wtf i refreshed and nothing... i was still latest post so i edited/added to last one instead of doing double post... and now like 5 posts after mine... if you read this... and care to read the ramblings of a tired man (who also set up a tent) read up. =D (and now im on next page instead of bottom of last one -.-)
tldr on my last way too long post:
What i thought DayZ would be like on TL server or with a group of TL'ers playing on a server: "O hey noobies. We have sick gear and weapons.. and we have mounds of both. We can replenish them easy... so here... take a gun and some food/water... lets go kill some strangers... *high five*"
What it is actually like: "O, hi noobs. Getting guns/gear is easy. My group has a stockpile of 50+ guns and enough ammo to kill every zombie on the map.... but we cant take you to our camp because you are too much of a liability to our camp's well being. Maybe after you learn to be as Gosu as us, we will give you a ride in one of our vehicles, and maybe let you see our camp."
maestrosc's new plan: setup tents with makarovs/ammo along the spawn points... and eventually set up a decent campsite where new tl'ers can come and get some gear before venturing off into the harsh world of DayZ.
idk i dont ever plan on having a hoard of 20+ guns per person...and trying to have every vehicle on the map... i could do that on a non-tl server and not think twice about every shooting on sight... only reason i wanted to play with TL'ers was the dream of one day having a giant TL camp... and if it gets discovered/destroyed... o well the fun part was putting it together anyways.. gives you a goal besides "NEED MOAR STUFF"
Guys, sorry i havent been on in like 3-4 days but im full out SC2 mode at the moment, practicing like 6-7 hours a day and i dont really have time for Dayz
Hope to get on this weekend some time though.
On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Actually you can edit your character model. For instance you can have the entire group you run with be a specfic model and do not shoot on sight when you see them. Thats what I ask of the people I game with because if you hesitate not to shoot on sight it will get you killed. Ultiamtely the loot isn't the issue for me, mainly it is a time issue because I hate running on foot or driving for 20+ minutes to have a chance to get back to my body. When I first started playing I was the guy on direct communication talking to people getting shot first. Since the removal of side chat talking with people is really hard to do and it increases in people becoming bandits. Shooting on sight and asking later is the best course of action and its natural in a game like this. tl;dr From what it sounds like your pretty new to the game and with expierence you will understand it more n more. Just keep playing, learn the map, be creative about your approach to the game and you will find new ways to play. I didn't learn everything I know now overnight it took a lot of time n work. So good luck with your tent and be mindful where you place things.
On July 06 2012 19:02 bK- wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Actually you can edit your character model. For instance you can have the entire group you run with be a specfic model and do not shoot on sight when you see them. Thats what I ask of the people I game with because if you hesitate not to shoot on sight it will get you killed. Ultiamtely the loot isn't the issue for me, mainly it is a time issue because I hate running on foot or driving for 20+ minutes to have a chance to get back to my body. When I first started playing I was the guy on direct communication talking to people getting shot first. Since the removal of side chat talking with people is really hard to do and it increases in people becoming bandits. Shooting on sight and asking later is the best course of action and its natural in a game like this. tl;dr From what it sounds like your pretty new to the game and with expierence you will understand it more n more. Just keep playing, learn the map, be creative about your approach to the game and you will find new ways to play. I didn't learn everything I know now overnight it took a lot of time n work. So good luck with your tent and be mindful where you place things.
I get the shoot on sight. it only takes a couple deaths to realize... more people are violent than friendly.
I agree that removing side chat only made the game more hostile and less friendly.
Been playing for like 2-3 weeks... but mostly my playtime involves spawning... running to major city... getting a gun and trying to kill people til i die while not dieing to zombies.
But idk without the social aspect the game just turns into a worse version of Battlefield... so now im trying to be more friendly/social in game... but that means never wanting to be friendly with nice gear because in dayz nice gear = ur a giant walking backpack full of goodies.
i just think hoarding for the sake of hoarding is stupid. having cool guns is only fun if you use them to kill shit... dont understand collecting sick guns and stashing them until you lose them due to a complete reset or something... i understand wanting a tent/truck full of shit for when u die and need new stuff.. or when you want to give your friends stuff and they have nothing... but hoarding for the sake of hoarding is just a waste of time imo
On July 06 2012 18:47 MaestroSC wrote: wtf i refreshed and nothing... i was still latest post so i edited/added to last one instead of doing double post... and now like 5 posts after mine... if you read this... and care to read the ramblings of a tired man (who also set up a tent) read up. =D (and now im on next page instead of bottom of last one -.-) Hey I read the edit, you are right about someone discovering the vehicles (tents were a diff area though) and it was exciting, one of the most exciting things we've experienced for sure. But the whole lategame, you're right to a big extent, but it's very slow moving. We're amassing guns but, while we have kind of a lot, if we were to give them out to all the people in TS for example they'd be gone within the day. I can't speak for everyone but I know that some of those guns I want to be safe for when I inevitably die and need a new high end gun quickly. We DO have too many m14s, FN FALS, and Bizons (though the bizon mags are very short supply) and we could probably spare an m16 or m4, but I love the m249 and we only have one of them (just got a second today, shootemup has it). Basically till we have 3 or 4 of each really nice gun, or enough tents to hold a bunch of mid-tier guns like AKMs, shotguns, etc then we're still very slowly trying to have enough of a stockpile to spare. The prob about those really fun encounters where people discover secret locations is that if you aren't there when it happens, you miss all the fun and lose all your stuff, and also if someone finds your tents you can't move them and there's too much stuff to carry to a new site, let alone enough spare tents.
It's also a matter of how experienced other people are at the game...for example, sure we have a lot of heli crash guns and stuff but we still don't have a limitless supply, and I'm afraid of giving someone a good gun when they still have a lot to learn about the game and they end up dying before they make good use of it.
Sooner or later we'll have enough tents with enough spare guns (tents have a limit to how much they hold so currently our limiting factor is tents) that we can just load some in a truck and drive up to other players in TS that spawned recently and give them nice weapons, but it's a very slow process amassing all that so we haven't hit that point yet.
