On March 13 2009 16:37 EscPlan9 wrote: How many players would you accept for a minimum? This is only for bragging rights anyways...
I'm not really sure... I don't really think it'll be worth the time/effort if we can't get a decent amount of people. I'd like to have at least 12 or so at the bare minimum, because then we can base our team choices around the mediocre teams, and dis-include the top and bottom tier teams.
28 teams would be freaking awesome though, and I -know- I could create a not-lame system to balance it out.
If Fantasy PL can get 900+ people, and Mafia can get all those people, we can get 28! hahaha. I would have expected there to be more Tecmo Bowl fans on here.
If only this badass wasn't so busy kicking ass
On March 13 2009 20:10 Pyrrhuloxia wrote: If only this badass wasn't so busy kicking ass
Haha, yeah, I saw that pic. Maybe I'll PM him about it, although I'm sure he'll see the thread anyway.
I may have a friend or two who would be interested, one of which lurks TL, but not 100% sure they'd both want to. I may just start organizing it anyway, lol. Maybe if I update this OP with some more details, official rules, official signup, and epic coolness we can draw in some more interested players?
man, inc is so ripped its ridiculous.
Poll: Playbooks - Rules (Vote): Choose your own playbook (Vote): Play the default team's playbook (Vote): Choose a playbook for everyone to use
I think being able to customize the playbook to your liking should definitely be permitted, and encouraged.
I suppose I'd be okay with that if it's an overwhelming decision, however I disapprove. =P
I like to keep things as simple as possible, and in doing so I think we may be able to recruit some tecmo bowl newbies to come play as well, because the game is extremely easy to pick up without any knowledge of football or the game itself. Picking playbook gives a HUGE advantage to those who know what they are doing.
edit: also, random thought, maybe I can incorportate this into the design of the game, allowing lesser teams to customize playbook and/or players, while better teams not, to help balance the teams. This would also force more veteran players who want to customize to pick worse teams, making the league more fun and fair overall. =)
On March 13 2009 21:01 Mikilatov wrote: I suppose I'd be okay with that if it's an overwhelming decision, however I disapprove. =P
I like to keep things as simple as possible, and in doing so I think we may be able to recruit some tecmo bowl newbies to come play as well, because the game is extremely easy to pick up without any knowledge of football or the game itself. Picking playbook gives a HUGE advantage to those who know what they are doing.
edit: also, random thought, maybe I can incorportate this into the design of the game, allowing lesser teams to customize playbook and/or players, while better teams not, to help balance the teams. This would also force more veteran players who want to customize to pick worse teams, making the league more fun and fair overall. =)
You're right that with two players, if one knows the best playbooks (only a couple are really good) they do have a major advantage. Those are the 8 plays you will be using throughout the entire game and you ideally shouldn't have more than 1 "give away" play where your formation lets them know before the ball is snapped what you are going for.
If we had to stick with the default team's playbook, that definitely would change who I would choose. I'm actually gonna quickly go back through to find the best "default" playbook.
On March 14 2009 03:32 InToTheWannaB wrote: so whats up with this?
I'll update the OP later today (within 12 hours) and start to get the ball rolling. Pun wholeheartedly intended. I'll also throw out some alternatives in case we can't get a decent number of signups.
edit: Actually make that 'within the next 36 hours'. I've been staying up until 11am the past few nights, for I'm swamped with a major game design project, and my computer decided to require reformatting today. I'll hopefully have this up by 6am on the 15th (EST)
Alright, I've updated the OP with lots of information, and signups have opened. Sign up! Would be awesome if we could get 28 people. Remember that there's no experience or skill required, and the game can be picked up in no time. Spread the word!
I like the changes to the official rules and the "team tiers". I've PM'd you my 3 teams. I'm stickin with the B-class teams! :D
I'm absolutely interested in this, as I love Tecmo something fierce. I'll PM you in just a moment!
51336 Posts
i'm probably going to pass now, considering it's the NES version and it will most likely be in an unfavourable time for me
United States11637 Posts
On March 16 2009 05:02 boesthius wrote: signing up yo, 49ers for me B)
I didn't get a PM from you -- Check the updated OP!
On March 16 2009 05:00 GTR wrote: i'm probably going to pass now, considering it's the NES version and it will most likely be in an unfavourable time for me
Understandable! (But that's not to say I didn't cry a little.)
Also, response is lackluster so far, we're at 4, but there's 3 who showed interest and haven't popped in yet, and I may be able to recruit a friend or three if needed. Those who have signed up seemed extremely excited, so I'm happy at that, haha. I'm hoping we can get 28 teams, but 14 would be plenty with some rule/format changes, and could also create a shorter-lengthed season.
Spread the word!
One more rule that should be added...
No "nose tackle dives". This is where you select the nose tackle on defense and spam the tackle button right after the ball is hiked, usually resulting in an unavoidable sack. Every other tecmo league has a rule against this for good reason.
The only people I know who would stay committed to this (outside of members here) are people I used to play in other leagues I've been in. Most of them are amongst the best TSB players out there. I was lucky to win even 1/3 of the time against the top players. If we still don't have enough players after a few more days... I'll try to bring in a few of them.
Finally... I'm pretty rusty at the game. If anyone wants a "pre-season" game, send me a PM or IM (EscapePlan9 on AIM) so we can get warmed up for this
Great point, I'll add a general rule about that sort of exploitation. That'd be great if you could get more people, however, remember that this is a 'for fun' league, and having obscenely good players who blow everyone out would kind of ruin that.
I'm a pretty good player who has played maybe 6 or 10 seasons, but anyone who has played for a game or two can usually at least put up a reasonable fight. I've been beaten by people who are playing their first game, before, haha.
I am in! I don't really care what team I get though.
On March 16 2009 11:15 Mikilatov wrote: Great point, I'll add a general rule about that sort of exploitation. That'd be great if you could get more people, however, remember that this is a 'for fun' league, and having obscenely good players who blow everyone out would kind of ruin that.
I'm a pretty good player who has played maybe 6 or 10 seasons, but anyone who has played for a game or two can usually at least put up a reasonable fight. I've been beaten by people who are playing their first game, before, haha.
One of my first games in a league was against one of the top 10 players there and I won, barely. It was mostly because there is a decent amount of luck in every TSB game. Sometimes the "TSB Gods" are on your side, sometimes they aren't. The luck usually comes into play with the conditions of players, "clinch grabs" (receiver hops up to clinch the ball as it goes over his head), diving catches (even with like 4 defenders on him, the diver often catches it), fumbles, and probably a few other factors.
You played 6-10 seasons online? Damn... I played 1 NES and 1 SNES season. I learned a tremendous amount from it nonetheless.
You're very right about the tecmo gods, although my group of friends generally refers to the same thing as "the computer WANTS me to lose this game." That's what I love about Tecmo Bowl. Anyone can play it at a high level almost instantly, and anything can happen. It's got the perfect amount of randomness and skill factor.
I've played about 6-10 seasons total, not online, with anywhere from 3-7 human players, with the remaining roster set as NPC.