Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
LOL Europe wins everything is all you need to know :3 Mosconi Cup we won in first day Ryder Cup, we let you get on the brink before we won it WoW we win that too
Retire Americaa :3
Fresh 90 ilvl? I don't know as i have 8 level 90s and i don't want anymore xD We boosted a 490 something ilvl guy in Flex Part 1 of SoO though if that is any use xD
[Friday, December 27, 2013 4:44 PM] Teoita: dont tell pandemona i said this but i wish i were american because you guys are just so much better than us its not even funny. i mean dont get me wrong, he's a level 90 and all... but he plays like a level ten. you guys are going to destroy us
On December 29 2013 05:25 Pandemona wrote: LOL Europe wins everything is all you need to know :3 Mosconi Cup we won in first day Ryder Cup, we let you get on the brink before we won it WoW we win that too
Retire Americaa :3
Fresh 90 ilvl? I don't know as i have 8 level 90s and i don't want anymore xD We boosted a 490 something ilvl guy in Flex Part 1 of SoO though if that is any use xD
Europe won pool and golf...
Wow. High level ballers right here.
Oh hey, Torenhire is in the guild now. Guess we found an offtank. Time to clear SoO this weekend - and thus begins America's march to dominance over Europe. #FREEDOM
I look forward to editing in all of our kills in the tier progression thread!
Yeah let's keep the excelling in inferior sports to their respective threads. As far as WoW goes, the writing will be on the wall, err thread.
Guess I need to get some PVE gear
That's ok, some players aren't fulfilled watching other people of cursory similarity complete the most difficult content, and those players are in the NA guild, so there shouldn't be much problem.
That sounds an awful lot like a challenge
What are the raid times for the NA guild? I lost motivation to try to raid with randoms and climb up a long time ago (and my RL friends that play raid like once a month at best) but i wouldn't mind coming back and to raid and play with TLers.
We are still setting our raid times, as people's schedules, mine included, are rough to predict until after New Years. Something like Friday/ Saturday in the evening seems likely, but at this point things are mostly a tossup.
do you guys have enough tanks?
With the addition of Torenhire, we got our two MT's, but we do need a dps with tank offspec if you're at all interested in that. Furthermore, we'll probably need more than two come WoD, so keep that in mind.
On December 29 2013 06:39 farvacola wrote: We are still setting our raid times, as people's schedules, mine included, are rough to predict until after New Years. Something like Friday/ Saturday in the evening seems likely, but at this point things are mostly a tossup.
Any idea what it might end up as? I don't mind waiting to see what it turns out like but i'd wanna help ASAP if you're missing people.
I'd say go with 8 pm EST on Friday/Saturday for the time being.
On December 29 2013 07:48 farvacola wrote: I'd say go with 8 pm EST on Friday/Saturday for the time being.
That's pretty good for me then. If i feel like playing again ill definitely raid with you guys.
Italy12246 Posts
Serejai dont make me swing the hammer k
At least if youre going to fake skype calls do it properly. I dont think ANYONE has ever bothered "pandemona" in its entirety
you bad
edit: also what's the point of a high ilvl if you burn yourself out in a few days getting it cuz lfr
EU as a guild are getting along great, we have some new players and some old ones, and in myself panda and a few other some pretty experienced raiders, so how about you NA guildies drop the trash talk and see what happens in WoD where the real progression starts, they we will prove that EU is the better guild
The more I read this thread, the more I want to join the NA guild.