HoN Hits 500,000 Accounts! We are pleased to announce that Heroes of Newerth has hit yet another major benchmark! On Tuesday, June 19, HoN hit 500,000 paid accounts! There has never been a better time to get your Game HoN and welcome any fresh blood! [sic]
I don't see how that is reconciled with there being only 200k on the ladder. It also says paid accounts so they can't include Garena. And there are no regions in HON.
Half the players haven't played matchmaking is the only explanation I have. It's quite unlikely 250k people haven't played MM although there are a number of people who quit before MM was released. Also possible that the website number isn't accurate for one reason or another.
Meh, the change in queueing really bothers me, you can be 1890 and be matched with 1620 players on both teams. It totally alters the heroes you can play and pretty much makes supporting not viable in solo queue.
On July 12 2011 12:17 Nevuk wrote: Meh, the change in queueing really bothers me, you can be 1890 and be matched with 1620 players on both teams. It totally alters the heroes you can play and pretty much makes supporting not viable in solo queue.
the change?
there was a time when mm didn't match u with ppl 200-300mmr less?
Story of my HoN life: 1. Winning streak! omg yay im almost 1800! "man im soooo pro" 2. Suddenly pink/blue every mm with 1500's, sometimes if im lucky a 1600 (hooray! :D) 3. Hard carry Insta-pick games. I try to balance out by playing like hag, bubbles, pyro, no use, carries have 150gpm at best, no team play, I tp to defend a tower to find that I'm alone 4.Through countless experiences, winning in those games depends on: your 4 carrys not feeding, or the other team is equally horrible. 5. Crash and burn, losing streak. "ugh ill never get 1800" 6. Quit HoN for 3 days. 7. Repeat.
Right now I'm somewhere in between stages 6 and 7. A couple more rounds of this and I'll change step 7 to: Quit.
Yes, S2 supposedly changed the matching system to get games faster by matching you with much lower people. I believe that in a 1v1 you can go 100 MMR difference between players with each 10 MMR = +1/-1, so someone who was 250 under you in a 1v1 would be worth +0/-10. In matchmaking you can get matched WITH people 250 under you, which is just stupid.
the sad thing about the current matchmaking system is that there are countless ways to fix the outstanding issues that are just not being pursued because there is more money/less work in the current system. and few boycott it because the game itself is just that good.
Rev seems like he'd be good with Silhouette by combining his bonus magic dmg on attack with her fast attack on spell cast and rev's various armor/magic armor reductions.
I just played in a casted game (with 11 viewers... less than there were obs in the game) where kongor killed 2 people after a vindicator got a quadkill. (I played pretty bad but they let a ragey 1600 kid on the other team so they kicked him after he maxed fervor in a trilane).
However, aside from this it may have been the most boring game I've ever played, 3 kills total 25 minutes in.
Just played a 1600 matchmaking game. We had Polly mid who was Russian, Zephyr+Empath who were Brazilian, a ragey american kid on Puppet and me on FA. Hearing 40 minutes of rage in broken English/incomprehensible Russian & Portugese is an experience unique to hon.
We lost in the end. Puppet riced for about 35 minutes getting ganked frequently and never participating in teamfights. Zephyr didn't seem to last hit and had Empath following him around everywhere only ulting him.
On July 12 2011 14:53 wonderwall wrote: Just played a 1600 matchmaking game. We had Polly mid who was Russian, Zephyr+Empath who were Brazilian, a ragey american kid on Puppet and me on FA. Hearing 40 minutes of rage in broken English/incomprehensible Russian & Portugese is an experience unique to hon.
We lost in the end. Puppet riced for about 35 minutes getting ganked frequently and never participating in teamfights. Zephyr didn't seem to last hit and had Empath following him around everywhere only ulting him.
On a somewhat related note, does anyone else feel when playing support that the carries never seem to last hit properly? I feel that i am watching a circus half the time with an autoattacking chrono in my lane. How hard is it really to time a last hit. If it is extremely difficult buy an axe.
On July 12 2011 15:31 xZiGGY wrote: i suck at last hitting, don't know any drills to improve on it tbh
Two basic ways, if you're really bad at it then play in practice mode from level 1-11 on a few types of heroes, just practicing denying and lasthitting. This just teaches you the basic math and animation points.
If you want more intermediate type of training, play 1v1 in a nostats dupe hero against a friend you know is better, getting them to give you tips on how to get better hits/lane.