On June 04 2011 20:21 Haemonculus wrote: Hey so I found a bee hive. Is there a way I can rig a trap involving bees? I'm thinking like a stonefall trap... but with a beehive coming down the murderholes instead?
Also, how long does blood stick around for? I don't know what I missed, but the main stairwell of my fortress looks like a crime scene from hell. Turkey, badger, moose, and dorf blood everywhere. Not sure what happened though, but it must have been fun.
edit: Our first forgotten beast! While my very brave military dorfs have slain the creature, one of them was horridly injured and the poor bitch is bleeding everywhere. Her profile fills up the *entire* screen with red text, detailing how every single part of her body is broken, rotting, or whatever.
Time to hurry up and build a hospital asap T_T
oman she bled all over the entirety of my central stairway, and now miasma is spawning on every floor ffffffffff
edit: One more quick question, lol. One of my dwarfs died, and his corpse is on top of a tree. I have no idea how he got there, or wtf he was doing, but his corpse is on top of a tree outside the fortress. He's been haunting us for a while now, and I can't seem to get his corpse back. Even tried building stairways up to him, but he seems a bit out of reach.
Any solutions? He's causing all sorts of fun by preventing my other dorfs from sleeping!
Have you tried cutting the tree down?
Yes, that did cross my mind. Can't seem to select it with the chop trees tool though T_T;
Not sure then maybe using a ballista to shoot the tree down but I couldn't tell you never had that happen to me before. You could make a slab and engrave it with the dwarf's name it should put the ghost to rest.
So after an entire year and a half of no immigrants and trying to survive in a rather savage world with 9 dwarves (pitiful right?) I just got a freaking 24 dwarf migration.
SO MANY DWARVES. I got so freaking used to microing my dwarves because I had only 9, and needed a lot of shit done...and now I just have people everywhere holy crap.
My latest map is ridiculous, the only metal I have is gold, i'm swimming in it, mountains of gold.
Now gold is great for crafting pretty things, but not so great for weapons (at least so I imagine, i haven't actually tested).
And so we delve deeper and deeper in search of some reasonable weapon material, striking two caverns so far, all to no avail.
I know a goblin raid is just around the corner, well into year two now and wealth is ludicrous due to the shiney stuff.
It's going to be a massacre.
Perhaps if I put the babies in a wooden cage out front as an offering they will be happy enough and just leave?
I loved dungeon keeper and i would really like to get into a game that fulfils the hole it left but i just cannot get my head into this game. i get bored and confused picking my spot, i find the poor graphics actually confusing to read
^^ Google lazy newb pack, use ironhand graphics, it's actually not that bad at all. I only started playing a few days ago when the SC2 servers were having trouble and I've sunk at least 24 hours into it (prob more). I dont even notice the graphics anymore.
It's free, but it'd be good value at full retail in my opinion, the depth is crazy.
Check out the youtube tutorials linked earlier, they pretty much eliminate the initial difficulty - it will be worth your time.
On June 05 2011 04:01 ChinaWhite wrote: My latest map is ridiculous, the only metal I have is gold, i'm swimming in it, mountains of gold.
Now gold is great for crafting pretty things, but not so great for weapons (at least so I imagine, i haven't actually tested).
And so we delve deeper and deeper in search of some reasonable weapon material, striking two caverns so far, all to no avail.
I know a goblin raid is just around the corner, well into year two now and wealth is ludicrous due to the shiney stuff.
It's going to be a massacre.
Perhaps if I put the babies in a wooden cage out front as an offering they will be happy enough and just leave? Gold should be great for hammers? Get a military of hammer dwarfs  Gold is among the heaviest of elements so it should pack a punch. Gold armor? I image it wouldn't stop piercing bolts... but dwarf physics are the strangest
I don't think you can get gold hammers outside of strange moods.
It's still all i've found too - gold hammers make sense in theory, I'll see if it's possible.
In the meantime I've attrracted a forgotten beast with my excavations, one dorf had to be sacrificed to wall up the cavern it entered through.
And by had to be, I mean he decided it was a good idea to wall himself into the cavern rather than out of it, no time to free him without enticing the beast. Silly Dorf.
On June 05 2011 04:14 ChinaWhite wrote: ^^ Google lazy newb pack, use ironhand graphics, it's actually not that bad at all.
you have inspired me to try once again sir. I will do my best! ^_^
:-) I hope you enjoy.
I was exactly the same as you when i first tried to get into it a couple of years back, I ended up giving up as the ASCII gave me a headache. I think it's a lot more accessible now though and well worth the time investment.
Threads like this help too, I love reading about happenings in other fortresses.
Oh god, another migration wave of 21 people.
I have so many freaking dwarves now, I dunno what to do with them all. Military training woo
On June 05 2011 06:42 Torenhire wrote: Oh god, another migration wave of 21 people.
I have so many freaking dwarves now, I dunno what to do with them all. Military training woo I hate when that happens, lol. Just when I finally have bedrooms finished and assigned to everyone, 30 random dorfs show up out of nowhere.
The LNP is wonderful, and really helps you get into the game. It's possible to pick up other wise though, just a bit harder.
Eventually, you get used to it. I don't even see the ASCII anymore; all I see is "Dwarf", "Goblin", "Carp."
