lmnop someone posted that comic in the funny pictures thread! amazing! also we should get the new splinter cell when a crack comes out and play co-op on hamsandwich and launch ourselves into the guards in order to incapacitate them. also we can shoot them while they watch tv.
![[image loading]](http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/7404/71863750.png)
![[image loading]](http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/3086/axe.png)
No wonder I couldn't find any servers.
On April 28 2010 12:22 paper wrote:MOGUL KHAN CULL TILL DAWN ![[image loading]](http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/3086/axe.png)
- Tweaked effects on Frostfield Plate to better match the area (Thanks to Warchamp7) - Kuldra's Sheep stick will now dispel stealth on its target - Monkey Courier now has a three second cool down between purchases - Nullfire Blade's purge no longer passes through Magic Immunity
Tablet of Command - No longer be castable on Magic Immune units - Cooldown lowered from 25s to 16s
Icebrand - Reduced recipe cost by 200 - Now uses a Bolstering Armband rather than Fleetfeet - Removed agility bonus, increased strength to +16 from +15 - The movement speed slow now lasts 2.5 seconds when wielded by a melee hero, still 1.5 seconds when wielded by ranged - The slow now stacks in strength with consecutive applications * Each attack applies a stacking 3% movement speed slow. Stacks a maximum of 5 times, for a 15% slow
Firebrand - Reduced recipe cost by 200 - Now uses a Fleetfeet rather than Bolstering Armband - Removed Strength bonus, increased agility to +16 from +15
Frostburn - Total cost reduced by 400 (as a result of IceBrand and FireBrand changes) - Agility and Strength bonuses lowered to +16 each (from +21) - Attackspeed bonus lowered to +20 from +30 - The movement speed slow now lasts 3.5 seconds when wielded by a melee hero, 2.5 seconds when wielded by ranged - The slow now stacks in strength with consecutive applications * Each attack applies a stacking 3% movement speed slow. Stacks a maximum of 5 times, for a 15% slow
Behemoth - Tweaked Fissure's effects to improve performance
Chipper - Delay on casting Tar Toss reduced to 0.25 seconds (from 0.4), projectile travel time increased to 0.75 seconds (from 0.35) * Increases total delay on the impact by 0.25 seconds
Corruped Disciple - Base damage changed to 44-48 from 44-52
Engineer - Damage on Engineer's ult will no longer harm couriers or other splash-immune units
Fayde - Guillotine is now renamed to Slice * The mana destruction is now reduced based on the number of hero targets hit. Destroys 6/12/18/24% of maximum mana, minus 1/2/3/4% per additional target hit (hitting 2 targets would destroy 20% mana each, hitting 3 targets would destroy 16% mana, etc). * Shadow Stance: Stuns for 1/1.5/2/2.5 s * Scyth Stance: Burns Mana - Burning Shadows * Now travels 160 units farther * Illusions now attack 1,2,3,4 times and deal 70 damage per attack * Illusions are now smaller so they don't stack over heroes * Illusions will now chase heroes properly * Shadow Stance: Burns Mana instantly when they are hit (same % as Slice) * Scythe Stance: Stuns - Dark Shield removed. Replaced with Scythe Stance and Shadow Stance * On use, switches between Shadow and Scythe Stance * Starts in Scythe Stance * No Manacost. 48/36/24/12s cooldown. * Cannot switch Stances if either Slice or Burning Shadows are in cooldown * Passive component: Blocks damage based on Stance. 50 damage per charge (max 1,2,3,4 charges, gains one charge every 10 seconds). Ignores damage less than 25. * Blocks magic in Shadow Stance. Blocks physical in Scythe Stance * Example: You have 4 charges and are in Shadow Stance. Get nuked by a 300 dmg nuke. All charges removed and nuke damage lowered to 100. - Reflection reworked * Still grants stealth and the seamless illusion. Manacost/cooldown/duration unchanged * Illusion no longer gives experience to Fayde * Applies 3 second DoT on attack from stealth and stealth is removed/illusion killed. No longer has extra stealth (exits stealth immediately). * DoT no longer snares * DoT damage set to 75/125/175 DPS. Deals Physical damage by default (in Scythe Stance), deals Magic damage in Shadow Stance. * Invibility from the ult is not removed when changing between Shadow/Scythe Stances
Forsaken Archer - Base damage tweaked to 44-50 from 40-51 - Call of the Damned can now be toggled to prevent skeletons from instantly spawning when killing units. Instead, it will build up charges which can be used at will to spawn skeletons at a later time.
Hellbringer - Unholy Shackles attack + movement speed slow lowered to 20/30/40/50% from 30/40/50/60% - Summon Malphas mana cost increased to 200/300/400 from 200/250/300
Ophelia - Number of controllable creeps reduced to 1/1/2/3 from 1/2/2/3
Thunderbringer - Fixed an issue causing the passive third ability to play an overly loud sound
On April 28 2010 12:03 Nitrogen wrote: WHITE WHALE
lmnop someone posted that comic in the funny pictures thread! amazing! also we should get the new splinter cell when a crack comes out and play co-op on hamsandwich and launch ourselves into the guards in order to incapacitate them. also we can shoot them while they watch tv.
Hamsandwich soon.
Wait, is the game even out yet?
wait they made fayde even more imba? so she has 2 x 2.5 sec aoe stuns now.... wtf
yeah it came out like today (on steam at least) but i'm not expecting a good crack to come out for like a few weeks, not one of those gay cracks where it's like okay go edit your registries and unplug your computer from the internet while rubbing banana pudding on your hard drive. and there's no way im paying $60 for dat
On April 28 2010 13:00 Kupon3ss wrote: wait they made fayde even more imba? so she has 2 x 2.5 sec aoe stuns now.... wtf
You can't switch stances when either are on cooldown, so she only has one stun available to her at a time.
On April 28 2010 13:06 Nitrogen wrote: yeah it came out like today (on steam at least) but i'm not expecting a good crack to come out for like a few weeks, not one of those gay cracks where it's like okay go edit your registries and unplug your computer from the internet while rubbing banana pudding on your hard drive. and there's no way im paying $60 for dat
but I like rubbing banana pudding on my hard drive 
I'll probably torrent it tonight, and wait for the crack then too. Unless steam has some ridiculous special where it's 2 dollars or some shit.
steam won't have a deal marking a $60 game that was released today down to $2, btw. i'ma just torrent it along with the crack when a good one comes out like razor1911 or something
fayde is garbage, worse than most gankers and one of the worst carries
On April 28 2010 12:02 L wrote: In more important news: albens, dak cells, where have you been all my life (also pm me hon and sc2 accounts). L has forgotten about me
from hon facebook:
Heroes of Newerth Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans.
no more free hon. Spent all my money on SC2. damn.
This is gonna really suck. FUCKKKKKKKKKKK
On April 28 2010 13:12 GoodWill wrote: fayde is garbage, worse than most gankers and one of the worst carries
People misjudged Fayde imo. She has strong points and can be very versatile by fitting many styles of the game's stage. Unlike heroes who are strong only in one part of the game, she can adapt to fit multiple roles. Need to burst a guy down with magic? shadow stance -> ult -> combo. Running into people with alot of hoods, you can run scythe stance and still dish out decent damage. Sure she isn't NA in gank aspects or Chronos in carry aspects, but she can hold her own controlling the game and giving huge map control over opposing teams. She blends in nicely to alot of line ups with stuns/slows and tbh really shines mid game when she has decent level advantages.
The new Fayde sux imo, but thas only from 1 EM game i played just to try her.
One EM game? Oh boy, that's a ton of data to go by.