Anyway I can play?
Day Z: Persistant world zombie survival mod - Page 163
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England808 Posts
Anyway I can play? | ||
Fiji473 Posts
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Greece2291 Posts
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Germany553 Posts
![]() Kind of makes me want to play myself, but I'm being cheap and don't want to shell out another 20 bucks to get Combined Operations/ArmaII+Operation Arrowhead. | ||
Germany1536 Posts
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United Kingdom1044 Posts
On July 18 2012 18:40 dezi wrote: I'm thinking about buying the Arma Bundle at steam to play DayZ. Is it really worth it guys? Convince me! :D Yes, by far the best £20 I've spent in a long time. Go for it! | ||
England808 Posts
On July 18 2012 18:35 Maxhster wrote: you have to try getting on a server with the new beta patch I am. presuming that the new beta patch is 95054. It would help if this game gave you even the slightest help trying to connect to a server. So far I can see three version numbers, and I have no idea which one I am using. Never mind the fact that I can connect to either of them. And now I am getting kicked while connection due to "BattleEye: Bad player name" | ||
Fiji473 Posts
i hope you get it working ![]() | ||
Germany1449 Posts
i updated to latest arma2oa version and beta. anyone knows what to do? complete reinstall? | ||
Austria2542 Posts
We are looting the barn when suddenly a player with an axe in his hands charge at my direction. After shouting "friendly" he didnt stop. Finally I had to kill him, after he tried to chop my head off. Some ppl mistake this game for CoD ... | ||
United Kingdom6921 Posts
On July 18 2012 18:39 PandaCore wrote: So much drama in this thread, very entertaining to read ![]() Kind of makes me want to play myself, but I'm being cheap and don't want to shell out another 20 bucks to get Combined Operations/ArmaII+Operation Arrowhead. On July 18 2012 18:40 dezi wrote: I'm thinking about buying the Arma Bundle at steam to play DayZ. Is it really worth it guys? Convince me! :D Both of you get the damn game. It is amazing. I managed to sink about 40 hours into the game in my first week of having it, easily worth the money you spend on it. | ||
Sweden1159 Posts
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Germany1073 Posts
any info on if that problem is server related or is this a bug of the mod itself that needs to be fixed? Can Any1 verify if their Tent survived for a Day with items inside? | ||
Canada444 Posts
On July 18 2012 19:31 Tppz! wrote: I cant paly anymore. I always get "wait for hsot" and never changes. i updated to latest arma2oa version and beta. anyone knows what to do? complete reinstall? Using steam? Click ARMA:OA and choose to reinstall battleeye. Worked for me. | ||
United States220 Posts
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United States220 Posts
On July 18 2012 17:53 MaestroSC wrote: he didnt even lose a gun lol are you happy now showing how little you understand about the situation? Ozzi wasnt killed. Ozzi wasnt with the people who were killed. how much do you understand about what went on cause clearly less then you are claiming to. also we have played with 20+ TLers without a single incident... and you are going to say were backstabbers and not to be trusted? we have shared camps with 10-15 people lol and they were tents that WE set up and invited other players to to use as they please. We have NEVER taken a gun from another TL'er. WE have never taken a gun from our own tents that we ourselves didnt get... keep convincing yourself that you telling the people we play with... that we are backstabbers is going to change anyones opinion. especially when you tell them about the truck we guarded for an hour... and then didnt blow up.. and watched them being driven away by a group that has never taken us into their camp. Ya guys! Dont trust scumbag Ozzi he defends ur truck for an hour and then doesnt even inconvenience you for a ride.... what a scumbag. prob he was just mad cause he didnt lose anything..and wasnt even killed.... wtf lolol we have grouped with pretty much every single other TL'er who has ever gotten into teamspeak and asked to meet up... and ask them how many guns we have handed out n shit. we are only ever in our locked channel if we are at our ONLY closeknit tent that we dont invite every1 to. but even then we have 5-6 tents that any1 who is TL'er and responsible can get coords from me. or we occasionally switch when General gets too flooded... which is what we were doing today during Shootemup's screenshot. Too bad he missed the 2-3 hours of us playing with randoms... including P4ndemik one of his own group-mates. ANYWAYS arguing with strangers who are misinformed on the internet is fun and all... but time to share a dayz experience of the day... Carmon... creeps into Zelenogorsk... for a heatpack. (he later died of a cold... he never did get the damn heatpack)... when he gets shot at by a DMR. hes chillin in the store, hears a dude approaching the door.. he opens the door, Carmon lights him up "woot dmr guy is dead" 5 minutes later, kills another dude, who mistook Carmon for his own dead friend... he shoots his dead friend, as he is reloading Carmon lights up guy #2. Ozzi was enroute, and gets there to help grab loot from the bodies/store. I am enroute now as well to pick up the ammo/leftovers also needed food anyways. As I am rolling up, 200 yards from the store Ozzi is looting, "O SHIT they are shooting at me!" Me: "SHIT SHIT ME TOO AS50!!" Ozzi and Carmon "AS50 and a saw and a dmr it sounds like" im running down with bullets wizzin around m,e bobbin n weavin, finally get behind a wall... then we chill for 30 minutes with the group occasionally shooting at us... we wait another 10 mins... they start throwing grenades. These guys threw like 20+ grenades... trying to blow up the store. Superstartran is enroute now... all of the sudden "O SHIT they are shooting at me! O shit they are throwing grenades at me!!" All of the sudden me ozzi and carmon all take off all in separate directions... Nick Kills anasthetic after anasthetic shot him first... most of us get away, Anasthetic manages to get back to his body and loot himself and gets another DMR... Superstartran is the hero of the day, drawing fire and drawing them away so the Pick up group could live to fight another day... Also had some AMAZING luck looting today, found so many camps... =)!! Dayz life is good. Ya that was one of the best and most scary experiences I've had yet in Dayz. Initially I ventured to Zelenogorsk because I needed a heatpack, but after getting shot at and killing 2 people in the supermarket I quickly found myself pinned down. Being the awesome community TL is old and new players alike came to my rescue, and after 30+ minutes of explosions and gunfire Superstratran distracts them long enough for the rest of us to get away. Oh and I didn't go out like a sissy Nick and I decided to have a hatchet battle to get rid of the sniffles once and for all. ![]() edit-oops double post | ||
4410 Posts
That means I'm going to become a full time Chernarus resident. Anyone know how rangefinders work? (hotkey etc) @Scaramanga - u funny bro | ||
Greece2291 Posts
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Greece2291 Posts
On July 18 2012 21:19 Zorkmid wrote: GF is going to be away for a few days. That means I'm going to become a full time Chernarus resident. Anyone know how rangefinders work? (hotkey etc) I have a rangefinder and I just dropped my binoculars, so whenever I press B , rangefinder pops out. | ||
Netherlands2549 Posts
I was wondering if someone could explain this game to me, every1 says it's awesome but when I look at player streams I'm never sure what's going on. Like atm I'm watching Destiny's stream and he doesn't really seem to be doing anything except for running around, not even really killing stuff. Would be cool if someone could explain the basics of the game, what you wanna achieve and what makes it so fun. | ||
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