On April 26 2010 14:08 OmgIRok wrote:[SC2] Let's Play~!! List of Players![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/captain.png) [Label] [Loc] TL SC2.Identifier [US] OmgIRok Orion.orion [US] xDark.Carnivalx azu.nyan cool ;-;
Tadzio.teamliquid @ US.
I'm currently gold w/ T (need to improve tvz to get plat). other races can't be better than bronze. message me if you wanna play.
On April 26 2010 14:08 OmgIRok wrote:[SC2] Let's Play~!! List of Players![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/captain.png) [Label] [Loc] TL SC2.Identifier [US] OmgIRok Orion.orion [US] xDark.Carnivalx azu.nyan [US] semantics semantics.semantics ($130) [US] paper paper.ryugie [US] Tadzio Tadzio.teamliquid cool ;-;
Yeah i'm a plat zerg easy, ionno how long it would take me to get good at toss and terran but i'll play a few games as them probably soon just to unlock more portraits shitty achievements working into getting me to play more...
for toss i imagine it just is a measure of how long until i can mass serenities as whim and terran how well i can raven abuse like fungal growth there is clrealy an imba caster spell that every race has that wins games.
hey fgts
there's a whole forum dedicated to SC2.
Don't taint the purity with that trash ze.
On April 26 2010 15:58 Tadzio wrote: what are ravens?
That thing that makes you unvulnerable to toss and terran range units and melts zerg units.
On April 26 2010 16:00 Elemenope wrote: hey fgts
there's a whole forum dedicated to SC2.
Don't taint the purity with that trash ze. And what's this thread for anyways. more K-ON vids?
Don't be hatin' on K-On vids, asshole.
Wasn't hatin yo just tring to figure out what belongs in this thread, k-on vids shitty music videos, something called dota, hon, sc2.
Apparently you aren't able to read, cuz this thread is clearly [K-On] Let's Watch and Listen~!!
This thread is all about 856, yo. that's all it's about.
shot a little early there?
i have decided i am gonna play BD warbeast until i get to 1800 psr
On April 26 2010 17:00 GazeRocker wrote: i have decided i am gonna play BD warbeast until i get to 1800 psr
u mad?
my god, chipper crushes so hard i cant get over how fun he is to play can easily solo mid competently and has so many devastating laning possibilities its crazy
yeah good chippers are fucking strong lolll ._.
to paper: i have same mic to DC: OMG NICE NICKNAME