I'm going for cross-platform compatibility, so it will be using OpenGL. I'm comfortable using native code, but a windowing library might be nice. I have been using SDL which hasn't quite lived up to my expectations.
The Big Programming Thread - Page 623
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Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks. | ||
Australia520 Posts
I'm going for cross-platform compatibility, so it will be using OpenGL. I'm comfortable using native code, but a windowing library might be nice. I have been using SDL which hasn't quite lived up to my expectations. | ||
Cayman Islands330 Posts
On April 26 2015 15:48 meatpudding wrote: I'm starting a new graphics app, any suggestions on where to start? I'm going for cross-platform compatibility, so it will be using OpenGL. I'm comfortable using native code, but a windowing library might be nice. I have been using SDL which hasn't quite lived up to my expectations. I recommend doing it yourself, if you don't want third party library which has tons of features you don't need. Here are some links from the opengl wiki. https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Creating_an_OpenGL_Context_(WGL) https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Tutorial:_OpenGL_3.0_Context_Creation_(GLX). Note these tutorials are for 3.0 which isn't the latest version but it should be very obvious how to make them work for higher gl versions. For the extensions I personally use this: https://bitbucket.org/alfonse/glloadgen/wiki/Home. Just tell it which opengl version you want and it generates the required header and implementation. | ||
Sweden741 Posts
Get a library for texture loading. Maybe stb_image. | ||
Netherlands3122 Posts
I currently have 2 intership offers and I don't know what to choose. Company A: a small company of about 3 programmers and 2 front end developers. Having reasonable ok clients like Royal Dutch Shell and universities. Company B: an huge company. If I choose them I most likely be working on renewing their code base from COBAL to C#, Luckly the chances are low I will ever work with COBAL. Also I have to choose to work in with only a handful devolopers on a side project of theirs. The people at company A are people where I can mesh with very well, have similair intrestest and have similair preferences. At company B so far if have seen most people are relatively old and experainced. I wont be getting any money at company B, currently talking to company A. Any tips on what I should pick? | ||
Poland17197 Posts
On April 28 2015 01:40 sabas123 wrote: Hey guys. I currently have 2 intership offers and I don't know what to choose. Company A: a small company of about 3 programmers and 2 front end developers. Having reasonable ok clients like Royal Dutch Shell and universities. Company B: an huge company. If I choose them I most likely be working on renewing their code base from COBAL to C#, Luckly the chances are low I will ever work with COBAL. Also I have to choose to work in with only a handful devolopers on a side project of theirs. The people at company A are people where I can mesh with very well, have similair intrestest and have similair preferences. At company B so far if have seen most people are relatively old and experainced. I wont be getting any money at company B, currently talking to company A. Any tips on what I should pick? So far I've had better work relations and learned more working for smaller companies. Big companies usually care a lot less about their interns (especially those that work on some small side projects that are of little immediate value to the company). It can also be really painful if some of the employees are spread across different cities/countries/continents, makes communication a lot harder (and sometimes leads to misunderstandings which turn into huge frustrations). In any way, it's always better to choose a workplace where you'll be doing something you like. If, for example, company A develops all/most of its software in Ruby and you like that, and company B wants you to work in COBOL and you don't like it then there's no point in even trying to get into company B. That's how I see it, the decision is up to you. | ||
Spain17851 Posts
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Canada3485 Posts
On April 26 2015 23:03 iaretehnoob wrote: GLFW is good for (cross-platform) window handling and at least basic input and timing. Get a library for texture loading. Maybe stb_image. Yeah GLFW is the way to go. It's fairly simple to use and it works great. And yes, get something separate for texture loading and handling. Doing that yourself is a huge pain to deal with. | ||
Australia520 Posts
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United States1080 Posts
On April 28 2015 01:40 sabas123 wrote: Hey guys. I currently have 2 intership offers and I don't know what to choose. Company A: a small company of about 3 programmers and 2 front end developers. Having reasonable ok clients like Royal Dutch Shell and universities. Company B: an huge company. If I choose them I most likely be working on renewing their code base from COBAL to C#, Luckly the chances are low I will ever work with COBAL. Also I have to choose to work in with only a handful devolopers on a side project of theirs. The people at company A are people where I can mesh with very well, have similair intrestest and have similair preferences. At company B so far if have seen most people are relatively old and experainced. I wont be getting any money at company B, currently talking to company A. Any tips on what I should pick? How common are unpaid tech internships in the Netherlands? | ||
28 Posts
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United States958 Posts
On April 28 2015 17:19 helpman169 wrote: Why do most graph algorithms work with adjacency matrices instead of incident matrices? Smells like HW but I'll bite since I'm curious. Most work on adjacency matrices? I've seen most based on adjacency lists. But then again I don't actually ever use these graph algorithms, this is just what I remember from class. Most of these graph algorithms are basically iterating through all the nodes reachable from one node in some form (they all have some concept of a frontier of nodes to examine that I know). While lists are bad b/c you're following pointers over memory I guess, I'd also guess the memory efficiency on sparser graphs + having all the data you need stored already is worth it relative to adjacency matrix (although I don't know much about efficient storing spare matrix, I'm sure there's a lot of work on that field). For an incident matrix you can't even perform a simple operation like adjacent(v1, v2) in constant time since you need to check all the edges v1 and v2 are incident upon. To get the list of nodes from a single node then you go from O(V) (for an adjacent matrix, this is already stored for you in list) to O(VE) since finding for a single node was O(E). And these are the most common operations in graph algorithms, so why slow them down? My question would be, why would you prefer an incident matrix? I'm asking because this isn't something I work with so idk. | ||