On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Well if you think about it its not that we are trying to avoid these tense momemnts, but rather as you get the end/late game items and camps things become a lot more important, its fine to lose a tent and an akm, but when you have vehicles full of loot its way more exciting. I would say given the perma-death and the possibility of losing everything makes the caching weapons important. And seriously, if you want a specific gun or anything, just ask, if there are spares surely someone will give you one. I think what you are missing so far (through no fault of your own) is the group feeling of this game. It feels so much different playing this game as a group, having people you can trust help you out. Moments that struck me are when you're lying there unconscious face first on the tarmac and some-one comes 2, 3, 4 km just to help you out, the feeling of gratitude is something I haven't really experienced in a game before and I like to help people out too since it gives you a good feeling. When someone starts out and you go and meet them and give them a ton of shit is what I like to play this game for. As well as the large manhunt-style of play, that's pretty fun too 
If anyone wants access to certain channels, new channels created or absolutely anything to do with the teamspeak, just PM me, I have admin rights on the channel. Also if anyone needs help with the server, same goes, I'm here to help, along with the other guys. I wish tents were still dupable, I was going to set up 20-ish around Berenzino and fill them with med-kits and guns, then guide newbies to them 
The angel of Berenzino is what they would call me, and legends would be told of the good deeds I did. On a side note, going to be back playing very soon, got everything set up and moved so I will be playing when I get back from my parents house next week. TL;DR I'm playing soon, we're all here to help and I'm high as a kite since my work is finished 
Edit: Hey Ghazi, I picked up an MK48 last time I played, its far better than the other machine guns with the awesome sight and camo. do we have any of them spare yet? Pretty sure dark had one too.
On July 06 2012 19:06 Ghazi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 18:47 MaestroSC wrote: wtf i refreshed and nothing... i was still latest post so i edited/added to last one instead of doing double post... and now like 5 posts after mine... if you read this... and care to read the ramblings of a tired man (who also set up a tent) read up. =D (and now im on next page instead of bottom of last one -.-) Hey I read the edit, you are right about someone discovering the vehicles (tents were a diff area though) and it was exciting, one of the most exciting things we've experienced for sure. But the whole lategame, you're right to a big extent, but it's very slow moving. We're amassing guns but, while we have kind of a lot, if we were to give them out to all the people in TS for example they'd be gone within the day. I can't speak for everyone but I know that some of those guns I want to be safe for when I inevitably die and need a new high end gun quickly. We DO have too many m14s, FN FALS, and Bizons (though the bizon mags are very short supply) and we could probably spare an m16 or m4, but I love the m249 and we only have one of them (just got a second today, shootemup has it). Basically till we have 3 or 4 of each really nice gun, or enough tents to hold a bunch of mid-tier guns like AKMs, shotguns, etc then we're still very slowly trying to have enough of a stockpile to spare. The prob about those really fun encounters where people discover secret locations is that if you aren't there when it happens, you miss all the fun and lose all your stuff, and also if someone finds your tents you can't move them and there's too much stuff to carry to a new site, let alone enough spare tents. It's also a matter of how experienced other people are at the game...for example, sure we have a lot of heli crash guns and stuff but we still don't have a limitless supply, and I'm afraid of giving someone a good gun when they still have a lot to learn about the game and they end up dying before they make good use of it. Sooner or later we'll have enough tents with enough spare guns (tents have a limit to how much they hold so currently our limiting factor is tents) that we can just load some in a truck and drive up to other players in TS that spawned recently and give them nice weapons, but it's a very slow process amassing all that so we haven't hit that point yet.
Point taken, and i completely get it.
But I think its also stupid to then tell new players "o its really easy to get good guns."... when it isnt if you arent a part of the 5-10 people who have every vehicle...
When you can travel the entire map in 15 minutes, and you have 4-5 friends on teamspeak helping/protectin ur ass... ya getting sick guns is easy.
Being the fresh newby, getting anything past a lee enfield or winny is hard, especially when you have the people in gosu gear camping the good loot spawns.
i just dont like the "getting good gear is easy noobs" because it makes more people who are new not want to play. and its also a lie imo. but i guess every1's opinion of "easy" is different.
On July 06 2012 19:08 TSBspartacus wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Well if you think about it its not that we are trying to avoid these tense momemnts, but rather as you get the end/late game items and camps things become a lot more important, its fine to lose a tent and an akm, but when you have vehicles full of loot its way more exciting. I would say given the perma-death and the possibility of losing everything makes the caching weapons important. And seriously, if you want a specific gun or anything, just ask, if there are spares surely someone will give you one. I think what you are missing so far (through no fault of your own) is the group feeling of this game. It feels so much different playing this game as a group, having people you can trust help you out. Moments that struck me are when you're lying there unconscious face first on the tarmac and some-one comes 2, 3, 4 km just to help you out, the feeling of gratitude is something I haven't really experienced in a game before and I like to help people out too since it gives you a good feeling. When someone starts out and you go and meet them and give them a ton of shit is what I like to play this game for. As well as the large manhunt-style of play, that's pretty fun too If anyone wants access to certain channels, new channels created or absolutely anything to do with the teamspeak, just PM me, I have admin rights on the channel. Also if anyone needs help with the server, same goes, I'm here to help, along with the other guys. I wish tents were still dupable, I was going to set up 20-ish around Berenzino and fill them with med-kits and guns, then guide newbies to them  The angel of Berenzino is what they would call me, and legends would be told of the good deeds I did. On a side note, going to be back playing very soon, got everything set up and moved so I will be playing when I get back from my parents house next week. TL;DR I'm playing soon, we're all here to help and I'm high as a kite since my work is finished  Edit: Hey Ghazi, I picked up an MK48 last time I played, its far better than the other machine guns with the awesome sight and camo. do we have any of them spare yet? Pretty sure dark had one too.
if this is a double post... sorry... i hope someone writes in before me.
I am not trying to argue (and i dont think u are disagreeing/arguing either... i just dont want people to be like "omg maestrosc is a whiner" blahblahblah) and i appreciate the response.
I completely understand the having the sickest shit, and the goal is to have the sickest shit.
I completely agree the #1 experiences i have in this game are me and 2 RL buddies working our way through a 50/50 server thru the middle of cherno, with a sniper on the roof, another guy covering from a building, while the 3rd ran around looting/collecting... sickest most intense moments so far.
