On July 22 2013 04:15 Noocta wrote: Pretty obvious choices for the last races. I really love their videos, the animations and the humor.
Feel like watching a good cartoon.
Or a pixar movie. Or do people consider them the same thing these days?
I kinda do. There isn't almost any old cartoon made anymore these days anyway. I know it's probably better to use the term animated movie ( actually, not sure what the proper English term is )
But heh, you got the point. =) Lots of personality in these. It's nice to see. MMOs did tend to lack this in recent years.
I too very much enjoy the art style and humor of Wildstar. I agree that it is up to par with theatrically release animated movies nowadays. I hope there are plenty more cinematics throughout the game!
On June 05 2013 01:54 NukeD wrote: To each his own I guess. Im just frustrated at how most game devs (including Bliizard aswell) are out of touch with their player bases for the last few years (or is it me just getting older?).
I think it's all of us getting older to be honest.
Harder to enjoy gaming these days.
Yeah, it's a strange curve. I have much, much more money and much, much less time to enjoy games these days. That's why I've become such a fan- I can listen to streams at work and while doing other obligations, but I can't just sit and game for 4-6 hours a day any more.
On June 05 2013 01:54 NukeD wrote: To each his own I guess. Im just frustrated at how most game devs (including Bliizard aswell) are out of touch with their player bases for the last few years (or is it me just getting older?).
I think it's all of us getting older to be honest.
Harder to enjoy gaming these days.
Yeah, it's a strange curve. I have much, much more money and much, much less time to enjoy games these days. That's why I've become such a fan- I can listen to streams at work and while doing other obligations, but I can't just sit and game for 4-6 hours a day any more.
On July 23 2013 00:55 Moltisanti wrote: I just logged in to beta again and nothing changed compared to start of Beta3.
Isn't it funny that someone like yourself with beta access may have grown tired of what little content is available while there are so many, like myself, without beta access yearning for an invitation from Carbine? (edit I'm not implying you are tired of it, I meant beta testers in general may be tired of the content)
I like to think I'd play everything in the beta, all classes, paths and races, but I could also see myself reaching beta level cap and not playing until more content is released. How does everyone else see themselves playing the beta?
I just got my key for the stress test this week :D
So excited!!!!
I'm both jealous of and happy for you!
I noticed when signing up for the beta that there is a question that asks if you belong to an online gaming group. It goes on to ask group name, group leader name and leadership email. I was thinking maybe we could ask the big wigs here at TL to use the TL name as our gaming group and possibly get a bunch of keys to create our own TL guild with. How's that sound to everyone?
Edit: It also asks group size and website.
Edit 2: Using the TL name in this regard actually isn't a good idea after all. Once I do have access to Wildstar, whether it be beta or release, I look forward to playing with the Team Liquid community!
I'm really looking forward to Wildstar personally.
It sounds like they are going to make combat interesting. Which I highly approve.
I enjoyed Tera style combat, but there were some issues, and lack of end-game gameplay was an issue. Providing that Wildstar has a serious end-game content selection, I can see them going far.
More so if they manage to maintain their sense of humor.
Hopefully this game can break my MMO tradition of reaching max level and shortly afterwards losing all interest in playing the game any further, that has happened recently with FFXIV, GW2 and Rift.