Ok, I've lurked for a while but I saw this post and had to jump in.
I don't know why no one has brought up the old school "flush" yet. I played AoE2 for quite a while, so I know what im talking about.
I don't remember the exact build order, but the easiest civilization to do this with if you have the expansion is the huns, because you don't have to build houses. Basically the idea is to get to feudal as early as you can and rush him with spearmen and skirmishers, hence the name "flush" - Feudal Rush.
I can give you a general outline for the build order, youll have to experiment to get it to work right. By the way, this is very established strategy, and I don't know current strategy, but for a very long time, when I played, contact in the game always started in the feudal age in the exact way I'm going to describe.
So what you want to do, immediately when the game starts, is queue four villagers and then find your 4 sheep. They will be just out of your line of sight immediately. Build a house with 2 villagers and a house with 1 villager if you arent the huns, if you are, just use them to help find the sheep with your scout. Bring the four sheep to your TC, town center, and have the villagers gather from them. You can bring the sheep right into the town center for more efficiency, so the villagers dont have to walk to deliver their food. Keep making villagers non-stop, just like in SC, and always build a house when you are 2 villagers away from your population limit (naturally, when you are producing an army, you build houses further in advance). Once you have 8 villagers sheeping, send one to build a mill at your berries which your scout should have found by now, they will be within 1 screen of your TC. next 2 villagers on food, then have the next four villagers get wood from a straggler ( a tree not part of a forest that is right near your TC). Build a house if you need to at this point, then send these four villagers to build a lumbercamp? near a forest. Now all villagers from this point go to food again.
Your goal with your scout is to find 8 sheep near your TC, a good forest to cut from, your berries, and 2 boar.
If you have a break in villager production, when you cant afford one, research loom. If not, just get it around the 14th villager or so. Once you have loom, you are going to lure a boar to your TC. This requires micro, but its not difficult. Send a villager to attack a boar, let him shoot it TWICE, then run back to your tc where you have 6 villagers waiting to kill it. Kill the boar as close to your TC as possible, then get food from it. Send a villager to lure the next boar when that boar gets down to 100 food. By the time you finish the boars, you will have more than enough food to go feudal. Once you go feudal, just keep 5 or 6 villies on food, either boar, sheep, berries, or deer if you have some handy. Put the rest on wood, and send 4 villagers to immediately outside your opponents base, which your scout should have found by now.
You should have a barracks on the ground by the time you reach feudal age just outside your oppenents base. Once you reach feudal, start villager production again, but also immediately start an archery range and some spearmen or militia from your barracks, depending on your resource situation. Now make two archers immediately, which will use up all the gold you have, then pump skirmishers and spearmen with all your villies on food and wood.
Start harrasing enemy villagers immediately with your first army, even if you have only 1 milita and your scout. Every advantage counts. At this point, if your opponent is any kind of player at all, he will have the same type of army and I've helped you all that I can; if not, the game is in the bag. Just keep making villies and harassing him, and you've got it. You can build one tower with the stone you start with; use this wisely and place it overlooking one of your opponents critical resources like his wood.
It's helpful to know the counters if the game does reach castle age, which I doubt it will. Either you will win in feudal or get trounced in feudal, depending on your friends skill level.
The counters are Knight line > archers Archers > militia line militia line > spearmen line Spearmen line > knight line
Just a big circle. In castle age, just do as every one else said - keep harassing, build castles, and get some knights. If you upgrade the knight attack once at a blacksmith, it reduces the number of hits to kill a villager from 5 to 4, which is very useful for raids.
In the castle age, the game becomes a macro war, similar to SC, and you should be able to handle it here.
Good luck, any questions?
Edit: Damn. I see that above me the flush stuff was posted but my advice is still a good primer.
The skirmishers/spearmen is a more recent version of the strategy than the archer attack which is described in that article, if its the article I think it is. The skirmisher/spearmen army is more cost effective and will counter his archers if thats what he goes for.
Your best bet at killing him is: English. Mass long range archers, and get 4-6 trebuchets.
Thats fucking imba
Played Huns because of their anti-building cavalry and their "don't need houses" function.
I also played the Japanese as well because that was the only Asian race that seemed usable (although I didn't play Chinese because I just didn't like them and Koreans SUCKED ASS )
USA29055 Posts
I would like to counter offer your bet:
200$ to the winner in a bo3 SC match with me?
PM or reply here.