As i play more i find that I enjoy helping out other players/especially new players to be the most enjoyable thing to do...aside from maybe killing everybody i see. (these are complete opposite sides of the spectrum... i guess i have always been a black/white approach to everything in life tho...)
but idk i dont like that u spawn without a gun now... it feels likes david vs goliath now... goliath is up on the hill outside elektro... while david is running thru the city waving his arms in the air, screaming as zombies chase him, praying to find a gun lolol. Maybe cause i remember being that guy running thru the city screaming... but idk.. i feel like spawning with no gun sort of kills this game for most casual gamers.
but again im really not trying to stir up drama or trouble. Mostly just trying to figure out what I enjoy/what I want to do in the game.
I am not trying to say my feelings or hurt.. or im left out.. or im sad that you killed me.. or any of that shit... mostly just looking for insight as to how other players view/approach the game. And im not like "hey man i want a car =(" dont get me wrong.. a vehicle would be awsome... but i would just crash it/lose it/get killed and get it stolent because im more of a ride thru cherno honking the horn sort of guy rather than a stash it in the woods sort of guy
And i am not saying "hey you should give me a sick gun because you have them all." Cause anything that goes full auto im happy lol.i dont need the sickest shit. Again I am just looking for other peoples insight as to how they view/play the game and their reasoning for it i guess as I try to figure out how i want to play/approach it
I think what makes this game infinitely more engaging than any other are the social interactions, and the infinite possibilities of different approaches/styles/mindsets to the game.
again not whining/complaing. I am not "left out" or anything. Mostly just lookint o read peoples opinions on what "the end game" is... or why they play past killing a couple zombies and a few player kills. Cause i mean you can accomplish everything their is to do in DayZ in 1 6-8 hour session... but why do you keep playing, or keep collecting gear i guess.
On July 06 2012 19:22 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 19:08 TSBspartacus wrote:On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Well if you think about it its not that we are trying to avoid these tense momemnts, but rather as you get the end/late game items and camps things become a lot more important, its fine to lose a tent and an akm, but when you have vehicles full of loot its way more exciting. I would say given the perma-death and the possibility of losing everything makes the caching weapons important. And seriously, if you want a specific gun or anything, just ask, if there are spares surely someone will give you one. I think what you are missing so far (through no fault of your own) is the group feeling of this game. It feels so much different playing this game as a group, having people you can trust help you out. Moments that struck me are when you're lying there unconscious face first on the tarmac and some-one comes 2, 3, 4 km just to help you out, the feeling of gratitude is something I haven't really experienced in a game before and I like to help people out too since it gives you a good feeling. When someone starts out and you go and meet them and give them a ton of shit is what I like to play this game for. As well as the large manhunt-style of play, that's pretty fun too If anyone wants access to certain channels, new channels created or absolutely anything to do with the teamspeak, just PM me, I have admin rights on the channel. Also if anyone needs help with the server, same goes, I'm here to help, along with the other guys. I wish tents were still dupable, I was going to set up 20-ish around Berenzino and fill them with med-kits and guns, then guide newbies to them  The angel of Berenzino is what they would call me, and legends would be told of the good deeds I did. On a side note, going to be back playing very soon, got everything set up and moved so I will be playing when I get back from my parents house next week. TL;DR I'm playing soon, we're all here to help and I'm high as a kite since my work is finished  Edit: Hey Ghazi, I picked up an MK48 last time I played, its far better than the other machine guns with the awesome sight and camo. do we have any of them spare yet? Pretty sure dark had one too. if this is a double post... sorry... i hope someone writes in before me. I am not trying to argue (and i dont think u are disagreeing/arguing either... i just dont want people to be like "omg maestrosc is a whiner" blahblahblah) and i appreciate the response. I completely understand the having the sickest shit, and the goal is to have the sickest shit. I completely agree the #1 experiences i have in this game are me and 2 RL buddies working our way through a 50/50 server thru the middle of cherno, with a sniper on the roof, another guy covering from a building, while the 3rd ran around looting/collecting... sickest most intense moments so far. As i play more i find that I enjoy helping out other players/especially new players to be the most enjoyable thing to do...aside from maybe killing everybody i see. (these are complete opposite sides of the spectrum... i guess i have always been a black/white approach to everything in life tho...) but idk i dont like that u spawn without a gun now... it feels likes david vs goliath now... goliath is up on the hill outside elektro... while david is running thru the city waving his arms in the air, screaming as zombies chase him, praying to find a gun lolol. Maybe cause i remember being that guy running thru the city screaming... but idk.. i feel like spawning with no gun sort of kills this game for most casual gamers. but again im really not trying to stir up drama or trouble. Mostly just trying to figure out what I enjoy/what I want to do in the game. I am not trying to say my feelings or hurt.. or im left out.. or im sad that you killed me.. or any of that shit... mostly just looking for insight as to how other players view/approach the game. And im not like "hey man i want a car =(" dont get me wrong.. a vehicle would be awsome... but i would just crash it/lose it/get killed and get it stolent because im more of a ride thru cherno honking the horn sort of guy rather than a stash it in the woods sort of guy And i am not saying "hey you should give me a sick gun because you have them all." Cause anything that goes full auto im happy lol.i dont need the sickest shit. Again I am just looking for other peoples insight as to how they view/play the game and their reasoning for it i guess as I try to figure out how i want to play/approach it I think what makes this game infinitely more engaging than any other are the social interactions, and the infinite possibilities of different approaches/styles/mindsets to the game.
I think you need to refine your play a bit, I don't mean this in a bad way at all, its just generally at the start the best thing to do is head to barns, don't really go into cities apart from for medical supplies and compass/map etc. Then just head north, check out interesting places (stary sobor, NW airfield, NE airfield, berenzino etc) and just gear up from there. You'll find it does get quite easy to find the good shit, and you get a lot less rage since you aren't running round like a headless chicken in the cities. I'm glad they got rid of the spawn with makorov, it means a lot less city deathmatching.
