The video is graphic, and very sad! Read the description on the video to understand more what happened and some updates on the incident.
Youtube video [NSFW] GRAPHIC
This just happened this past Thursday. Yet another incident of Chinese citizens watching another citizen (even this young child!) injured yet no response from them. This phenomenon of watching idly to this degree of accident may seem barbaric to us in the US, but this can be accredited to the fear of getting accused of being the cause of the accident rather than a good Samaritan...Thank God for the Good Samaritan Law here. This is such a sad case and I just cant wrap my mind around the thought of just watching a toddler seriously injured and having to weigh my choices of helping or ignoring. That's just so inhumane 
Taken from the video description : "The incident is the latest example of passers-by acting indifferently to victims injured in crimes. In this case, some blamed the parents for letting the girl walk on the street alone. More criticized the phenomenon of people passing by without helping, caused at least in part by previous extortion attempts from the injured and their families who have sometimes tried to blame the person helping."
Edit: No I have nothing against China and no I am not stereotyping the Chinese. Yes there are two sides of the story, especially with the Chinese culture and similar cases surrounding these types of incidents. Sorry if this has offended anyone.
Update: Sadly, the child has passed away Washington Post CNN. RIP Yue Yue, you're in a better place now and have stopped suffering. The rescuer, Chen, has received a monetary reward and was offered a job with stable income to help encourage such activity. Police have detained the drivers of both vehicles involved in the incident, Xinhua news agency said. Source. However, it may seem like the real driver paid someone else to confess for him. + Show Spoiler +http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2011/10/18/1501458.html
It seems that the real culprit is still at large, and had someone proxy confess for him and paid the guy to do time in his place,
"I will suicide before I confess"
Still under investigation.
Thanks for helping update.
... that is horrible nothing more to say
+ Show Spoiler +
This is like the third thread I've read about the Chinese culture having to worry about getting screwed over by helping people, so they decide to just let tragedies occur.
This is ridiculous.
Two years old? x.x
If I got in trouble for helping people, I wouldn't help anyone ever again.
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Couldn't watch it anymore after 24 seconds I had to stop... ;_;
But we can't really blame them tbh... sadly...
Saw this posted on sankaku the other day. Unfortunately, this sort of event isn't entirely uncommon over in china. Even basic traffic laws aren't obeyed regularly (ie. Green walking light for me to cross street, 4 seconds later when i'm a few steps onto the street, the cars start driving and i just had to freeze up and hope they don't run over my feet/hit me with their side mirrors. Naturally, the cars that were actually supposed to be crossing were pretty pissed as well but theres nothing they can do).
Wow that video is extremely disturbing. I cannot understand how the initial van didnt see the child before hitting her. I pray that asshole is caught and brought to justice....jesus.
EDIT: WTF the first person to walk by the child doesnt even take the time to look down, let alone help....its like nothing is happening to that guy, he just keeps walking by without soo much as a gaze.
I can confirm this is not fake, and I can also confirm that it's extremely distasteful...
Holy shit fuck!
That is horrific, I wonder to what extent the extortion / legal shit with blaming those helping is actually causing such tragic indifference. They're like robots, zero care at all
The initial van driver runs over the kid with his front tire... Then keeps going and crushes him with the rear tire?? How I wish this was fake.. I pray for the kid....
On October 18 2011 09:39 eXigent. wrote: Wow that video is extremely disturbing. I cannot understand how the initial van didnt see the child before hitting her. I pray that asshole is caught and brought to justice....jesus.
I doubt he will be.
But yes this is very, very tragic. But idk, i think i'd call an ambulance y'know? Anonymously of course, considering the problems they might get in. But at least something.
Holy shit, I have never felt so heartbroken watching a video off of youtube. I can't believe that they even kept running over child. That must be some serious fear for absolutely no one to even help, for not helping someone who just got run over and is broken and bleeding to not be the first thought to come to mind. Incredible
you even saw someone running over him a 2nd time:S
Hong Kong4685 Posts
On October 18 2011 09:33 Archers_bane wrote: More criticized the phenomenon of people passing by without helping, caused at least in part by previous extortion attempts from the injured and their families who have sometimes tried to blame the person helping." I heard about this on my (Hong Kong based) tour to China. They told us not to be greedy and do stuff like pick up a shiny watch on the floor. They also told us stories where kids are kidnapped and had their arms cut off so people would feel sympathy and give them money only to have the kidnapper take all the money away from the kid.
how can anyone watch this video? The kid is still moving his hands and crying in later clips, he was still alive after that bastard ran over him. That was the single most painful thing to watch, EVER!
That is bad parenting right there. Pretty disturbing video, especially when the car just stopped then slowly rolled over it.
Can't say I blame the people though, if the law punished you for being a good samaritan, you would learn pretty quickly how not to be one.
this is actually the worst thing ive ever seen
I remember a story of a friend, attempting to help a couple who claimed their baby was being swept down this lake, he takes his jacket off and jumps in to the rescue of what it turns out to be a doll. When realizing this he turns back to the couple on the shore who at time are going through his jacket taking his wallet and phone.
Its people like that which make it difficult for society to be kind and helpful.
Oh God, is there some conspiracy on TL I don't know about that equates to "post every bad thing that happens in China"? The strong majority of threads about something bad happening as a result of people's actions have to do with China. I don't get it :S.
This is a tragedy, but shit like this happens anytime, anywhere. It isn't exclusive to just China.
I know, from experience, there's a fair chance there's going to be some sinophobic posts in this thread like there are in every other one concerning China. Already, there's a bit of a slant in the OP, such as this statement:
This phenomenon of watching idly may seem barbaric to us in the US as if implying that all Americans are high-class mannered folks and Chinese are evil and barbaric (lol).
No, this phenomenon is not barbaric in the US. I've heard it happen plenty of times and even seen it happen (I've usually gone to the rescue in those several occasions, and in one case I was even indicted as the perpetrator even when the victim vouched for me... it took above-godly tact and argumentation to get out of that pickle), despite the "Good Samaritan" law. People getting beat up, shot, hit by vehicles, you name it. The best I've seen or heard of is something calling an ambulance and then going along their way, by strangers that is (obviously a family member or good friend is going to be of some serious assistance).
Hell what am I saying? Just a couple months ago, a relative was at a gas station in the evening, got assaulted, tried to fight back and was shot a few times (and the thugs left), and people still came to the gas station and didn't do shit, the people/employees inside the store didn't do shit. She had to crawl her way into there and basically show them her condition and to call the police before anyone did anything.