28 Posts
Then I realized that most computer algorithms use adjacent represenation and wondered why this might be, but your explanation makes sense, thanks! | ||
7088 Posts
if you're interested in what it is check out http://www.eschertech.com/tutorial/tutorials.php its a programming language/software for designing (constructing) code and verifying it against specifications that you also have to construct ive literally never seen something so difficult to understand. i got to the end of the Basic tutorial understanding nothing and then suddenly they stop giving full code samples and i'm just laughing in disbelief i've never felt that something is so plain out of my capabilities as this. i just hope he gives me 40/100 so i dont have to do it again, its just flat out beyond me | ||
Belgium2760 Posts
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United States13132 Posts
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United States13132 Posts
On April 29 2015 08:56 Nesserev wrote: Hmmm, that looks interesting, but I always thought that mathematically proven code/certified code was limited to the realm of functional programming. I only glossed over the tutorial, is this the same thing? Where do they shit on Java? Do you mean the page 'A Java Example' in the tutorial? http://www.eschertech.com/tutorial/tutorial1/perfect_oo_differences.php All their examples are why java is a terrible language. | ||
United States958 Posts
On April 29 2015 09:50 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: http://www.eschertech.com/tutorial/tutorial1/perfect_oo_differences.php All their examples are why java is a terrible language. What about Java are they calling out? I don't get why people complain about == String comparison in Java. It's very simple. 1) Are both Strings declared in code or result from interned()? == works 2) Else no, use .equals. Java isn't only one to use pass by reference and basically requiring overriding some sort of equals method to compare two custom objects. No destructors? Well you signed up for GC so you wouldn't have to worry about destructors. What defines a terrible language? I am really curious why you dislike Java so much. Google/all web scale companies , financial trading firms/your TV/atm/phone/microwave all get good use out of it. - Hmmm, that looks interesting, but I always thought that mathematically proven code/certified code was limited to the realm of functional programming. I only glossed over the tutorial, is this the same thing? Glancing over tutorial it seems to be coding with contracts which are a useful thing to have but don't constitute being formally verified itself. A lot of formally verified code is in stuff like C/Ada/C++ (Paris train system, L4 microkernel, fly by wire systems are written in these languages). Now there's some newer stuff written in ML languages (Coq in OCaml comes to mind) that is used to help verify. Not that I know a lot about all this stuff, this is again half remembered class + 5 minutes googling. edit: was helping friend with Swift, realized I don't really understand garbage collection on final (or effectively final in Java 8 life) references in Java. Say I have like. . So I was reading final variables are converted to implicit instance variables? Else when is the s that's passed into my lambada eligble for GC? When lambada terminates? | ||
United States13132 Posts
On April 29 2015 10:50 teamamerica wrote: What defines a terrible language? I am really curious why you dislike Java so much. Google/all web scale companies , financial trading firms/your TV/atm/phone/microwave all get good use out of it. Terrible language is vague, but when your description says Java does this and Perfect does not this then the creator clearly didn't like the conventions of Java and think it is a terrible language. I said I found this amusing, not that I disliked java. | ||
Canada1600 Posts
On April 28 2015 01:40 sabas123 wrote: Hey guys. I currently have 2 intership offers and I don't know what to choose. Company A: a small company of about 3 programmers and 2 front end developers. Having reasonable ok clients like Royal Dutch Shell and universities. Company B: an huge company. If I choose them I most likely be working on renewing their code base from COBAL to C#, Luckly the chances are low I will ever work with COBAL. Also I have to choose to work in with only a handful devolopers on a side project of theirs. The people at company A are people where I can mesh with very well, have similair intrestest and have similair preferences. At company B so far if have seen most people are relatively old and experainced. I wont be getting any money at company B, currently talking to company A. Any tips on what I should pick? Company A. For an internship, the better you like the people you work with, the more time you end up spending/chatting with them and the more you end up learning as a result. It also will make you much happier, and make you enjoy your time there much more. | ||
France15952 Posts
On April 29 2015 11:21 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: Terrible language is vague, but when your description says Java does this and Perfect does not this then the creator clearly didn't like the conventions of Java and think it is a terrible language. I said I found this amusing, not that I disliked java. You would have the right to dislike it though, it truly is terrible. Having coded for years in Java, I could argue for days about why it's terrible, and I also know why it's still so much used despite of that. On another topic, I'm watching Build 2015 right now and they announced Visual Studio Code, a lightweight code editor which works on Windows, Mac and Linux for 12 languages with intellisense, debugging and all the goodies. Good shit :D | ||
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