On July 06 2012 19:38 TSBspartacus wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 19:22 MaestroSC wrote:On July 06 2012 19:08 TSBspartacus wrote:On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Well if you think about it its not that we are trying to avoid these tense momemnts, but rather as you get the end/late game items and camps things become a lot more important, its fine to lose a tent and an akm, but when you have vehicles full of loot its way more exciting. I would say given the perma-death and the possibility of losing everything makes the caching weapons important. And seriously, if you want a specific gun or anything, just ask, if there are spares surely someone will give you one. I think what you are missing so far (through no fault of your own) is the group feeling of this game. It feels so much different playing this game as a group, having people you can trust help you out. Moments that struck me are when you're lying there unconscious face first on the tarmac and some-one comes 2, 3, 4 km just to help you out, the feeling of gratitude is something I haven't really experienced in a game before and I like to help people out too since it gives you a good feeling. When someone starts out and you go and meet them and give them a ton of shit is what I like to play this game for. As well as the large manhunt-style of play, that's pretty fun too If anyone wants access to certain channels, new channels created or absolutely anything to do with the teamspeak, just PM me, I have admin rights on the channel. Also if anyone needs help with the server, same goes, I'm here to help, along with the other guys. I wish tents were still dupable, I was going to set up 20-ish around Berenzino and fill them with med-kits and guns, then guide newbies to them  The angel of Berenzino is what they would call me, and legends would be told of the good deeds I did. On a side note, going to be back playing very soon, got everything set up and moved so I will be playing when I get back from my parents house next week. TL;DR I'm playing soon, we're all here to help and I'm high as a kite since my work is finished  Edit: Hey Ghazi, I picked up an MK48 last time I played, its far better than the other machine guns with the awesome sight and camo. do we have any of them spare yet? Pretty sure dark had one too. if this is a double post... sorry... i hope someone writes in before me. I am not trying to argue (and i dont think u are disagreeing/arguing either... i just dont want people to be like "omg maestrosc is a whiner" blahblahblah) and i appreciate the response. I completely understand the having the sickest shit, and the goal is to have the sickest shit. I completely agree the #1 experiences i have in this game are me and 2 RL buddies working our way through a 50/50 server thru the middle of cherno, with a sniper on the roof, another guy covering from a building, while the 3rd ran around looting/collecting... sickest most intense moments so far. As i play more i find that I enjoy helping out other players/especially new players to be the most enjoyable thing to do...aside from maybe killing everybody i see. (these are complete opposite sides of the spectrum... i guess i have always been a black/white approach to everything in life tho...) but idk i dont like that u spawn without a gun now... it feels likes david vs goliath now... goliath is up on the hill outside elektro... while david is running thru the city waving his arms in the air, screaming as zombies chase him, praying to find a gun lolol. Maybe cause i remember being that guy running thru the city screaming... but idk.. i feel like spawning with no gun sort of kills this game for most casual gamers. but again im really not trying to stir up drama or trouble. Mostly just trying to figure out what I enjoy/what I want to do in the game. I am not trying to say my feelings or hurt.. or im left out.. or im sad that you killed me.. or any of that shit... mostly just looking for insight as to how other players view/approach the game. And im not like "hey man i want a car =(" dont get me wrong.. a vehicle would be awsome... but i would just crash it/lose it/get killed and get it stolent because im more of a ride thru cherno honking the horn sort of guy rather than a stash it in the woods sort of guy And i am not saying "hey you should give me a sick gun because you have them all." Cause anything that goes full auto im happy lol.i dont need the sickest shit. Again I am just looking for other peoples insight as to how they view/play the game and their reasoning for it i guess as I try to figure out how i want to play/approach it I think what makes this game infinitely more engaging than any other are the social interactions, and the infinite possibilities of different approaches/styles/mindsets to the game. I think you need to refine your play a bit, I don't mean this in a bad way at all, its just generally at the start the best thing to do is head to barns, don't really go into cities apart from for medical supplies and compass/map etc. Then just head north, check out interesting places (stary sobor, NW airfield, NE airfield, berenzino etc) and just gear up from there. You'll find it does get quite easy to find the good shit, and you get a lot less rage since you aren't running round like a headless chicken in the cities. I'm glad they got rid of the spawn with makorov, it means a lot less city deathmatching.
idk imo it turned the game into a lot more "lol watch me kill this guy who doesnt even have a gun" cause nobody is ever like "o he doesnt have a gun so i wont shoot him"
but i agree i prob should avoid the cities and such... but idk seeing other players is the exciting part =)
but again, until today i had 0 concept/intentions of ever having a camp/endgame and was content being a bandit in the major cities and just going all "death match" on every server.. but now im trying to figure out what i want to do in my DayZ time and thats why im rambling aimlessly on TL.. and prob giving people the wrong/bad impression.
On July 06 2012 19:40 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 19:38 TSBspartacus wrote:On July 06 2012 19:22 MaestroSC wrote:On July 06 2012 19:08 TSBspartacus wrote:On July 06 2012 14:59 MaestroSC wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On July 06 2012 14:42 Ghazi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 07:26 oZii wrote:
I am all for this I want the same thing. My preference is just that its on the West side somewhere. That would give us control of berenzhino with bk and jochan and those guys and another group to control west side.
I kinda agree but I can understand not wanting to give away camp locations. I always talk with those guys in TS I don't like they have all the vehicles but I could care less about the weapon. They are all cool and they came to give me a blood transfusion. Yesterday I came to help out Dark energy even took him to the Fucking NW Airfield and almost died for nothing. They are all cool though they have most of the good shit yea but I really don't mind rolling with a smaller/different group. I am camped with some other TLers in the east who are cool and I have never once actually did any activities with them I just chat all the time in the General DayZ chat. As long as they don't kill him I'm cool.
So Maestro if you would like to set up west side of the map somewhere then I'm all for it!
