On March 17 2009 04:31 paper wrote: lol riki and devaz
gg indeed
What are you talking about with this bullshit? Devaztayta is better than you at every aspect of the game and is an extremely reliable ally and plays any role you assign him very well.
On March 17 2009 06:22 MYM.Testie wrote:What are you talking about with this bullshit? Devaztayta is better than you at every aspect of the game and is an extremely reliable ally and plays any role you assign him very well.
i don't know how many games i've lost with him on my team because he does the stupidest shit in the entire world. most recent example? deva farms for 45 minutes as omniknight to get radiance vs high HP heroes that have HAD high HP for most of the game. with 0 assists or kills before then. yep, 26 dmg per second when the enemies have over 2000 hp. don't tickle them too much deva. the kicker? i was sven doing over 500 damage, and I HAD TO GET A FUCKING BLACK KING BAR BECAUSE THIS FAGGOT WOULD NOT REPEL NOR GUARDIAN ANGEL ME OR ANY OF THE TEAM IN TEAM FIGHTS. needless to say, we lost. thanks deva! i don't know how testie defends your skill. i swear he loses 1vs1 mid laning vs you on purpose to boost your ego or some shit.
On March 17 2009 06:27 paper wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2009 06:22 MYM.Testie wrote:On March 17 2009 04:31 paper wrote: lol riki and devaz
gg indeed What are you talking about with this bullshit? Devaztayta is better than you at every aspect of the game and is an extremely reliable ally and plays any role you assign him very well. ummm nope!
ryugie it is honestly a complete exercise of epic proportions laning with you, because you are so damn inconsistent at times.
one game doesn't make a pattern lol. i thought i saw a dust on me.
i ended up beyond godlike that game anyway -_-
You rage when someone cses better than you in the lane and you're running a babysit.
Imo nuff said.
On March 17 2009 06:54 L wrote: You rage when someone cses better than you in the lane and you're running a babysit.
Imo nuff said.
...can you stop making shit up? i swear every time you come into this thread, you pull shit out of your ass and present it as irrefutable proof. that's irrelevant. to anything.
1) i haven't played with you in forever 2) i don't babysit 3) laning with most TLers is like creeping against three enemies. the ally always, always, always hits the creep when he won't kill it. and i'll CS better than him anyway 4) it's pretty much given that testie rages more than me now
but yeah! keep pulling that shit out of your ass, L. go you
One game doesn't make a pattern. You're right. But anyone with eyes can see that Devaztayta is way better than you with every hero in every role. This means that you are not allowed to talk down to him. But he's mega consistent and dependable. Until you improve yourself, you wouldn't even belong in the same game as him.
He literally beats you in every aspect a gamer can beat another gamer in.
consistent? dependable? hardly. i don't see what you see in him when every single game i play with deva is an underwhelming or frustrating experience.
it's funny because you only see me play when i'm fucking around with TLers, and you usually play with deva when he has a team that's better than him. realize that he's a huge liability and the team you've assembled will probably do better in leagues. that streamed game when deva was potm was rofl.
Didn't he go godlike in that game? Or the streamed one where he was 7-0 as broodmother or whatever? If it's the one they lost to LHM's team he was broodmother. The other streamed game I was sure he was a godlike POTM.
you guys lost that game and you were meepo i think. deva was leaping into lost battles and being useless lol
That wasn't his fault. That's the game he went godlike in. He farmed well and was a part of most battles and had some important arrows. That's more than enough to ask from a dual laning mirana.
That was us gaining a lead and getting overconfident and then getting picked off 1 by 1. It'd be hard to blame him seeing as every player on the team got picked off by their team-TP-to-tower-dagger-gank.
I actually blame myself mostly for that game for letting axe call me in a lane once at the start giving away a retarded and very important FB. Otherwise other than one bad move from me & Dev up top when we both got picked off (including myself, multiple times) and were trying to kill the tower before they revive/TP'd/dagger/ganked, he played very well. We all understood the problems of that game and vowed to never waste an advantage like that again.
i also think we got outpicked that game. axe/warlock vs meepo looked kinda brutal :[ i say ban (or early pick) axe next time testie meepos :O
Man every time I lose a dota game in IDL I get shit talked to oblivion. 'LOL LVL 50 AND U SUCK' Or when I'm 0-5 as meepo they save the game as 'MEEPO' lol FFS fucking north american dota users. Do any of them even make money off the game or do they just sit flinging shit like X17ers?
1) i haven't played with you in forever 2) i don't babysit 3) laning with most TLers is like creeping against three enemies. the ally always, always, always hits the creep when he won't kill it. and i'll CS better than him anyway 4) it's pretty much given that testie rages more than me now
You don't play often anyways, and this has happened in multiple games. You've proceeded afterwards to pull the standard "lol i don't care its just dota" and putz around midgame doing nothing directly after.
Also, yeah, testie became a ragebucket when i was still playing actively.
I mean, I think you're hilarious and I love you in game, but I really don't see what you stand to gain from ragging on dev when you purposely play so poorly.
i have the solution for you testie
i don't loiter around the map. if i know the game is over, i'll do extremely risky shit for the lulz. but if the game is serious, i'll play seriously. otherwise, i'm not going to try as hard because, let's face it, IH's aren't fun when you play with people who don't seem to improve/listen. if "purposely play[ing] so poorly" equates to shitty teamwork on my team's part, so be it lol. i've been playing for the team from the beginning of my dota career, and i guess that has made me a weaker player overall.
it's just annoying how testie elevates deva beyond what he's accomplished or capable of when deva is a robot that plays for himself and only himself.
Ryugie, you are team poison. You poison the team before they even do anything too horrible.
I rage at the team after going 24-0-9 PUCK BEING PART OF EVERY KILL (except one) AND EVEN ALL-KILLING THEIR TEAM (ALL 5). AND THEN STILL LOSING BECAUSE APPARENTLY DOING ALL THE WORK IN EVERY ASPECT ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. (Granted we had a terribad pub SF who was feeding massively cause he only had like boots + a mask of death at like 20 minutes but whatever.
my poison ... is an antidote for death
I always do it every game I'm naix. Works really well if we have a weaver on our team, just infest the watchers. Those things have 522 ms and are permanent invis. It is the ultimate gank.