I like to stay informed, I like to follow politics to a certain degree (although I accumulated a large number of critics to our parliamentary system over the last few years) and I voted for the Bloc until I had the "chance" to meet my MP at the Parliament in 2007, never gonna vote for her ever again.
I agree that as a citizen, we have the obligation of comparing different parties and make our decision based on the intents of each party (contained in their platforms, mostly) as well as - in my opinion - the candidates themselves.
But in my case, this approach is useless. I cannot possibly fathom voting for such an ideological party as the Conservatives and there's nothing that tells me the Liberals are any different than the party that baffled Quebec times and times again. To me, the LPC have not renewed with either Dion or Igniatieff, besides a few attempts at giving it a tad more leftist orientation, the core remains the same with the old ideas and skewed rhetorics ("we are the only party that can replace the conservatives" - bullshit).
I am left with only 2 options : voting blank or for the NDP (no green, pirate or independant in my riding).
Green party auto-vote for me. Not exactly an environmentalist, but I think it's clearly the most ethical option (ecology precedes economy and blah blah). It seems like the Conservative Party's main shtick is "you'll save money! taxation is bad!", the NDP is good for "working families" and other poor people--which is good, but most poor people don't vote anyway and the Liberals are the Liberals so screw that.
On a side note, I think they should change the legal voting age to 16 so precocious little teenagers who are probably just as politically informed (or misinformed) as the average voter can vote.
On May 03 2011 04:50 reincremate wrote: On a side note, I think they should change the legal voting age to 16 so precocious little teenagers who are probably just as politically informed (or misinformed) as the average voter can vote.
Given the level of political understanding that many of my university peers have (or more appropriately, lack thereof) I don't know about this.
I think the problem is that Canadians are too apathetic about our nation's politics. Too many people don't care, and probably won't care until something "directly affects their lives." I've heard far too many people say they don't care about politics because "nothing ever affects them." How do we engage these people? It's a tough question.
I'll probably go Liberal or NDP even though I don't really want too... Conservative majority just seems way too bad. I could honestly see Canada disolving into the United States if that happened. So do I wanna pay more taxes or more taxes.... I must admit that http://www.michaelgeist.ca/index.php and the information on it is what i look at the most, for who i'll vote on.
I don't only bring this up because of the pot issue, I bring this up because Harper absolutely skates around his answer, bringing in an emotional heart string pull about drug cartels all over the world that have absolutely nothing to do with the question or his influence as prime minister.
I didn't vote NDP because all of their policies are exactly fitting to my needs, I voted NDP because I can't handle the idea of Canada being run by the same type of cringe-worthy republican Americans I see on TV. And he goes just as far, too.
I would vote green in an ideal world but they have no chance so NDP it is.
If I didn't read this thread I would've forgotten to vote. However I don't really want to vote for anyone because I feel that it'd more so be a vote against certain parties than for a party.
Even if a bunch of people go right now and vote green, E.May won't be prime minister, there's just not enough support. If you're voting green you're understanding that you're voting for more representatives in parliament, not so much to change the actual prime minister (the only reason I'm not voting green).
They do deserve recognition as a party, unless you are of the opinion that the earth doesn't matter and we can keep pillaging it forever. But as stated earlier, environmental action isn't their only priority. They have a lot of other ideals, they are pro gay marriage, pro choice, they want to lower taxes. It doesn't take much research to see that they have an actual array of items on their agenda.
Very surprised how many people are voting conservative....
Because of internet tuff guys like this dood:
On May 03 2011 05:24 Kralic wrote: I am voting for Conservative because it suits my own personal agenda and goals better than any of the other political clowns we have running.
There is a big demographic overlap between internet nerds and lolbertarianism. (young white middle-class heterosexual males that live in their parents' basements)
On May 03 2011 05:24 Kralic wrote: I am voting for Conservative because it suits my own personal agenda and goals better than any of the other political clowns we have running.
There is a big demographic overlap between internet nerds and lolbertarianism. (young white middle-class heterosexual males that live in their parents' basements)
I would thank you for lumping me into those two categories which are not true about me. Have any other comments to make about people who like conservatives? Do people from Alberta make you mad? Just wondering.
I just voted for the first time and voted NDP since I love their stance on UBB/net neutrality.
That being said however, I live in Calgary and the candidate in my riding (Calgary Nose-hill) has absolutely shit on every other candidate for 15~ years so I don't really expect change. I don't even think I saw a NDP sign in my area.
Very surprised how many people are voting conservative....
Because of internet tuff guys like this dood:
On May 03 2011 05:24 Kralic wrote: I am voting for Conservative because it suits my own personal agenda and goals better than any of the other political clowns we have running.
There is a big demographic overlap between internet nerds and lolbertarianism. (young white middle-class heterosexual males that live in their parents' basements)
I would thank you for lumping me into those two categories which are not true about me. Have any other comments to make about people who like conservatives? Do people from Alberta make you mad? Just wondering.
You're welcome but my response wasn't to you it was to the OP's surprise