Dwarf Fortress - Addiction in ASCII - Page 25
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United States2140 Posts
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United States6454 Posts
On June 06 2011 17:04 stormtemplar wrote: AWESOME! This is what I love about this game. In normal games, stupid, contrived, irritating things get in your way. You fail and you get mad. In Dwarf fortress, a bunch of irritating, perfectly sensible things get in your way. AND IT'S FREAKING AWESOME hehe totally true. I'm playing the genesis mod atm, which adds a ton of ridiculous creatures, among other things. I encountered a giant earthworm in a cavern which took such a massive amount of punishment to kill. It's description put it at the weight of two elephants, and it literally took weeks for one of my dwarves to drag it to the surface, so long that it actually would have been faster to bring a butcher shop to it. Its corpse rotted while being hauled about 200 squares. One of my strongest fighters filled it with spearholes, but that thing simply wouldn't die. It kept getting stabbed, until it got lucky and grabbed hold of the dwarf's arm and just tore it straight off. The rest of my military was attending happy hour or something... Lots of really fun creatures underground in this mod, not to mention dragon raptors on the surface (wtf?). My hunter decided that it would be a nice idea to sleep around one of those things...his wake up was getting torn to pieces. I had to completely block of all access to the caverns once my hunters decided that it would be smart idea to hunt things down there. Some monsters just take quivers full of arrows and just say 'sup lol'. Then the poor hunter gets torn to shreds and starts haunting my fort. Edit: ok and now I'm under siege. By a Werewolf army. | ||
United States2140 Posts
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United States6454 Posts
On June 06 2011 17:58 stormtemplar wrote: 4 words: WHERE IS THIS MOD. Also, my gemcrafter was possessed and made a milk quartz coffin. So I get no legendary gem maker dude, and and artifact that does nothing exept sit around and cry out to the WHOLE FREAKING WORLD: ATTACK ME, I'M RICH http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=52988.0 and the wiki for it: http://df-genesis.wikidot.com/ Adds new metals, workshops, and lets you craft foreign weapons I believe. It's been totally awesome for me so far. Shitton of new monsters, civs, and adds dwarf castes too. Oh god I made arrows accidentally, which automatically get assigned to squads along with bolts. My marksdwarves picked them up, then of course couldn't fire them. All of them are in the infirmary or dead now. @.@ Ok, dealt with the werewolf threat with minimal losses besides my retarded marksdwarves. The instant I finish that I see 'stray dog has died after colliding with an obstacle'. My first though is 'WTFF not good'. Turns out to be blind cave orges...multiple...which broke through the lower keep while my military was on the surface and are now raging throughout the fort. Somehow no dwarves have died since they are being distracted by random war dogs. Ick, my mastiffs are being tossed everywhere though and they take a long time to mature. | ||
United States6980 Posts
When will they show up with an army? Can I order my military to kill them on sight next time or something? | ||
New Zealand1587 Posts
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United States11681 Posts
Pave roads! And Haemonculus, I torture the shit out of my elven caravans too. I make sure all my trade depots have only a 1 block entrance, and I wall them in there until they go mad and starve to death. Free shit! | ||
United States7542 Posts
Also important tip: Don't embark entirely with hammerdwarves if you are going to potentially be facing Blizzard Men. My 2 hammer dwarves spent the better part of a month bashing in an unconcious Blizzard Man before it stirred, ripped the arm off one dwarf, and slashed and broke the knee of another dwarf who's wounds ultimately proved fatal (mostly due to a lack of water). The 1 armed dwarf proceeded to bash the Blizzard Man around for another 2-3 weeks before I was able to convince her to back away and let the beast go. She then proceeded to slay about 40 ice wolves over the the course of 3 seasons before another Blizzard Man showed up at the same time as a Troll and a Giant Mole. The distraction of the Blizzard Man being based on futility meant there was no military to defend the dangers from below and the fort had to be abandoned. The 1st Blizzard Man had a scar/wound list about 2 pages long after I was done with him, but still had no problem hobbling away. So yeah... don't try to bludgeon Blizzard Men to death. The new glacier based fort I made is going well, but I'm really disappointed. It's been only 2 years and all I've had is 1 Zombie Troll, 2 Zombie Polar bears, some Trogdolytes that spawned across my underground cavern (which is just a giant lake with a few islands), and a giant bat that's just fluttered around harmlessly. I miss the constant Ice Wolf assault I was hoping to have ![]() Also fucking cats. I had a cave spider who was happily providing me with tons and tons of webs until the only cat in my entire fortress gobbled it up. 1 Cat and it still manages to ruin something in my fort. I should leave it outside to freeze to death. | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