I will be using Protoss (my secondary race). And you can pick the maps!
Look on heavengames for stevay's guide on how to flush. The flush is totally essential to AoK.
That game was such fun. Now I'm nostalgic...
dude, is AoE2 better than AoE3? i just liked it plainly because of the campaign, it was AMAZING
On December 07 2007 13:19 triangle wrote: Look on heavengames for stevay's guide on how to flush. The flush is totally essential to AoK.
That game was such fun. Now I'm nostalgic... haha! I linked to it, I WIN THIS THREAD
edit: oh man i want to learn AOK now
just go briton and only build elite longbowman
insta win
On December 07 2007 13:19 Folca wrote: dude, is AoE2 better than AoE3? i just liked it plainly because of the campaign, it was AMAZING
Yes, it is.
FLUSH him.
FLUSH = Feudal Age Rush, best done w/ the Saracens because of their market advantages.
He won't expect you to bring the fight to him so quickly, or to contain him so early in a match.
You're doing the AoE2 equivalent of a bunker rush. Get to Feudal fast. Proxy an archery range, and make towers near his town center.
Stuff your towers with archers, watch his peasants and militia men/men at arms drop. But you will have to micro your archers if his infantry get right next to your tower, because at that point in the game, there's a minimum range that the infantry can exploit.
Also you can chase his fleeing units around w/ your archers.
At that point in the game, you can ruin his economy.
Oh, I think one that that has been left out here is the importance of scouting for your resources. Since you'll be playing on a random map, using your initial scout to find ideal expansion spots and location of gold deposits is critical for getting up a good Castle economy. Also, macro in AOE2 is a lot easier than in SC, there is the idle-worker function, as well as MBS and automine. When I used to play I just boomed with Vikings or Japanese, then massed champions ftw.
On December 07 2007 12:50 RtS)Night[Mare wrote: Your best bet at killing him is: English. Mass long range archers, and get 4-6 trebuchets.
Thats fucking imba
Y agreed with that however if you play TC you may want to try Huns however who have an awesome cavalry. I dunno if you have time to learn how to rush but if not learn basic BO which means: Scouting in circles with ur scout to lacate sheeps/berries/savage pig food on animals is far faster to get and doesn't cost any wood while farms do. Going many peons (17 or so) in first age and then don't stay at the second one more than a few minutes. Once you chosed your initial mix of units do the research accordingly not forgetting economical advantage. Go for the counter of what he did( cheap counter units are awesome). If he is a cocky noob playing vs CPU expect either mass rifles or mass special unit of some of the races. Since you should be good at microing go for harass and build many bases get yourself new townhalls on important places mid/late game since they defend by theirself quite well.
A winning strategy is fou feel like out macroing is with celts go heavy on special unit with a big bunch of scorpions. This is totally awesome to watch against non microers.
it reminds me... about 4 years ago, there were a SC-player orky)Soul... he was not that good to get to top3 at WCG rus-prelims (but wanted to go to WCG finals in Seoul) so he played AoE for about a month and got top1 at prelims (at AoE). so he went to Seoul as he wanted:DDDD
I don't know AoE2 but... Follow only one advice you get here. One build, one strategy. Like Boxer vs iloveoov in 2005. 5 times the same build. Otherwise you'll mess things up.
ull win buddy
wish u success =D
I would like to counter offer your bet:
200$ to the winner in a bo3 SC match with me?
PM or reply here.
I will be using Protoss (my secondary race). And you can pick the maps!
The OP should take lessons from LastShadow.
haha, I remember that, not only did orky)Soul win in Russia but I think he won the majority of games in his group stage.
I'm pretty sure a Turkish SC player won in AoM the following year in much the same fashion.
Anyways, I remember having a similar bet with someone at my high school but for Starcraft and less money. He was convinced he was good at the game so he made me play a "No Rush" game on a fastest map. Naturally I trashed him, despite the fact that I'm quite awful at starcraft compared to people at this forum so I'm sure you will do fine, if you're naturally good at games and he is not, it probably won't matter that he's played more than yourself
Just cancel it and have him play me. I'll wreck his life.
make a path throw the forest too his base if he make a wall in front (if you play forest map)
Upgrade the infantry is really needed!!
If you wanna play D still, get rock->Castle 2-3 castle aroudn mean he absolutly need "mech"
Tribuchet own a lot
btw, you can't rush. he just put his civ. in the "big house" and own ur infantry.