On June 01 2010 14:15 eLiE wrote: my name is Eli, and people always say it wrong, so I decided to make it eLiE (E-LIE). Considering changing it to [e]LiE so people don't slur it all together.
Wtf, how do people screw up Eli? Lol, I think it's pretty easy not to butcher that name.
My ID for mostly everything is InHale - Thought it sounded cool and I smoked tons of weed.. Another name I've been using for a while now is watChmeFly - Love basketball and can almost dunk! Old name I used to use was IntOtheBLuE (when I was in mG.) next thing I know, there are multiple people with that name so i stopped using it...
Eli, that's a guy's name, right? They're probably confusing it with Eri, which is a girl's name. Koreans and Japanese have that problem with mixing up l and r.
na man, im talking IRL (as in canada). i just like my name and use it for gaming. At least Asians have a good reason for not saying my name right, haha.
So basically.. Starcraft 1 came out.. and i was around 10 And i needed an ID so me and my dad were walking through the awesome target store looking for the monthly price guide of magic the gathering cards. Now call me a simple boy, but at the time i really liked candy. Chocolate to be precise, and I enjoyed the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, just because of his overall randomness.
This inspired me as we entered the checkout line and i saw a WILLY WONKA CHOCOLATE BAR oh god my mouth was so wanting to taste the delicious chocolate which the carefully sealed package contained and it was within my grasp! Right then and there! But thats a little off topic, basically i chose Wonk because of that delicious wonka bar and Man because , I was 10 O.O and what 10 year old doesn't want to be a MAN!? HUH?
When I was about 13 I saw Gladiator with Russell Crowe and thought it was the greatest movie ever. I then started adding "imus" to all my friends names to make it Roman (eg. my buddy Matt became Mattimus). But when I added it to my name, Mac, it turned into Macimus, which sounds terrible, so I put tavian on the end of it, and became Mactavian
My friend and i were trying to think of a name for bnet, I said, hey you got a big dick right? no homo he said yea i do. do you? homo. i said yea ofcourse. It was then decided to tag ourselvs BDC and use our names BDC stands for the big dick clique. indo is my nickname. BDCindo Today our clique has soared to 6 dicks strong and we are always on the lookout for bigger and bigger dicks.
Lots of chasing people down and killing them in good old MMORPGs, I'd often shout out "run and die" as i was a caster. This became that and my first wow characters name was Rundai (Run-die) loved the phraize so much. Then i grew attached to the name itself apart from the original meaning and its been my ID for everything eversince.
so I was hugely a fan of Tenchi Muyo when I was in high school, still like it.. I liked the style of it and some of the deeper story of it, rather than just the chicks being in the house fighting over Tenchi's affection etc.. I mean the House of Jurai type story, Tenchi being the prince or grandson of the king or something like that.
I like that he had kinda liek a light-saber type sword and the whole battle scenery, involving almost like ceremonial like wardrobes for the Jurai and what not..
Anywho.. 1 of the bag guys had a ship, that sounded a lot like 'sosha'. I couldn't be exact on it, because i barely heard it and it wasnt mentioned often, it being the name of a space-vessel in all..
heres an actual clip of the episode that spawned my id.. and one of the cooler epi's of the series.. when he transforms w/ the wing of the white-hawk.. pretty awesome when i was 14-15.
I won't talk about DreamScaR which is a font, and where that one came from. I'll talk about my old shout casting ID which was "Micro"
One random day playing Diablo 2 after the first week of it coming out, I was looking for a name for my paladin. I looked around my room, saw a box of popcorn (yes popcorn) that said Microwave on it. That extended into Microman which I held for years, and dropped the Man to evantually become Micro, and in later years Micro-Lzuruha. Although lately in other games, Virtue has been a main alias, that's from Gundam 00.
I used this nickname for a looooooong long time now, back from the days when i only played games only in my local lithuanian servers. And back then my nick was Squid, but stupid locals didn't knew how to pronounce it correctly... they really struggled/avoided it, so i decided to change it and write it down the way it needs to be pronounced (if you read it in lithuanian, and some other languages as well). What i ended up was the name that some people could pronounce without any problems, and others (mostly uk, usa) would struggle and rage that the name lacks vowels.
I used to play the MMORPG Runescape, and my name on it was Xfireshamanx. So yeah, I just ripped off that first part. It actually has nothing to do with the XFire social gaming thing, I didn't hear of that until about 3 years after I made Xfireshamanx.
Regardless, I hate this ID and want to come up with a cool new one that's memorable. Any suggestions? XD
Well its kinda embarrassing but I was (still am) a fairly big Bleach fan from way back when so every time I had the chance to steal the nick name Shinigami I would jump at it but it always seems like there were 500 others with the same idea. When I started playing wow (for shame) I rolled a hunter and of course Shinigami was taken and being a hunter I though of a way to mix the 2! and thus Izshinigunz was born.
After a few years of NO one being able to pronounce it on vent or remember how to type it when name changes came in it got changed to Izs and from there all my alts had Izs(emotion/adjective) Izslove and IzsDirty are the 2 I have liked the most since then so I've stuck with them.
Back in SC1/BW it was always something assassin or shadow or insert generic 14 year old sounding name here.
Real name is 'Bas', but pronounced with a mainland 'a', which turned out to be hard for English speakers, they would say 'boss'. So I got nicknamed 'base' a lot when I lived in Ireland. Kinda liked it, but it's always taken on the internet. So I rotated it 180 degrees: base - aseq
my sn's used to be like player2727 cuz i couldn't think of what to use... then i thought oh if i use weird symbols like i see on aim accounts thatd be cool so i made The_S-h(I_n) and that was fail.. then i was just online randomly and saw berzerk in the chat channel so I made KsBerzerk, Ks are my initials.. but every once in a while I'll run into germans who say my sn is wrong and it should be kzberserker -__-
back when i was playing counterstrike about 8 years i called myself lordsniper (sigh) which was kind of too long and i was quickly called Lordy all the time...
When i started WoW 5 years agoI called my first and only mainchar Tyriande (druid reference to wow lore with a twist) which became Tyri..
Now I am so used to this that I won't change it for Starcraft at all