I am from central asia, I study in Singapore. Locals are very nice and polite people, even the most addicted football fans act very nicely. By the way Singapore is full of immigrants. Who are from same countries you mentioned and they never cause any trouble.
Immigration in the UK. - Page 2
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Singapore1674 Posts
I am from central asia, I study in Singapore. Locals are very nice and polite people, even the most addicted football fans act very nicely. By the way Singapore is full of immigrants. Who are from same countries you mentioned and they never cause any trouble. | ||
United Kingdom764 Posts
On November 05 2010 06:58 alurlol wrote: The rioting works both ways, and I find it kind of sickening to think we allow people to live and take taxpayers money, just to throw it back in our faces by rioting and protesting in the middle of a commemoration for our dead soldiers, yes they are a minority but they should NOT be allowed to stay in our country. Those riots are the EDL & UAF, not immigrants rioting though I don't get what the makeup of the UAF is but the EDL is all white middle aged men. Both groups seem to always want to start a commotion but at least the values of one aren't abhorrent. Protesting in the middle of a commemoration is disgusting but you should also realise what british soldiers have/are doing is equally disgusting in the eyes of those on the recieving end of the UK's foreign policies. The correct response is to acknowledge both parties have there reasons and not be blindly patriotic just for patriotism's sake. Patriotism in this day and age is such a ridiculous concept knowing what we know about what all out governments get up to. | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
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England197 Posts
On November 05 2010 07:01 bmml wrote: Immigration actually adds value to the economy if you look at it statistically also "throw it back in our faces by rioting and protesting...." I've yet to see any of this happen personally. I know the daily mail and the rest of the murdoc media kicks up a big fuss over these so called "sponges" but really now, Britain is built on its multiculturalism and saying things like that is just juvenile. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8511120.stm >daily mail, kicks up a big fuss over nothing It is not juvenile by any stretch of the imagination, how the fuck do you think the families of the dead felt when these goons showed up protesting as the dead were walked down the streets. As long as our government takes a back seat on issues such as this and immigration as a whole, it isn't going to get better. We need a reform on how the system works, one like Australia has would work wonders but I guess we are also constrained by EU law on the matter. | ||
1894 Posts
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United States1761 Posts
![]() It does take time though, sometimes a generation, for assimilation to occur. In some circumstances, it's hard to find patience for it. (Roosters waking me up, grrrrrr!) | ||
United Kingdom764 Posts
On November 05 2010 07:10 alurlol wrote: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8511120.stm >daily mail, kicks up a big fuss over nothing It is not juvenile by any stretch of the imagination, how the fuck do you think the families of the dead felt when these goons showed up protesting as the dead were walked down the streets. As long as our government takes a back seat on issues such as this and immigration as a whole, it isn't going to get better. We need a reform on how the system works, one like Australia has would work wonders but I guess we are also constrained by EU law on the matter. How do you think the families of the dead civilians in Iraq & Afganistan feel? 2 ways streets; take the equal moral stance rather then trying to say only Western ppls feelings matter in the current world situation. | ||
Kyrgyz Republic1462 Posts
I think that the government should be stricter in regards to what foreign people actually do while they are in the UK rather than inventing yet more ridiculous certificates that you need to attach to your visa application. They should crack down on the fishy universities and businesses whose goal is just to let people enter the country, keep checking regularly that the people who came to the UK to study actually study (they introduced an attendance control system in the universities recently, which I believe is a step in the right direction) and the people who came to work actually work. Although I guess that is more easily said than done, it is not that easy to force someone to get out of the country without making too much noise. And, although this may sound hypocritical coming from an immigrant, I understand your sentiments very well. | ||
United Kingdom962 Posts
On November 05 2010 07:04 bokeevboke wrote: I think Brits themselves are quite violent and mean, at least this is my impression after watching movies and football fans. Then you have immigrants who see whats going there then act accordingly. I am from central asia, I study in Singapore. Locals are very nice and polite people, even the most addicted football fans act very nicely. By the way Singapore is full of immigrants. Who are from same countries you mentioned and they never cause any trouble. I miss SEA, lived there as a kid and visited Singapore from KL/Bangkok. Although the image of the UK in movies can often be distorted it really is a massive jump in general decency when moving from SEA'ian countries back to the UK, Quite sad really ![]() | ||
United Kingdom962 Posts
On November 05 2010 07:10 alurlol wrote: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8511120.stm >daily mail, kicks up a big fuss over nothing It is not juvenile by any stretch of the imagination, how the fuck do you think the families of the dead felt when these goons showed up protesting as the dead were walked down the streets. As long as our government takes a back seat on issues such as this and immigration as a whole, it isn't going to get better. We need a reform on how the system works, one like Australia has would work wonders but I guess we are also constrained by EU law on the matter. Blaming the majority of immigrants for the actions of a minority is a bad basis for mass deportation. I don't deny the immigration laws in this country aren't altogether working however I completely disagree that current immigration law and an increase in Islamic extremism are related. | ||
United Kingdom764 Posts
On November 05 2010 07:14 Reborn8u wrote: I live in south Florida, it has seen constant immigration from all over south and central America. Mainly Cuba, Mexico and Haiti. I totally agree with the sentiment that if you come here for a better life, fine, but live the better life. Don't bring 3rd world lifestyle into my neighborhood and expect a warm welcome. (Chickens running around the streets! Seriously!?). I'm a 3rd generation American, of Irish decent. My son is half Mexican, I'm not racist. (and I LOVE Latino women ![]() It does take time though, sometimes a generation, for assimilation to occur. In some circumstances, it's hard to find patience for it. (Roosters waking me up, grrrrrr!) Don't forget how america was founded. On the near complete genocide of the native population. If your son was deported to mexico for the next 20 years and then got to come back would you give him a warm welcome or the welcome you were eluding to earlier cos he's a bit different for a generation? | ||
