Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Page 1066
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Denmark1413 Posts
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Netherlands2209 Posts
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France9034 Posts
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Denmark1413 Posts
No idea what's going on there but I'm happy the MM server picker solved the issue. Also playing on EU west is so much better, and 20 ping vs 60 is glorious as well. Had a great game when I tried it out. That match really completely went my way ![]() ![]() | ||
Germany86 Posts
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Finland7086 Posts
I'm a progamer | ||
Canada515 Posts
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Pakistan10726 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [minor monologue/musings, this is compl…] + So I got in touch with a friend of mine from college who apparently played and carried his ass to supreme. Its one of the first times Ive regularly qued with someone rather than just soloing because I cba to play with people who want to play like 4-5 games a day. Im a 4-5 games a week type person now. But then I made it to Supreme to just now and since prime started I havent lost a game, Im literally sitting at 10 wins and 2 draws since Prime.I only have like 200 some wins over like 2 years. I always used to feel out of my depth as I ranked up but I was fine with it because Ive had my fair share of getting absolutely murdered by pro's back in the 1.6 days, I dont play as much as I think I should to play at a decently high level even if it is MM but one thing I'd learned from getting my ass handed to me is that if you just keep learning from and absorbing the game without getting frustrated you will keep getting better and depending on your ability can hang with people. Ive had as many cancer games as the next guy but Im just so passed ladder anxiety it doesnt bother me at all. Ive done nothing special I hardly even know smokes on most maps and I can barely use pop flashes, and Im mediocre to ok Aim. I can read the game maybe a bit better than others but thats really about it. But the few games Ive played Ive felt very comfortable at this level, im not scared of anyone, im sharp I dont fail sprays anymore. And all I need is like 10 odd minutes to warmup. I havent felt this way about a game since I quit 1.6 back in like 07. | ||
Netherlands2119 Posts
Also, somehow feels heavy to play low sens lately, maybe routine will fix. Only dropped 3 ranks in a year, Supreme to DMG ^^ Or actually, the drops were in a span of 10 games orso. Haven't gone up again :'( + Show Spoiler [Community request?] + I have some clips that I feel are pretty cool highlights. I never bothered with GOTV and demo recording etc. But I have a list of games I know have some MM highlights. I actually filmed a lot of my mobile, ghetto style but that could be a preview to see what you'd want to use. Would anyone be interested in compiling it to a video? Editing is up to you. I don't really know if this is allowed and also don't know what to give in return but PM me if you are interested. Mainly Supreme level. | ||
Finland1882 Posts
Is there any kind of excuse to use the revolver right now? I'm not looking for any kind of groundbreaking reason to pick it over deagle, but I'd love to find at least some kind of situation where could do something midly amusing or surprising every once in a while. Has anyone tried playing more with r8? | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
He's silver something | ||
Germany2808 Posts
On July 28 2016 00:15 Bacillus wrote: I guess this could go to the simple questions thread too, but since this is probably the more active one anyway... Is there any kind of excuse to use the revolver right now? I'm not looking for any kind of groundbreaking reason to pick it over deagle, but I'd love to find at least some kind of situation where could do something midly amusing or surprising every once in a while. Has anyone tried playing more with r8? I am only playing r8 and never pick up the deagle. But the reason is not that there is a point for the R8 to be in game, as the deagle does the same job much better for 150$ less. I never learned the deagle, I never became anywhere good with it, I always use 5-7 or Tec 9 in any case and I never play long-range positions when I am on an upgraded pistol. The 5-7 and Tec 9 are so strong in anything mid and short range with their oneshot heads in close combats and their very low spread in (running) mid range spray fights. Following this, I never bothered to learn how to use the deagle perfectly in any way. So I take the R8 instead of the deagle: I got a R8 skin, I dont got a deagle skin. R8 is sucks, deagle sucks when you dont know how to control it. I have no idea how to use