Let me clear a few things up (had to make new TL, forgot my old pw damnit), because the past couple days have been really hectic. Some time ago, the core group/admins set up a tent location with a couple vehicles. I don't even know if bK has been there yet, it was more imanoob/darkenergy and a few others. Also I'm fairly new to the core group, I'm lucky I got in and got trusted, I gained trust through bK but anyways one day they were running around and found a vehicle. Long story short it ended up being more or less bK's, though the others involved had rights over it also. Shootemup, me, and someone else all found ATVs on our own and fixed em up, though they're all gone now, and Cee found a truck (but Cee plays solo a ton and he said he didn't want it) so that truck is mostly mine, but bK and the group have rights over it as well. I *think* bK, hugitout, and shootemup are all EvE buddies, but anyways with our vehicles and newfound power to hoard crash site loot and become really geared, we needed another tent, and since we (at the time) were not really familiar with camp 1, and Darkenergy wanted us to set up a second one, we set up another. During all this time setting up a second camp to store high-level weapons and equipment, we would usually try to talk about it in vent, and yeah we do try to keep it secret from those who aren't currently running right alongside us and closely trusted, but worse than that was the fact that there are frequently people whom's names we don't even recognize, nor do they say anything, every time we're discussing private info, so tofu hooked us up yesterday with a passworded channel. Top this off with the fact that someone (non-TL, most likely) found our vehicles and we had to rush them out and hide them anew, and while discussing a new place there were 2 unknowns on TS listening in, we're just really paranoid. Darkenergy doesn't usually ride alongside us, the big four teams of TL it seems revolve around darkenergy, bK, jochan/mani, and the relatively newcomers such as you, so it's not like it's you guys against the world. We've been backstabbed a couple times, it just takes some time and a lot of chatting and trying to get involved in TS to get trust with the big names. I wouldn't even say my word of "this guy's trustworthy" has much weight because I'm only like 2 weeks old into the group. You're making a good name though and a pretty familiar face, but give it time. We don't want people thinking we're getting too exclusive and that we're stashing everything privately, we just have so many faces we aren't totally familiar with that might exploit us, because if a large tent site is found by a bad apple, it's done for. Couple other things, sorry to type so much. The snipers in electro, "bandage bandits" as we got desperate for bandages yesterday, aren't hostile to TL. But please keep in mind, contrary to what it seems people think, the fact that we have a squad of geared killers overwatching electro doesn't mean it's safe for anyone not a part of our group to roam around elektro, thinking "ah those guys got us covered." We get someone to ask other group channels for people's locations before we set up a kill zone at any major site, or roaming NW or anything like that, but we still sometimes need some exlusivity when we're set up, and especially need as little talking in TS as possible, we have to hear other shots and any footsteps of nearby players trying to flank. It's really hard to coordinate a bunch of people to find who's TL and who isn't, and if we see 10 people and get good shots but don't take them because after a few stressful moments find out it's actually TL, it's going to get people's trigger fingers itchy, and next time they might give only very little warning before shooting and that warning might not even reach to target, which turns out to be TL. So tl;dr is that if we've set up elektro as a deathtrap, don't flock over there. I don't want to say just avoid it altogether, but it seems like when we say we're in elektro literally everyone else says "cool i'm coming too" and it unfortunately leads to a clusterfuck. Last, about darkenergy, I explained earlier why we set the password channel, we had 2 unknowns listening in. Why they didn't drag you down once they knew you wanted a ride, I don't understand. We planned to give you a ride, but keep in mind it would have taken 4 or 5 people out of their way for a job one driver could have done. If the two vehicles were together (we split up to search crash sites) maybe we could swap and have one vehicle with one person pick you up but anyways I took the van with 2 or 3 others out of the way literally 180 degrees to go back up to NW airfield, and they were like "aw man really do we have to?" I wanted to but understand that it was a burden on everyone else, and I was pressured by both you and them to do opposing things. Then (again I dont know why they didnt put you in our channel) we had the mixup and heard you were unconcious, and heard shots very close, I just thought you were done for. When you messaged me that you are fine and still need a ride, we took shots by server disconnect abusers in bumfuck nowhere and hit a rock in the confusion and popped the tires, leading to a long firefight waiting for bK to bring spare parts. It was a mixup but I'm sorry for putting you in that position and leaving you there. well just to be clear... my tl, dayz, and TS name are all the same.. i wish every1 would do the same... but idk its just you log onto the TL server to play with fellow TL'ers. You get raped by a group of TL'ers and they say "well get on teamspeak and we wont shoot you" you get on teamspeak and they hop into private chat. but i dont really log onto the TL server to rake in a kill count. I play solo/with irl friends for that (tho all of them have quit since u start with no guns now -.-). And i log onto the TL server to try to help out TL players. (which is why im currently working on setting up tents that will be accessible for all. But idk people treat this game like its real world espionage... like OMG this guy is logging onto our TS to steal our camp info to steal our phat lewts. IDK maybe some people are, but idk why people would do that.. its the same thing as stream cheating or hacking.. why bother.. its not fun if you cheat. currently i only log into TL TS when I am solo.. and want to know what cities/places I need to avoid... as i really dont want to travel north or to elektro with a full bag... and have a group of 5-10 people camping the city waiting for me with snipers on every hill lol. edit: the more i listen to people who actually know how to play this game and understand it a lot more than i do... the more i dont understand this game. You get guns/vehicles... so you can get more guns/vehicles... eventually you have more guns than you can use...and all of the vehicles... then u use the vehicles...to...get more... guns...that u still have a stockpile of that you arent using or giving to noobs because you would rather horde them... what is the point? Idk people are so... afraid to share tents/camp locations etc... but from what I have read/heard... thats when the fun shit really happens. example: was listenin in while BK's Hug's Ghazi's TB's... etc, etc, campsite got discovered. Someone was looting their tents, shooting their vehicles etc etc... was by FAR the most interesting/intense/exciting part of the night. They all jumped up and race to the camp and approach from all angles... and save their shit. Then they all hop in their vehicles and decide to refresh vehicle parts/move camp.... was by far most entertaining/intense part of the night... imo this is why you play the game... for these intense moments... but it seems to me like soooo many people are interested in doing their best to avoid these intense moments.. idk personally.. if i had a group of 5-20 people who played consistantly i think it would be WAY more badass to say "you know what our camp is right here you SoB's... come try to take something... we dare you... but idk... my 2nd highest cause of death (1st cause of death = stairs/ladders/roofs... eff u fall damage.) is sprinting thru fields cause i get tired of crawling/hugging the trees... so maybe i just play wrong... idk the more i learn about the "top level" or "true end-game" of DayZ... the more i think its sort of lame.. You amass a stack of loot... so you can stack more loot... and your advantage grows exponentially because you get all the best