On August 03 2012 14:35 Angra wrote: So we got a helicopter fixed up and flew it around last night. We stashed it when we got off, and I logged back on this evening to make sure it was still there. It was, so I logged off again for only 30 minutes, to wait for my friend to play with him. When we get back on, someone found the chopper, tried to fly it, and crashed EXACTLY where it was parked. How is it even possible to be that bad at flying!? If the guy stole it and flew off, or just destroyed it intentionally, I wouldn't even be mad. But there it is, completely destroyed with this dude's dead body next to it, literally right where we had it stashed. He must have saw it, got super excited, hopped in, and once he was not even 10 feet off the ground, ran it straight into the trees directly in front of him. I don't know whether to laugh or be mad that someone is that bad at stealing a chopper.
Maybe he didnt check the Controls and thought that W would be the key to get some altitude ... :D
Yeah that's what it seemed like it might have been, haha. At least I got an AS50 off of his dead body. But still no consolation for him trashing my chopper. :p
On August 03 2012 13:10 oZii wrote: Hmmm I am watching a stream of guy on lingor it looks pretty cool. I wonder if this doesn't force the dayz dev to get there act together and maybe change the way servers are set up. Right now its private servers so any hackers are pretty much shutdown instantly and more easily identifiable from my understanding.
Have you guys had any issues with hackers?
This is one thing, second and most awesome thing is lack of combat disconnects/alt+f4 :D There is so little server, literally 2 or 3, and they are so hard to get in to, people cannot just alt+f4 if they want to play. There is no way someone can d/c and go to another server to come behind you. This will change if more servers run this map, but it's fun while it lasts.
Oh shit! Just saw the War Z game screenshots and IT LOOKS HOT! Dayz without bugs, more characters, weapon, zombie types, vehicles, medical equipment, food, drinks and a bigger world hopefully without bugs! Was so anoyed when I just found a sniper rifle with a shitload of ammo, just to loose it forever because I filled some damn water on my bottle. That was hard
On August 03 2012 19:12 NeWeNiyaLord wrote: Oh shit! Just saw the War Z game screenshots and IT LOOKS HOT! Dayz without bugs, more characters, weapon, zombie types, vehicles, medical equipment, food, drinks and a bigger world hopefully without bugs! Was so anoyed when I just found a sniper rifle with a shitload of ammo, just to loose it forever because I filled some damn water on my bottle. That was hard
Well, war z isn't even released yet: by most gaming standards, dayz wouldn't be either, it's in early alpha. How many games release early alpha? Dayz will be more advanced by the time warz is even ready to have open testing.
At any rate, the war z takes everything that gives dayz intensity. it KILLS the pvp factor. I guess it's kinda ok for people that are looking for more of a zombie shooter than an apocalypse, because this isn't a zombie shooter. There's no "pvp-free sanctuary" zones in an apocalypse.
Lingor was alright only had a chance to play it for like 20 minutes, not sure if it was the server I was on but I found hardly any zombies or loot anywhere :S.
Also there were loads of buildings with two entrances/exits but I could only use one of them. My guy just kinda seemed to be walking into a invisible wall so I had to go out the way I came .
On August 03 2012 19:12 NeWeNiyaLord wrote: Oh shit! Just saw the War Z game screenshots and IT LOOKS HOT! Dayz without bugs, more characters, weapon, zombie types, vehicles, medical equipment, food, drinks and a bigger world hopefully without bugs! Was so anoyed when I just found a sniper rifle with a shitload of ammo, just to loose it forever because I filled some damn water on my bottle. That was hard
War Z might have potential as hackers are starting to ruin DayZ atm. I think the best thing they could do is rip pretty much everything from DayZ and make it stand alone. I think it will fall into the trap most MMO's fall into and thats trying to please everyone. I also don't like this
You will also have the option to rent and manage custom servers without leaving the game. Players can create either public or private servers, allocating reserved slots to their friends or group members.
Some people do this with DayZ already even though they aren't suppose to. Since this will be allowed with War Z that means people can create a Server grab good loot and go to another server and roll face. Broken leg in a fire fight then just go create a server password it for yourself and a friend heal up go back to another server. I think something like this just makes Alt+F4 even worse.
I like that DayZ forces you to adapt to things you don't like. Im skeptical of WarZ but ill definitely try it out.
On August 03 2012 19:12 NeWeNiyaLord wrote: Oh shit! Just saw the War Z game screenshots and IT LOOKS HOT! Dayz without bugs, more characters, weapon, zombie types, vehicles, medical equipment, food, drinks and a bigger world hopefully without bugs! Was so anoyed when I just found a sniper rifle with a shitload of ammo, just to loose it forever because I filled some damn water on my bottle. That was hard
Well, war z isn't even released yet: by most gaming standards, dayz wouldn't be either, it's in early alpha. How many games release early alpha? Dayz will be more advanced by the time warz is even ready to have open testing.