it. R8 is a troll weapon, you can use it like the negev. You never have to drop a deagle, cuz nobody wants your R8. In combat situations, the R8 is pretty much a dink machine. Long range p250, 5-7 or Tec 9 headshots reduce the targets to 1-15 hp and make them 1 bullet targets. The R8 makes this with a body hit. You then need someone to clean up your mess. The problem is, thanks to the mechanic of the R8, you hit most likely one guy, then you get noticed and under fire. You can now I rethink your engagement or you try again, getting another shot out (or get headshoted) and then getting killed. Not to mention, that other players listen when you are "triggering" the R8, you have to constantly push mouse 1 and let it go before you shot so your reactiontime once you see someone has to be as low as possible. So give away your position constant and thus have problems in anything following: In short combat you would think the spam click is pretty good, but it is not. Its extremly rare to hit to spam shots in the body and kill an enemy, they go all way, left, right, but not center. I once killed to enemys by headshots with my R8 while the guy I was spam-shooting at infront of me didnt even get hit and killed me. Badly is, that you either give away your position by spamming mouse 1 without shooting to reduce the reaction time of your shots or you have a long reaction time or you have to use the spamshots. And these suck. So for CT: It sucks in close positions, because Ts either know where you are, you will never shot first or you have to use random spamshots. In long range fights, it can be okay, because you shot at what you target, even when walking, you need fast reaction time (for example starting the trigger, then running out of cover and aim on the target('s head). This can work, but most often ends in you giving 80-90 damage and dying. For T, it sucks again in anything close position, you can only use it to run past a cover and hit a precise shot at someone you flick on. So as a R8 user: Dont bother with it, play 5-7/tec 9 or deagle. Its still a joke weapon without even a niche role. On July 28 2016 00:23 Sn0_Man wrote: My friend prefers it for teamkilling since it's the cheapest 1-shot on allies (if you headshot) He's silver something Not right, the Zeus body hit kills any teammates if you are close enough and it only costs 200. | ||
Denmark1413 Posts
On July 27 2016 22:47 Sableyeah wrote: + Show Spoiler [Community request?] + I have some clips that I feel are pretty cool highlights. I never bothered with GOTV and demo recording etc. But I have a list of games I know have some MM highlights. I actually filmed a lot of my mobile, ghetto style but that could be a preview to see what you'd want to use. Would anyone be interested in compiling it to a video? Editing is up to you. I don't really know if this is allowed and also don't know what to give in return but PM me if you are interested. Mainly Supreme level. Sure, I can take a look at it and possibly throw it into a video if that's cool. Do you know what rounds the highlights happen in? Because one thing that I don't want to do is watch a whole ~45-min demo haha. Feel free to send anything over in a PM or something. | ||
Finland7086 Posts
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Germany1464 Posts
On July 28 2016 00:23 Sn0_Man wrote: My friend prefers it for teamkilling since it's the cheapest 1-shot on allies (if you headshot) He's silver something That nails it. xD | ||
Sweden5587 Posts
On July 24 2016 20:41 NihiLStarcraft wrote: I have to say my CS:GO overwatch experience so far has been pretty good. I've done like 15-20 cases in the first two days that I've had access to overwatch and so far it's been about 5 obvious to blatant hackers (including one straight up spinbot that made me feel super dizzy watching) and 2-3 griefers. So a pretty 'good' turnout in the sense that it wasn't just random people getting reported for no reason for the most part. I'm having fun doing these as well for the time being. proably a stupid question, but how do you fast forward when you watch the overwatch demos? I dont have the patience to see through the whole game, especially not if it is a blatant cheater and you can tell already after the first round... | ||
2774 Posts
On July 28 2016 19:57 Elroi wrote: proably a stupid question, but how do you fast forward when you watch the overwatch demos? I dont have the patience to see through the whole game, especially not if it is a blatant cheater and you can tell already after the first round... Shift-F2 brings up the controls. You should still watch through the entire demo properly though. | ||
Chile34167 Posts
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France9034 Posts
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Denmark1413 Posts
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