my apologies to the TL community.
my account was used to create this thread while I was away from my computer by my co-workers here at the office trying to pull a prank me, or well sucessfully pulling a prank on me.
if any mod wants to ban me or whatever please do so, I don't care, it was my mistake.
the true lightman.
USA29055 Posts
I will be watching this thread expecting some funny stuff.
Do not disappoint, TL.net.
oh yeah BY THE WAY IM A GURL just in case you werent planning on helping me earlier
On November 11 2009 03:15 Rice wrote:oh yeah BY THE WAY IM A GURL just in case you werent planning on helping me earlier 
'lightman' likes poker, starcraft and sports and gives out his MSN in public and won't post pictures of himself-- but he's a girl, really.
he also apparently feels the need to say that he's a girl upfront, when nothing indicated that he was (we know how easy it is to make an email right?) coincidentally when he needs the help of users.
anyway, I speak french, play broodwar and poker and love sports. I also need to practice my english, how crazy is that? you seem to be the girl of my dreams and I would love to help you out, but since you reside in Florida, I'll have to pass because it would be too painful to talk to you knowing that i will never be able to meet you. :[
unless you are also a professional poker player and we could meet at the bahamas in january!? then I would gladly help!
Is that what they call francophones in the US? Franco-parlophones?
USA29055 Posts
On November 11 2009 03:28 seppolevne wrote: Is that what they call francophones in the US? Franco-parlophones?
I've never heard that term in my entire life!
On November 11 2009 03:25 illu wrote:Show nested quote +On November 11 2009 03:15 Rice wrote:oh yeah BY THE WAY IM A GURL just in case you werent planning on helping me earlier  haha
This actually made me laugh.
On topic: Seriously, I didn't assume you were a girl mainly because you like chess (I know there are WGMs and stuff but at least for me it's pretty rare to see.) Oh and good luck with french. Pero Español es mejor
lol @ "yes I'm a girl"
brb, gonna investigate TL.
England2657 Posts
I'm more interested in the spanish hotmail address.
USA29055 Posts
She has nearly 600 posts on tl for us to interpret! FUCK WE HAVE AMPLE TIME/EVIDENCE
This is kinda like what they do to gays in the military :/
On November 11 2009 03:36 {88}iNcontroL wrote: GUYS I JUST NOTICED
She has nearly 600 posts on tl for us to interpret! FUCK WE HAVE AMPLE TIME/EVIDENCE
I point out this thread:
On May 19 2005 00:27 lightman wrote:ok it's 3:19 am, and I've just arrived from the premiere here goes my review: + Show Spoiler [long review] +To all Star Wars fans out there! I saw episode III at the midnight premiere last night and I would like to share my personal comments. Once again, if you havn't seen the movie, I'd sujest you dont read it.
Finally, we all get to see the key missing piece of all six parts to the trilogy. it brings everything together. Its all non-stop action and it is exciting the whole way though. Fist off The second the opening credits roll, the action takes place right away. Obi-Wan and Anakin have become more skilled and powerful, R2-D2 is more funnier than ever and Count Dooku its killed by Anakin quick and swift. Maybe not the way I like it, but considering the movie was focused on Vader and not Dooku, it was ok.
The movie is over 2 hours and halft but you won't even notice, because it's very fast paced, and I mean VERY fast paced. General Greivous is quite an interesting character but going to see the movie, I hoped that he wasn't going to take such a big part in the movie so it wont take take up so much story so we don't get away from the other characters journeys. General Greivous you might say would be a discrace on the jedi who are meant to be the only characters to use lightsabers to battle, but it was intersting to see a character with 4 arms using 4 sabers and he was eventually killed by obi-wan which was about in the middle of the film. Like Count Dooku, he was killed the appropirate time. The only thing I disliked, is that considering such a dangerous character he was supposed to be, I felt that General Greivous didn't look as scary or intimidator as Maul did on episode 1 or Dooku did on episode 2.
Now we get to Anakins story. It was definately the most intresting story to watch and what we all have been waiting for. Anakin's slip to the dark side was not done too quickly and not to slowly, which made the movie perfect. He did all this too seek more power to resolve these visions he has over Padme' dying over childbirth. It started as saving the ones you love until you realise that u can control the universe. Very nice script telling
All the Jedi get killed by Anakin and the clone troopers who are commanded by chancellor Palpaltine/Darth Sidious/The Emperor. There is alot of death in this film which makes the story very emotional. It is a very sad story but exciting all the more. We say goodbye to likeable characters like Mace Windu and Padme'. Pame' was the one character was the most emotional to see go, second to Anakin. She died know that there is hope in Luke Skywalkers Future.
The Lightsaber battle's was the most interesting to see. Anakin and Obi-Wan's battle was a very personal battle and Yoda and The Emperors battle was very was a very cool bttle to see the most skilled sith lord and jedi master fight each other. Anaking eventually becoming Darth Vader in the suit was great to see. When the mask gets put on and vader takes his first breath was just awesome! Also, what I liked a lot of the movie, when Obi wan defeats Anakin, he cites a Sun Tzu's Art of war phrase: "it's over, surrender because I have the high level". This really touched me. The other excellent phrase that touched me was when Anakin asks for Yoda for help on his nightmares and Yoda tells him "you must train yourself to be prepared to lose everything you love". Very true.
What can I say? It is a must see. The violence is something for adults to consider, take your kids to see the film if they are over 11 years of age. The humor isn't over the top, R2-D2 and yoda brought the humor to life and We see very little of C-3PO and Jar-Jar Binks. I give the movie 8/10. The only disadvantage is that George Lucas making the prequals, we sort know what to expect considering 4, 5, 6 explain the prequals a little. We go into the cinema knowing that the Jedi become wiped out, we know Anakins fate, We know Luke and Leia will be born and we know C-3PO gets his memory erased. Also people have complained about how much they hate the prequals. Honestly if you think they are that bad, i think your opinion will change wen you see Revenge of the Sith. It brings all six parts together in how to accept them, and I truely think that this movie is among the top 3 of all best films.
girl going to star wars premiere? lolwut
USA29055 Posts
HE was the dude who got the infamous "what map" question.. NICE.
Sup lightman? You are a dude. Claiming to be a girl to further your french learning needs.. EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
with creative use of tape he can become a girl
I think