shit.. and use ur "best shit" to keep people from getting their own "best shit" and you end up with a stockpile of guns/ammo that you dont use... imo this is one of those times i wish DayZ had factions and could make it some sort of team game... like 25v25... Team 1's goal: to steal team 2's shit. Team 2's Goal: to steal team 1's shit... could go the whole nine yards where you have to have sentries protecting your camp and the other team has to do the same, while the rest of your squad tries to loot their camp/loot the map... idk this game seems like it could get AMAZING if you had a way to quickly identify yourself visually... like if you could customize your character with a certain hat/jacket. So people could be like "blue jacket = team 1" and then ya team 2 could have people pretend to be team 1 and wear blue jckets... but then their own team might shoot at them when they see the blue jackets and vice versa... idk im just rambling now.. guess im tired. btw setup a tent with 2 AK's 1 AKm and food/water/supplies. Also has 6 AK clips and 3 AKM clips in it.. interested to see how long it lasts. Well if you think about it its not that we are trying to avoid these tense momemnts, but rather as you get the end/late game items and camps things become a lot more important, its fine to lose a tent and an akm, but when you have vehicles full of loot its way more exciting. I would say given the perma-death and the possibility of losing everything makes the caching weapons important. And seriously, if you want a specific gun or anything, just ask, if there are spares surely someone will give you one. I think what you are missing so far (through no fault of your own) is the group feeling of this game. It feels so much different playing this game as a group, having people you can trust help you out. Moments that struck me are when you're lying there unconscious face first on the tarmac and some-one comes 2, 3, 4 km just to help you out, the feeling of gratitude is something I haven't really experienced in a game before and I like to help people out too since it gives you a good feeling. When someone starts out and you go and meet them and give them a ton of shit is what I like to play this game for. As well as the large manhunt-style of play, that's pretty fun too If anyone wants access to certain channels, new channels created or absolutely anything to do with the teamspeak, just PM me, I have admin rights on the channel. Also if anyone needs help with the server, same goes, I'm here to help, along with the other guys. I wish tents were still dupable, I was going to set up 20-ish around Berenzino and fill them with med-kits and guns, then guide newbies to them  The angel of Berenzino is what they would call me, and legends would be told of the good deeds I did. On a side note, going to be back playing very soon, got everything set up and moved so I will be playing when I get back from my parents house next week. TL;DR I'm playing soon, we're all here to help and I'm high as a kite since my work is finished  Edit: Hey Ghazi, I picked up an MK48 last time I played, its far better than the other machine guns with the awesome sight and camo. do we have any of them spare yet? Pretty sure dark had one too. if this is a double post... sorry... i hope someone writes in before me. I am not trying to argue (and i dont think u are disagreeing/arguing either... i just dont want people to be like "omg maestrosc is a whiner" blahblahblah) and i appreciate the response. I completely understand the having the sickest shit, and the goal is to have the sickest shit. I completely agree the #1 experiences i have in this game are me and 2 RL buddies working our way through a 50/50 server thru the middle of cherno, with a sniper on the roof, another guy covering from a building, while the 3rd ran around looting/collecting... sickest most intense moments so far. As i play more i find that I enjoy helping out other players/especially new players to be the most enjoyable thing to do...aside from maybe killing everybody i see. (these are complete opposite sides of the spectrum... i guess i have always been a black/white approach to everything in life tho...) but idk i dont like that u spawn without a gun now... it feels likes david vs goliath now... goliath is up on the hill outside elektro... while david is running thru the city waving his arms in the air, screaming as zombies chase him, praying to find a gun lolol. Maybe cause i remember being that guy running thru the city screaming... but idk.. i feel like spawning with no gun sort of kills this game for most casual gamers. but again im really not trying to stir up drama or trouble. Mostly just trying to figure out what I enjoy/what I want to do in the game. I am not trying to say my feelings or hurt.. or im left out.. or im sad that you killed me.. or any of that shit... mostly just looking for insight as to how other players view/approach the game. And im not like "hey man i want a car =(" dont get me wrong.. a vehicle would be awsome... but i would just crash it/lose it/get killed and get it stolent because im more of a ride thru cherno honking the horn sort of guy rather than a stash it in the woods sort of guy And i am not saying "hey you should give me a sick gun because you have them all." Cause anything that goes full auto im happy lol.i dont need the sickest shit. Again I am just looking for other peoples insight as to how they view/play the game and their reasoning for it i guess as I try to figure out how i want to play/approach it I think what makes this game infinitely more engaging than any other are the social interactions, and the infinite possibilities of different approaches/styles/mindsets to the game. I think you need to refine your play a bit, I don't mean this in a bad way at all, its just generally at the start the best thing to do is head to barns, don't really go into cities apart from for medical supplies and compass/map etc. Then just head north, check out interesting places (stary sobor, NW airfield, NE airfield, berenzino etc) and just gear up from there. You'll find it does get quite easy to find the good shit, and you get a lot less rage since you aren't running round like a headless chicken in the cities. I'm glad they got rid of the spawn with makorov, it means a lot less city deathmatching. idk imo it turned the game into a lot more "lol watch me kill this guy who doesnt even have a gun" cause nobody is ever like "o he doesnt have a gun so i wont shoot him" but i agree i prob should avoid the cities and such... but idk seeing other players is the exciting part =) but again, until today i had 0 concept/intentions of ever having a camp/endgame and was content being a bandit in the major cities and just going all "death match" on every server.. but now im trying to figure out what i want to do in my DayZ time and thats why im rambling aimlessly on TL.. and prob giving people the wrong/bad impression.
MaestroSC, i am going to try to play tonight. If you want someone to play with I would be more than happy to play with you. Send me a text on TS cause I will have just come from work and be tired and likely forget. Also, I dont have anything right now and am on the southern coast. Im not sure where you are but I could show you how I play and what I feel is the fastest way to get "good guns". Let me know
can a fellow tl'er give me some morphine and a blood transfuion? I got ambushed looting at the military tents in starry and now I'm stuck hiding in one...
I've played almost 175 hours of DayZ.... Been playing since before 1.7.0... So I know what it's like to spawn WITH and WITHOUT a gun.
I do personally think once you know the better spawn locations, and more full locations, you can EASILY get a gun. (I'm even speaking from experience when I spawned in Elektro, and within 5 minutes I had an AKM and 2 kills with it)
I also think the "end-game" of DayZ is PvP. Debate me if you want, but be honest with yourself, the Zombies in DayZ are weak as shit. If they ran through buildings, you MIGHT have trouble. Even then, most automatics takes 1-2 shots to kill 1 zombie.
PvP as endgame especially when you have a vehicle (or multiple vehicles)... Especially when you have M107, Bizon, Multiple M4s, AKs, etc...
Even when solo (or just a small group), PvP is STILL a huge aspect of the end-game as it's all about stopping the enemies (aka, targets of your PvP) and trying to survive as long as possible while out-gunning the opponents.
