Epic. I usually read before I sleep to get me tired, but every time I tried to read this at night I'd eventually realize it's almost 4am and I have to be up at 7 for work.
Currently Reading:
Started it last weekend and I'm about a third of the way through it. It's a pretty awesome fantasy book about ancient and modern mythology.
Up Next:
The first two did not disappoint, I'm assuming this one won't either. I can't wait to start this :D
After A Storm of Swords I'm going to read Anansi Boys, then A Feast for Crows. After that I have about 20 books I want to read
Been reading a few self help books lately. Not really your typical ones. I think everyone should read these books as early on in their lives as possible.
On January 07 2011 20:09 Imhotep wrote: Read this one last time:
So it's just natural to follow up with this one: ^^ :D
man i loved surely you're joking mr feynman, hows the second so far? i might just have to get that :D
at the moment i'm not really reading anything exciting, just a general history book about society in rome and greece during the classical era which is pretty good. i'm also reading this book "alex in numberland" by alex bellos, which is to do with the history of maths and numbers, its pretty interesting actually. I think i'm gonna have to get back to fiction after all this history though so i'm thinking baudilino by umberto eco maybe. i got a huge pile of books for christmas so i'm just enjoying reading through them all at the moment
Currently reading "Necronomicon - The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft":
It's thrilling so far, but i have a weak heart, so sometimes I have to read something lighter to be able to fall asleep, then i grab "The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide":
My second time reading The Hitchhiker's Guide books, and I'm digging it all over again
1. Just read. For practice, I read books in english. I do like Hemingway's writings very much. And this one is a very good reading too. English
2. Currently reading (Listening, to be accurate, as it is an audio-book) Very nicely narrated, I dont know how it is overall as a book, but so far very good. English
3. Up Next: Bible, Beowulf, Poetic Edda, Albert Camus's stories and The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco.
Das Spiel der Götter (orig.: A Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen) part 6 &7 or 7/8
Edit: Yes a song of ice and fire is really epic so much fun to read. Read all books in german and then later all in english but already fogot the half... Liked the german version more tbh.. probably because it are more books and ofc better to understand for me
Have a few other books on my soon to be read list thanks to Christmas, ranging from fiction to non-fiction, fantasy to economics books... varied tastes are awesome .
Well I took a break from my usual reading to go through the Harry Potter books again. I haven't read them in a few years, and with the final movies coming out (I haven't seen any of the films past the 2nd one) I got my interest peaked in the series again. Now that I finished those:
Only about thirty or so pages in right now. But the preface made me really excited for it. The book Stephen King thought he went too far with? Yes please!