At any rate, the war z takes everything that gives dayz intensity. it KILLS the pvp factor. I guess it's kinda ok for people that are looking for more of a zombie shooter than an apocalypse, because this isn't a zombie shooter. There's no "pvp-free sanctuary" zones in an apocalypse.
There aren't supposed to be any "pvp-free sanctuary" zones in War Z either, the "safe" trading hubs will just have NPC guards and an additional reputation penalty for killing anyone in there.
Anyways, we don't really know how it will work out until it's released because it doesn't always turn out the way the developers say. And DayZ probably won't be more advanced unless they release the standalone by then, DayZ is so limited by the engine that it probably won't ever get out of alpha as a mod.
On August 03 2012 23:12 oZii wrote: Some people do this with DayZ already even though they aren't suppose to. Since this will be allowed with War Z that means people can create a Server grab good loot and go to another server and roll face. Broken leg in a fire fight then just go create a server password it for yourself and a friend heal up go back to another server. I think something like this just makes Alt+F4 even worse.
I like that DayZ forces you to adapt to things you don't like. Im skeptical of WarZ but ill definitely try it out.
Have they said if there will be a global hive? Haven't seen anything about it so I just assumed everything would be saved on the server, thus killing serverhopping entirely.
On August 03 2012 19:12 NeWeNiyaLord wrote: Oh shit! Just saw the War Z game screenshots and IT LOOKS HOT! Dayz without bugs, more characters, weapon, zombie types, vehicles, medical equipment, food, drinks and a bigger world hopefully without bugs! Was so anoyed when I just found a sniper rifle with a shitload of ammo, just to loose it forever because I filled some damn water on my bottle. That was hard
War Z might have potential as hackers are starting to ruin DayZ atm. I think the best thing they could do is rip pretty much everything from DayZ and make it stand alone. I think it will fall into the trap most MMO's fall into and thats trying to please everyone. I also don't like this
You will also have the option to rent and manage custom servers without leaving the game. Players can create either public or private servers, allocating reserved slots to their friends or group members.
Some people do this with DayZ already even though they aren't suppose to. Since this will be allowed with War Z that means people can create a Server grab good loot and go to another server and roll face. Broken leg in a fire fight then just go create a server password it for yourself and a friend heal up go back to another server. I think something like this just makes Alt+F4 even worse.
I like that DayZ forces you to adapt to things you don't like. Im skeptical of WarZ but ill definitely try it out.
Don't like the idea of WarZ at all, DayZ is so good because its created with a military simulation engine which is so open and flexible (although its buggy and gets hacked). Though if it comes out and it is everything it says it will be I'll be pleasantly surprised and sure to have a play of it.
Is taht game really from 1997? looks good for then if so. Looks awful if its recent and indicative of WarZ. On a sidenote, I will be playing DayZ tonight, anybody know if tents are working properly? If so I can dump my AS50, NVG's, GPS. M4 SD etc and run around Stary and NW airfield naked playing music through direct comms
On August 04 2012 01:13 tofucake wrote: Made a few changes to 382: 1. Signature checks for trees and grass should now happen 2. Timezone changed to UTC+6 (from UTC-6)
On August 03 2012 14:35 Angra wrote: So we got a helicopter fixed up and flew it around last night. We stashed it when we got off, and I logged back on this evening to make sure it was still there. It was, so I logged off again for only 30 minutes, to wait for my friend to play with him. When we get back on, someone found the chopper, tried to fly it, and crashed EXACTLY where it was parked. How is it even possible to be that bad at flying!? If the guy stole it and flew off, or just destroyed it intentionally, I wouldn't even be mad. But there it is, completely destroyed with this dude's dead body next to it, literally right where we had it stashed. He must have saw it, got super excited, hopped in, and once he was not even 10 feet off the ground, ran it straight into the trees directly in front of him. I don't know whether to laugh or be mad that someone is that bad at stealing a chopper.
Maybe he didnt check the Controls and thought that W would be the key to get some altitude ... :D
Yeah that's what it seemed like it might have been, haha. At least I got an AS50 off of his dead body. But still no consolation for him trashing my chopper. :p
a player that has a AS50 but dont know how to fly a helicopter? that surprises me ;D as soon as I went to the Airfield for the first time i just wanted to know how to fly stuff before I find a helicopter and checkd it out :o