Now I like the idea of meta-gaming (going into enemies' TS/Vent/Mumble/Chat) because it's like legitimate spying. Yes, if you are afraid of what it would be like to lose your vehicles, of course you'd be paranoid, and I'm OK with that. However, if you have all the vehicles, why would any other group set up shop on Atlanta 69 unless they can steal some? So I feel like unless you're planning on doing a mass mass raid on a NEW server (with about 10-20 people server hopping) with tons of other people, it's near useless to horde guns like crazy.
When I played on TX11, we had a group ranging between 4 and 12 people at any given time of the day. We had 2 buses, 3 ATVs, 2 off-roads, 1 UAZ, 1 Tractor, and both six-wheelers. It was boring as FUCK cuz we could convoy around, farm up stary for an hour straight, and drive around without being fucked with.
We wanted to do something more cuz the main guy had over 2.2k zombie kills, and we wanted to kill someone with our fancy stockpile of 40+ guns. But no one would last more than a day, because they would either get mauled by us, or just not find any vehicles/other players.
Having Atlanta 69 being mostly full for most of the day is good. It's good for non-TL members to see it as a "medium-high pop" server, and see it as a chance for more people to kill. But when they see no action, or no vehicles, or get mauled by a group of 5+, it becomes annoying and boring and stupid, thus making them basically quit the server before they start.
TL;DR: 1. PvP is the only end-game. 2. Meta-Gaming (spying in TS/other chats) is good for promoting PvP. 3. Why horde shit unless you plan to do something with it? 4. (Suggestion) Let others have stuff so there's someone to fight.
On July 06 2012 19:13 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 19:06 Ghazi wrote:On July 06 2012 18:47 MaestroSC wrote: wtf i refreshed and nothing... i was still latest post so i edited/added to last one instead of doing double post... and now like 5 posts after mine... if you read this... and care to read the ramblings of a tired man (who also set up a tent) read up. =D (and now im on next page instead of bottom of last one -.-) Hey I read the edit, you are right about someone discovering the vehicles (tents were a diff area though) and it was exciting, one of the most exciting things we've experienced for sure. But the whole lategame, you're right to a big extent, but it's very slow moving. We're amassing guns but, while we have kind of a lot, if we were to give them out to all the people in TS for example they'd be gone within the day. I can't speak for everyone but I know that some of those guns I want to be safe for when I inevitably die and need a new high end gun quickly. We DO have too many m14s, FN FALS, and Bizons (though the bizon mags are very short supply) and we could probably spare an m16 or m4, but I love the m249 and we only have one of them (just got a second today, shootemup has it). Basically till we have 3 or 4 of each really nice gun, or enough tents to hold a bunch of mid-tier guns like AKMs, shotguns, etc then we're still very slowly trying to have enough of a stockpile to spare. The prob about those really fun encounters where people discover secret locations is that if you aren't there when it happens, you miss all the fun and lose all your stuff, and also if someone finds your tents you can't move them and there's too much stuff to carry to a new site, let alone enough spare tents. It's also a matter of how experienced other people are at the game...for example, sure we have a lot of heli crash guns and stuff but we still don't have a limitless supply, and I'm afraid of giving someone a good gun when they still have a lot to learn about the game and they end up dying before they make good use of it. Sooner or later we'll have enough tents with enough spare guns (tents have a limit to how much they hold so currently our limiting factor is tents) that we can just load some in a truck and drive up to other players in TS that spawned recently and give them nice weapons, but it's a very slow process amassing all that so we haven't hit that point yet. Point taken, and i completely get it. But I think its also stupid to then tell new players "o its really easy to get good guns."... when it isnt if you arent a part of the 5-10 people who have every vehicle... When you can travel the entire map in 15 minutes, and you have 4-5 friends on teamspeak helping/protectin ur ass... ya getting sick guns is easy. Being the fresh newby, getting anything past a lee enfield or winny is hard, especially when you have the people in gosu gear camping the good loot spawns. i just dont like the "getting good gear is easy noobs" because it makes more people who are new not want to play. and its also a lie imo. but i guess every1's opinion of "easy" is different.
I can see your vision but it might be that you are spending to much time in the city. Everyone in TS usually knows I play mostly by myself unless someone needs help/is nearby.
I don't have a vehicle and by myself I have died/lost
MK48 Mod 0
AK74 dragon
out of those guns 2 of them are probably considered rare atm the M107 and MK 48 Mod 0. The M107 lost to a glitch and the MK 48 Mod 0 I dropped at a heli site for said M107. If I had a tent I would have stashed that shit. NVG are definitely valuable. To get gear above cherno/elektro level is pretty easy. You just have to hit up the good spots. Kinda make a route you travel and you will eventually find stuff/people/exciting moments. My heart is always pumping at NW airfield cause I have died more times there than anywhere. I hate going there but I have been 3 times in the past 3 days because I can't resist helping people. I'll complain while I'm there but I still go and its exciting. Played a little with Dark 2 days in a row who likes going there for some reason.
I didnt have a tent well I'm sharing one with someone now. Also TENTS ARE SUPER RARE. You probably could get someone to trade you a really highend gun for a Tent thats how valuable they are, they might even have the most value in the game.
Once you have a tent then it changes the game a bit and a tent really could just be your own camp. Or you could camp with some others. I just have been playing like 2 weeks and I have only had 1 tent that I gave to someone before I realized how rare/important that are but its no biggie now.
Tents are rare but when you have one it changes how you can play. You can then be a bit more wreckless when you have a few weapons stored up. You can make runs to your tent to drop stuff off, medical runs, etc. You aren't going to get high end stuff coastal unless you get it from killing someone. When you get cool lootz you want to keep cool lootz for a bit. I never got to shoot a person with my M107 or my CZ550 before I died but I plan to with My DMR.
Game is fun just group with people most everyone I have never played with but hear them saying in TS is get a few supplies in the main cities and then head up north where the good stuff is.
Just try to group up and play with the guys. I wouldn't consider myself part of the "core" group, but I guess I showed them I was trustworthy by playing along side them for a few days. Not just sniping electro, but helping with camp logistics, moving gear, getting naked to rob crash sites on the middle of the NW airfield only to die, etc lol.
On July 06 2012 22:30 ImAbstracT wrote: Just try to group up and play with the guys. I wouldn't consider myself part of the "core" group, but I guess I showed them I was trustworthy by playing alongside them for a few days. Not just sniping electro, but helping with camp logistics, moving gear, getting naked to rob crash sites on the middle of the NW airfield only to die, etc lol.
