloading for free, so he's not creating a market. Further more creating a "demand" doesn't really do anything since this is about as profitable as having your stuff pirated. You see software companies scrambling to output software because there are lots of people pirating their stuff? If anything's weird, it's the idea that people would be sharing this stuff. There's absolutely nothing in it for them. Is there a porn sharing fetish?
So i guess you know what you're talking about? You're some kind of expert in psychology? Did you study how traumatic events in your childhood can reflect on your later life? You make me sick.
Lets ask the dead.. sure they will give you an answer. Saying that rape is worse than dead is stupid, are you going to give a low prison time to a rapist because he killed the person? That he show mercy?
That is almost the something to say that abort is better for the child than foster-home, its so stupid.
On November 06 2011 23:54 IMStyle wrote: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Although it seems harsh... This would make others think twice before actually downloading child porn again. They might not have violated any children directly, but indirectly they have, by supporting the child porn community.
Enjoying child porn is far from a fetish...it is sick and most likely a mental disorder. If given the opportunity, these people will actually commit the crime of molesting or raping a child, that time just Havnt arrive for him yet.
Bolded is so much bullshit it hurts.
There are plenty of people who fantasize about stuff without ever going through with it.
On November 07 2011 00:39 chickenhawk wrote:Show nested quote +So i guess you know what you're talking about? You're some kind of expert in psychology? Did you study how traumatic events in your childhood can reflect on your later life? You make me sick. Lets ask the dead.. sure they will give you an answer. Saying that rape is worse than dead is stupid, are you going to give a low prison time to a rapist because he killed the person? That he show mercy? That is almost the something to say that abort is better for the child than foster-home, its so stupid.
Agreed. Rape is traumatic but for most people it's better than being killed.
On November 07 2011 00:36 ddrddrddrddr wrote: This guy isn't supporting any industry. He's downloading for free, so he's not creating a market. Further more creating a "demand" doesn't really do anything since this is about as profitable as having your stuff pirated. You see software companies scrambling to output software because there are lots of people pirating their stuff? If anything's weird, it's the idea that people would be sharing this stuff. There's absolutely nothing in it for them. Is there a porn sharing fetish?
About as much as there is a music sharing fetish. It is just a way to get access to more of the product. I've been thinking about the argument you bring up the last few days as it has passed through some of the threads here. Thing is, we are comparing apples and oranges. Since CP is illegal the dynamics of the market for it is very different. Therefore you can't apply the reasoning in the same way. Consider the music industry if music was illegal: In that case it is completely feasible to assume that little communities where people share music would be promoting music in general. In an industry that is widespread, like the music industry in RL, there is some merit to the thought that sharing music is harmful to the development of new material. When it is not widespread, these sharing communities help make it widespread so in that case it would not be harmful.
Bit strange considering child molesters get less.
should be overturned. i hope... still stupid.
On November 06 2011 14:20 Piggiez wrote: Sure, he hasn't harmed any children directly, but he's still contributing to the problem. How do you think the children being video taped / photographed feel when they're uncle, brother, father, whomever is violating them? It's like drug trafficking in some regard, being that you may just be on your basement couch snorting a line of coke of a coffee table - but somewhere in Columbia blood is being shed for the sake of your high.
edit: That being said, I feel the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Anyone convicted of a sex related crime will get exactly what they deserve during their sentence. Prisoners have a pretty good way of imposing their own punishments on pedophiles, so I figure that should be sufficient.
DRUG USERS DO NOT GO TO JAIL!!! We try to help them in whatever way they can. These people probably can't help what they like, and we're condemning them instead of rehabilitating them back into society. Are you people serious?
On November 07 2011 01:13 Dark_Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2011 14:20 Piggiez wrote: Sure, he hasn't harmed any children directly, but he's still contributing to the problem. How do you think the children being video taped / photographed feel when they're uncle, brother, father, whomever is violating them? It's like drug trafficking in some regard, being that you may just be on your basement couch snorting a line of coke of a coffee table - but somewhere in Columbia blood is being shed for the sake of your high.
edit: That being said, I feel the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Anyone convicted of a sex related crime will get exactly what they deserve during their sentence. Prisoners have a pretty good way of imposing their own punishments on pedophiles, so I figure that should be sufficient. DRUG USERS DO NOT GO TO JAIL!!! We try to help them in whatever way they can. These people probably can't help what they like, and we're condemning them instead of rehabilitating them back into society. Are you people serious?
Also unlike drug users who have to pay for their drugs and therefore directly supporting the illegal drug industry, this guy simply downloaded it for free (although he denies doing so, there's a chance he's been set up) therefore not directly supporting the child porn industry.
Also another point I haven't seen anyone mention on the recent pages of this thread is the fact that a life term will cost taxpayers a ton of money, plus with the overcrowded jails his term will cause a murderer or someone worse to go free sooner so that they came free up room.