Earlier this month we announced that our roster would undergo a few changes. The first of those changes is a trade: we have acquired Josh "jdm64" Marzano as our new AWPer for koosta, who moves to CLG. We have been working with CLG for the past three weeks in order to finalize the transfer between two of North America's finest AWPers, and we believe that we are taking a step closer to becoming the best squad in North America with this change.
It's an honor to have Josh play for our team and organization. He is hungry, motivated and talented, and wants to win above everything else. Failure is not an option. Time to move in the right direction.
- Steve "LiQuiD112" Arhancet
While our time with koosta was short, it was great working with him. We hope that koosta will find his stride with CLG and become the best player he can be.
I'm so happy to see the Liquid roster moving on for the best! Liquid lost Taeja recently and it was so sad, because I was a huge fan of him. However, JDM is a very good AWPer and might bring Liquid to the top!
Knew this was coming when you saw him wearing the Eleague hoodie all zipped up tight last week.
Damn so liquid is basically gonna be at the next major with the same team as last time -adren + jdm...
They need to run a double awp setup. I'm sick of hearing about "s1mple is gonna be rifler." s1mple and jdm awping at the same time would be the most insane awp setup in NA history.
The best part about JDM is he always raises his game for the big tourneys. Whereas some players fall off a little, you don't really worry about him being overwhelmed at crucial moments.
I do wish JDM were a little more skilled with the standard weapons because building around him awping all the time can go south fast if their economy gets broken in critical rounds. It doesn't always happen but I have seen CLG lose matches because of that.