Lmao!! that was you running in your undies on the airfield~
Maestro i can only tell you my perspective on things:
i believe that the first two weeks you should try and make it on your own, check out where to get guns and basic knowledge of zombie behaviour, inventory and stuff. Everyone has been through this phase and spawning w/o guns makes this even harder for newbies.
Ive been playing the game for almost a month now and the only vehicles me and my buddy had were useless tractors that you cant drive anywhere because theyre slow, loud and one seaters. Jochan and me have been in TS for a little while now and we have gained our fair share of trust among the guys. Even though they did not want us in on their camps (which i understand having a camp of my own) they agreed to give us one of their vehicles, so now jochan and me have something to roam around and look for heli crash sites.
but the point is that trust isnt gained easily even amongst TLers, yesterday our camp got raided and unknown guys were asking questions about camp sites on TS, one of them being grumblethorpe. (Korv talking about camp sites that he randomly found didnt help either, those were our camp sites and you compromised them, thanks for being a douche btw) learning not to talk about this stuff is a process that you have to learn for yourself, get your own camp site and when it gets compromised and you lose the only two spare sniper rifles you had and see how you lose trust.
We walked for most of the last 2 weeks and we got on fine, you have to understand that this game takes a lot of time where nothing happens, its not always riding around in vehicles and shooting survivors. ive had to run more than 8 km basically everytime i log in...
On July 06 2012 22:36 oZii wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 22:30 ImAbstracT wrote: Just try to group up and play with the guys. I wouldn't consider myself part of the "core" group, but I guess I showed them I was trustworthy by playing alongside them for a few days. Not just sniping electro, but helping with camp logistics, moving gear, getting naked to rob crash sites on the middle of the NW airfield only to die, etc lol. Lmao!! that was you running in your undies on the airfield~ Dont ask me where I had to hide the Stanag mags =/.
Hyrule18982 Posts
On July 06 2012 19:13 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2012 19:06 Ghazi wrote:On July 06 2012 18:47 MaestroSC wrote: wtf i refreshed and nothing... i was still latest post so i edited/added to last one instead of doing double post... and now like 5 posts after mine... if you read this... and care to read the ramblings of a tired man (who also set up a tent) read up. =D (and now im on next page instead of bottom of last one -.-) Hey I read the edit, you are right about someone discovering the vehicles (tents were a diff area though) and it was exciting, one of the most exciting things we've experienced for sure. But the whole lategame, you're right to a big extent, but it's very slow moving. We're amassing guns but, while we have kind of a lot, if we were to give them out to all the people in TS for example they'd be gone within the day. I can't speak for everyone but I know that some of those guns I want to be safe for when I inevitably die and need a new high end gun quickly. We DO have too many m14s, FN FALS, and Bizons (though the bizon mags are very short supply) and we could probably spare an m16 or m4, but I love the m249 and we only have one of them (just got a second today, shootemup has it). Basically till we have 3 or 4 of each really nice gun, or enough tents to hold a bunch of mid-tier guns like AKMs, shotguns, etc then we're still very slowly trying to have enough of a stockpile to spare. The prob about those really fun encounters where people discover secret locations is that if you aren't there when it happens, you miss all the fun and lose all your stuff, and also if someone finds your tents you can't move them and there's too much stuff to carry to a new site, let alone enough spare tents. It's also a matter of how experienced other people are at the game...for example, sure we have a lot of heli crash guns and stuff but we still don't have a limitless supply, and I'm afraid of giving someone a good gun when they still have a lot to learn about the game and they end up dying before they make good use of it. Sooner or later we'll have enough tents with enough spare guns (tents have a limit to how much they hold so currently our limiting factor is tents) that we can just load some in a truck and drive up to other players in TS that spawned recently and give them nice weapons, but it's a very slow process amassing all that so we haven't hit that point yet. Point taken, and i completely get it. But I think its also stupid to then tell new players "o its really easy to get good guns."... when it isnt if you arent a part of the 5-10 people who have every vehicle... When you can travel the entire map in 15 minutes, and you have 4-5 friends on teamspeak helping/protectin ur ass... ya getting sick guns is easy. Being the fresh newby, getting anything past a lee enfield or winny is hard, especially when you have the people in gosu gear camping the good loot spawns. i just dont like the "getting good gear is easy noobs" because it makes more people who are new not want to play. and its also a lie imo. but i guess every1's opinion of "easy" is different. Dude I got my M16A2 M203 from the north fire station in Elektro. That and the SAW are our 2 rarest guns.
Also, we hunt crash sites because other people hunt crash sites. We've had a few awesome adventures battling for control of them, only to find out they've dropped 12 more FN FALs (which we are happy to give away, btw).
If a TL guy spawns and needs gear we're also more than happy to help. If we're around will give you overwatch np (we are usually either in Elektro or around Berezino, or roaming for crash sites). I'm trying to arrange my windows so I can see who's talking and I'll try to move it to see PMs tonight (I have it set for windowed so I can start streaming when I get less terrible), so if I'm on and in a private channel shoot me a PM and I'll respond.
On July 06 2012 22:38 Maxhster wrote: Maestro i can only tell you my perspective on things:
i believe that the first two weeks you should try and make it on your own, check out where to get guns and basic knowledge of zombie behaviour, inventory and stuff. Everyone has been through this phase and spawning w/o guns makes this even harder for newbies.
Ive been playing the game for almost a month now and the only vehicles me and my buddy had were useless tractors that you cant drive anywhere because theyre slow, loud and one seaters. Jochan and me have been in TS for a little while now and we have gained our fair share of trust among the guys. Even though they did not want us in on their camps (which i understand having a camp of my own) they agreed to give us one of their vehicles, so now jochan and me have something to roam around and look for heli crash sites.
but the point is that trust isnt gained easily even amongst TLers, yesterday our camp got raided and unknown guys were asking questions about camp sites on TS, one of them being grumblethorpe. (Korv talking about camp sites that he randomly found didnt help either, those were our camp sites and you compromised them, thanks for being a douche btw) learning not to talk about this stuff is a process that you have to learn for yourself, get your own camp site and when it gets compromised and you lose the only two spare sniper rifles you had and see how you lose trust.
We walked for most of the last 2 weeks and we got on fine, you have to understand that this game takes a lot of time where nothing happens, its not always riding around in vehicles and shooting survivors. ive had to run more than 8 km basically everytime i log in...
Mani you have a PM 