England2109 Posts
On November 05 2010 06:58 alurlol wrote: The rioting works both ways, and I find it kind of sickening to think we allow people to live and take taxpayers money, just to throw it back in our faces by rioting and protesting in the middle of a commemoration for our dead soldiers, yes they are a minority but they should NOT be allowed to stay in our country. I don't you think you understand. Just because the majority of the country don't think that marmite is the best thing ever, doesn't mean that me as a resident of said country can't think that it is. It can be argued that they are jerks, but throwing jerks out of the country is a little extreme. Also a word on british "culture" of course it exists, but define it as a unchanging entity is absurd, if anything Britain is the complete opposite of cultural hegemony, trying to ring fence it and saying what British culture is and isn't, is dangerous and should only be done very carefully. Also, on the "I have (name your minority of choice here) friend, so I can't be racist/sexist/a bigot" is silly, I don't think you should define your friendship in such a manner, that a single trait of their personality comes first, also the assumption that by being friends you don't withhold any of your bigoted views should be addressed. | ||
Canada899 Posts
The most dangerous people I ever encountered were drunken asshole native brits and native brits who were under the age of about 17. These are guys who would stuff a pint glass in your face or chavver kids who would stab you with a knife without thinking. These tended to be the majority of murders in the areas I lived in, anyway, and the two times people tried to mug me while I was there they fell into this category as well - native brits. I wouldn't say that immigrants were any more dangerous, per capita, than the native population. I would also say with certainty that the immigrant and new-generation immigrant population as a whole were much harder working and more ambitious than native brits, the latter of whom more often displayed attitudes of entitlement and a loathesome attitude towards work than their immigrant counterparts. The news makes a lot of noise about the issue but in my own observation the facts simply don't support any of the arguments. Just my two cents... | ||
France108 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
Jokes aside, the problem is not with the UK alone. I am sure the government is aware of this as well. Those people are most likely refugees from the past. | ||
Netherlands759 Posts
On November 05 2010 07:11 Simplistik wrote: Could you give a reason why "immigrants need to assimilate"? It is certainly not required by law. Because if you don't assimilate you will have a divided society. in other words, you won't have a society at all. | ||
United States465 Posts
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United States650 Posts
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Canada307 Posts
I wouldn't say that immigrants were any more dangerous, per capita, than the native population. I would also say with certainty that the immigrant and new-generation immigrant population as a whole were much harder working and more ambitious than native brits, the latter of whom more often displayed attitudes of entitlement and a loathesome attitude towards work than their immigrant counterparts. Could not have said it better myself. I moved across Canada to live in Vancouver(Highest pop. of immigrants in Canada) for 2 years after college. Vast majority of people "native" to the lower-main-land (just the bottom high pop. part of BC[Burnaby,NewWest,Surrey and so on]) were arrogant and felt that immigrants and even Canadians not native to BC didnt belong there or opinions were not even really anything to consider. That being said it does NOT mean that immigrants are these great people who come to our native countries looking to make a better life; yes most are and do just that. However I agree with the OP in that there are those that immigrate from poor and corrupt countries and have learned to survive in any way possible, coming to a new country that has benefits/healthcare/un-employment/ and we cant forget the white cultures greatest fear .... being seen as racist. You take all that and toss in a opportunistic Immigrant with zero moral center and you get murder, organized crime, fraud and other terrible things that the papers love to flood our eyes and ears with. I mean come on, this whole thread is rather silly, all countries that are developed and offer its citizens the benefits and securities that we are acustom too become threatened(in our eyes) when they see preferencial treatment go to immigrants. It happens in Canada all the time, live with it! common quit crying , it will be ok! countries have been accepting immigrants and refugees since before your great-great-great-great-great-great grand daddy was so much as a single cell in his dads balls. so suck it up buttercup things are not going to change any time soon, and if they do its because were at war again. and who wants that ? Besides if you honestly believe the OP is that crazy and out of whack look at what is going on in Arizona right now. Also as a final note my only serious gripe about immigrants is when they come to a new country and have no idea how to speak the language nor try to learn. or pretend not to speak english, ya im looking at all you chinese people. I KNOW you all speak english ive been to china and they speak better english then we do! I mean common how can you move some where and not learn an even basic understanding of the language? | ||
England226 Posts
i am, as cain0 puts it - a first generation immigrant. i moved to england from russia when i was 9, i am now 19. my mother worked for an international civil engineering consultancy firm. they offered her a job in the uk and her and myself subsequently moved here. i do not have much recollection of my upbringing in russia, i consider myself to have been brought up in england. i consider myself (and legally am) a british citizen. i am fully integrated into british society, to the point where i am often seen as more "british" than my actual native friends and peers. i whole-heartedly agree with cain0's post. it is a sort of unwritten legislation not to advertise or even indicate your "britishness" in fear of some refugee being offended and running to the political correctness police. this also applies to religion, in a country where the head of state is christian one finds himsellf in an increasingly anti-christian society. i am not the biggest fan of islam (OMG RACIST!!11ONE) and few of you will wonder why. but the fact that people have to be cautious of areas of london or brdford they pass through for fear of a religious ttck and not one with a criminal intent, is simply unaxceptable. i personally blame this on the labour govt, their red tape and cherry picked application of socialist ideology. unless the tories miraculously win the next election, the inceeasingly irrepairable damage to british society will never be seen to. | ||
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