Man I hate seeing carp :-)
My first couple of times I didn't know I should forbid the dead body by the river....
oh the horror
On June 05 2011 04:01 ChinaWhite wrote: My latest map is ridiculous, the only metal I have is gold, i'm swimming in it, mountains of gold.
Now gold is great for crafting pretty things, but not so great for weapons (at least so I imagine, i haven't actually tested).
And so we delve deeper and deeper in search of some reasonable weapon material, striking two caverns so far, all to no avail.
I know a goblin raid is just around the corner, well into year two now and wealth is ludicrous due to the shiney stuff.
It's going to be a massacre.
Perhaps if I put the babies in a wooden cage out front as an offering they will be happy enough and just leave?
Get out of my fortress! I have nothing but gold, and since the last gobbo attack 70 less dwarves, fomr 120 to 50
On June 05 2011 04:01 ChinaWhite wrote: My latest map is ridiculous, the only metal I have is gold, i'm swimming in it, mountains of gold.
Now gold is great for crafting pretty things, but not so great for weapons (at least so I imagine, i haven't actually tested).
And so we delve deeper and deeper in search of some reasonable weapon material, striking two caverns so far, all to no avail.
I know a goblin raid is just around the corner, well into year two now and wealth is ludicrous due to the shiney stuff.
It's going to be a massacre.
Perhaps if I put the babies in a wooden cage out front as an offering they will be happy enough and just leave?
if you have wood and bone make a path into your fort where goblins have to run over traps and thought marksdwarves and play with the door to insure they keep running in. That should kill and goblins then harvest their armor melt it down and you should have some metal. Also when trading ask for anvils they metal into a single metal bar.
On June 05 2011 04:29 Badjas wrote:Show nested quote +On June 05 2011 04:01 ChinaWhite wrote: My latest map is ridiculous, the only metal I have is gold, i'm swimming in it, mountains of gold.
Now gold is great for crafting pretty things, but not so great for weapons (at least so I imagine, i haven't actually tested).
And so we delve deeper and deeper in search of some reasonable weapon material, striking two caverns so far, all to no avail.
I know a goblin raid is just around the corner, well into year two now and wealth is ludicrous due to the shiney stuff.
It's going to be a massacre.
Perhaps if I put the babies in a wooden cage out front as an offering they will be happy enough and just leave? Gold should be great for hammers? Get a military of hammer dwarfs  Gold is among the heaviest of elements so it should pack a punch. Gold armor? I image it wouldn't stop piercing bolts... but dwarf physics are the strangest gold is not a military metal can't use it for weapons and armor unless one of your dwarves get into a mood and use it.
It doesnt matter now, a most terrible disaster has occured.
The dorfs decided it was a good idea to dig a moat around the outside of the fort in order to keep out intruders, certainly sounds wise.
Alas! One our novice miners forgot the main stairwell was underneath him, and dug a trench from the river right into it. It was terrible, thank god this game doesnt have sound effects.
Most of the dorfs were sleeping two levels below, there was no where for them to go, except deeper... In fact I'm pretty sure a couple drowned before bothering to wake up. The ones that did run were weighed down by their gold earings and granite trinkets.
My legendary miner who actually escaped the initial surge managed to excavate an escape tunnel, but not before the last of the useful crafters / smiths were swept away.
From 40 or so I'm left with less than ten, and the ones that survived are mostly the lazy ones who were hanging around collecting berries above ground. No sign of any ghosts yet, but imagine they will be rather upset.
^^Ah jeez I remember one of my early forts. I'm sure you understand water, but I didn't at the time and just managed to flood the thing.
On June 04 2011 17:50 ChinaWhite wrote:Show nested quote +The the first year journal from my tundra fortress, with no pick on embark. Spoilered for length. Fantastic write up, look forward to finding out what happens next. I suspect that cavern might have some suprises in store. Yep, since it had a big lake there were plenty of things coming out of it. A forgotten beast spawned, then decided to chill at the bottom of the lake for about 6 months. I was really lucky because I checked up on it right as it actually decided it was going to attack, and just surrounded it with military dwarves and dogs in a small corridor. It didn't have a breath attack, so it went down with no injuries even.
Somehow, a cave crocodile managed to get to the surface, which totally confused me because it didn't break down the door. Anyway, the croc was infinitely more lethal than the forgotten beast. It killed things in single strikes...basically whatever body part it decided to attack was forfeit. When attacking one of those things you just need to hope it goes for a limb first and not the head or body. At least that way your dwarf just loses a hand instead of a head. First dwarf that attacked it lost his head really fast. It's kind of shocking to watch a dwarf run at something and then die instantly. It helped that I managed to swarm it though, since three dogs latching onto it at once managed to distract it.
Unfortunately, my df client crashed on saving. It happens to me occasionally, sometimes it saves, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it corrupts the region. The game wouldn't load again without everything being really weird, so I'm guessing the save got corrupted. Wellllll..I think the only metals on the map were copper, silver, and gold. Which I guess can be FUN but imo would rather just have lots of metals. I'll have to remember to use DF prospector next time.
Perhaps this time I will do an embark with no pick into a tundra with an aquifer? I liked dellwon's story. Before I do another embark like this though...is there a hotfix for workshop clutter? Doing a meat industry is extremely annoying because your workshop gets 10x clutter slowdown from 1 corpse.
Edit: ok, I'm going to try out some mods instead. Maybe I'll post later if there are any good ones