Regarding metals, my map has only deep metals also, but I've gone down 50 levels so far, dodging caverns here and there, but still nothing.... Do I stil have a chance of finding stuff deeper? | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
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United States7542 Posts
On June 07 2011 06:33 ChinaWhite wrote: Haha, that's why you need a drowning pit :-) perfect for population control! Regarding metals, my map has only deep metals also, but I've gone down 50 levels so far, dodging caverns here and there, but still nothing.... Do I stil have a chance of finding stuff deeper? For my cats? Well I'm used to dealing with a catplosion, but I was surprised that even a single cat (the only one my fort has) could cause such grief. Also deep metal can be as low as -61 according to the wiki. | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
Held off the goblin invasion with 15 losses (all my military basicly), there's about 25 goblin corpses strewn around on my oiak decking, and I'm petty sure they have polluted the well. Thing is, now everyone is marorly pissed off, two have already gone beserk and without a military they're causing more problems than the goblins.... Is it just that they had friends / relatives killed? Or does fighting / invasion in general just upset them? | ||
United States7542 Posts
On June 07 2011 07:01 ChinaWhite wrote: I dont take cats anymore, i think they're actually more trouble than they're worth. Held off the goblin invasion with 15 losses (all my military basicly), there's about 25 goblin corpses strewn around on my oiak decking, and I'm petty sure they have polluted the well. Thing is, now everyone is marorly pissed off, two have already gone beserk and without a military they're causing more problems than the goblins.... Is it just that they had friends / relatives killed? Or does fighting / invasion in general just upset them? Yeah that probably would have been a good idea. I traded for the cat actually. I figured with such limited metal, wood, bone*, and Leather I should try to mass up all the cages I can for defenses and one of them came with a cat. *My cavern is all water but there's not a single fish in the whole thing. My livestock #s are quite pathetic too, I had to slaughter the first few waves of livestock because I had no access to any grazing area. It was either dig out a farm or dig to grass to graze on. | ||
United States750 Posts
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United States6980 Posts
On June 07 2011 06:33 ChinaWhite wrote: Haha, that's why you need a drowning pit :-) perfect for population control! Regarding metals, my map has only deep metals also, but I've gone down 50 levels so far, dodging caverns here and there, but still nothing.... Do I stil have a chance of finding stuff deeper? How do I set up such a pit? I just dug a nice pit in my fortress, but how to effectively get someone to fall into it is beyond me, o.o; | ||
United States6980 Posts
Wtf should I do? He bashed the poor guy's head in with his mace... his blood and brains are everywhere LOL | ||
United States6454 Posts
Ah this mod is too ridiculous. A mind flayer ambush hit right as the dwarven caravan was arriving. A void master wrestler decided to breathe fire on one of the caravan pack animals. The resultant explosion sprayed everyone within 5 blocks with a booze fireball and boiling yak blood. Now the void master is floating around trying to breathe fire on stuff, and my marksdwarves are shooting at it, and the bolts are just hitting its forcefield. | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
On June 07 2011 07:44 Haemonculus wrote: How do I set up such a pit? I just dug a nice pit in my fortress, but how to effectively get someone to fall into it is beyond me, o.o; If you want to drown cats you can just set up a zone at the bottom and assign them to it, catching critters is a bit tougher though. You can either catch them in cages first and then put them in the pit (haven't actually tested this) or et up a retracting bridge linked to pressure pads so they set it off when they cross (sometimes that only works with groups though, you might not get them all. The I like to have a system of floodgates to fill / empty the pit as needed. I expect pumps would be better but that's beyond me at the moment. I expect you could also route them through it and lock / unlock doors and bridges as needed. | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
On June 07 2011 07:52 Fontong wrote: ^^That's justice for you, just check your status menu Ah this mod is too ridiculous. A mind flayer ambush hit right as the dwarven caravan was arriving. A void master wrestler decided to breathe fire on one of the caravan pack animals. The resultant explosion sprayed everyone within 5 blocks with a booze fireball and boiling yak blood. Now the void master is floating around trying to breathe fire on stuff, and my marksdwarves are shooting at it, and the bolts are just hitting its forcefield. Forcefield!!?? Good lord, my guys struggle with goblins (and sometimes badgers), I'm not sure I liek the sound of that mod any more! | ||
United States11681 Posts
On June 07 2011 08:10 ChinaWhite wrote: Forcefield!!?? Good lord, my guys struggle with goblins (and sometimes badgers), I'm not sure I liek the sound of that mod any more! In my old fortress, before my blue screen corrupted my world (qq) one of my fisherdwarves got mauled by a badger boar pack. He burst into like 5 body parts, hahaha. | ||
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